

中学2年生 比較級

2014-09-06 | 英語勉強



old,long,new,hard,fast,tall,short,cold,small,warm,high,dark,soon,kind,great,large,nice,late,busy,happy,early,pretty,easy,big,hot,wise etc..



famous,important,difficult,interesting,popular,careful,important,tired,exciting,useful,  etc..









late-later-letest (遅い)※時間

late-latter-last (遅い)※順番

old-older-oldest (年をとった)※年齢


far-farther-farthest (遠い)※距離

far-further-furthest (さらに)※程度




I look like younger than you.

He likes going out than plaing inside on his holiyday 



文法 中学2年生

2014-08-31 | 英語勉強


★beside +~self われを忘れて

 -They were beside themselves with joy.

★for ~self 自分のために

-I studied very hard for myself.

★感嘆文 なんて~なんでしょう

-名詞を強調⇒What a(an)+形容詞+名詞+主語+動詞!


 -What a smart boy he is !

 -How smart that boy is!

-What expensive books he has!

-How expenseve his book is!

-What short pencil this is!

-How short this pencil is!

-How fast he can ran!


-What a high building!

-How nice


★命令文+~,Will you? ~して下さいね。

-Don't be noisy,will you?

-Turn on the light,will you?


★Let's ~ + ~,shall we ? ~しましょうよ。

Let's play soccer,shall we?




・begin ・start ・like ・hate ・intend(~するつもり) ・prefare   etc...

He began studying English.  He began to study English.

We will start studying English at 7PM. We will start to do homework at 7P.M.

I like watching TV.     I like to TV.

She hate swimming. She hate to swim in the sea.

They intend playing the guiter.  They intend to play the guiter.

I prefare walking there.  I prefare to walk there.



・enjoy ・finish ・avoid(さける) ・give up ・mind(気にする)

 I enjoyed taiking togther.

He finish writing the letter.

She avoid driving the car.

He give up buying new CD.

You do not mind being late.

③不定詞(to 動詞)だけ使える動詞

・want ・hope ・decid ・expect ・promise

 I want to play baseball.

She hope to come to the park with you.

He decid to study heard.

They ecpect you to pass the exam. 

I promise you to come back here.



・try ・stop ・remember ・forget

try < try ~ing= 試しに~してみる  try to ~  = ~しようと努める

I tried writing letter in English. 私は試しに英語の手紙を書いてみた。

I tried to write letter in English.私は英語で手紙を書くよう努めた。



He stoped smorking.  彼は煙草を辞めた。

He stop to smork.  彼は煙草をすうために立ち止まった。


I remember calling him.    私は彼に電話したことを覚えている。

I remember to call him.    私は彼に電話することを覚えている。



I will never forget meeting you. 

Don't forget to meet me. 

文法 中学1年生

2014-08-27 | 英語勉強


★Why don't you~? ~してみてはどうですか?(提案だが少し命令的な要素もある)

-Why don't you come to my house?

-Why don't you be a good boy?

-Why don't you write our blog?



-Who buys a new bike?

-Who won the game?


★代名詞+形容詞 -thing,-one,-body

-I want something cold to drink.

-We saw someone strange at the station.



-I found the book interesting.  その本は読んでみるとおもしろかった。



数えられる名刺につくもの  many,a few

-There are many pencils on the desk.

-He has a few books.

数えられない名刺につくもの much, a little

-She has much money.

-We had a little rain this summer.

両方 a lot of

-I have a lot of friends.

-You have a lot of work.



1 first   2 second   3 third  5 fifth 9 ninth 12 twelfth 20 twentieth 80 eighth






You, he and I are good friends.

2-命令文+and  ~しなさいそうすれば

Study heard, and you will pass the entrance exam.

3-命令文+or ~しなさい さもないと・・

Study heard, or you will fail the entrance exam.

4-not A but B  AではなくB

That animal is not a dog but a big cat.


5-not only A but (also)B  AだけでなくBも

He can speak not only Chenese but Japanese.

Not only you but I am to blame


6-both A and B AもBも

I like both curry rice and hayashi rice.

Both you and I are travler.


7-neither A nor B AもBも~ない

I can neither write nor speak French.

Neither you nor I am healthy.


8-Either A or B  AかBのどちらか

You can keep either this book or that one.

Either he or she has the CD.


9-when & if 節の時制


When he comes , I will give him this preserent.

If it rains tomorrow, I will not go there.


10-as soon as ~するとすぐに

I kept to the toilet as soon as I arrived at school.

As soon as I arrived at school,I kept to the toilet.


11-So ~that・・・ とても~なので・・・ 、~That +主語+can・・・とても~なので・・・できる、too ~ to ・・・ とても~なので・・・できない

I was so hungry that I ate grass.

He feels so bad that he cannot take part in the game.

He feels too bad to take part in the game.


★Let's not 動詞の原形 ~しないでおきましょう。(相手を軽く否定する時に使う)

Let's not go there.