

Australia is huge island.

2015-09-16 | 世界一周 オセアニア

4か国目 オーストラリア 8月16日~8月26日  

8月18日~19日 レンタカーでカカドゥ国立公園 1日目 2日目 

8月20日 列車でダーウィンからアリススプリングへ移動

8月21日~26日 レンタカーでアリススプリング~エアーズロックまで観光 1日目キングスキャニオン 2日目キングスキャニオン登山&夕焼けのエアーズロック 3日目エアーズロック日の出&カタジュタ 4日目エアーズロック登頂 5日目 レンタカー返却と次の国ニュージーランドへ


Stars were very beautiful in Australia.

It is the best star sky that I have ever seen until now.

We saw the star view when we visit around by a rental car in Australia.
We stayed, slept and ate in a rental car to save our money.

When we sleep, we went to the dark quiet place.
The place has no light, no car and no people.
So we could see the wonderful sky.

And we could see a beautiful sun rise like the picture.

All things are huge in Australia.
Australia has a lot of huge nature.

Of cause, Uluru is huge and mysterious.

If you go to Australia, you should see Uluru and Kata Tjuṯa.

Both were wonderful.
But I like Kata Tjuta better than Uluru.

One day short trip in Singapore.

2015-09-10 | 世界一周 アジア




The third country of our travel around the world is Singapore.
We visited Singapore on the way to Australia from Philippines only one day.

One day was enough to see around there.
Because Singapore is a small country.

 It is the first place to visit there.

It is free entry park.
There are many interesting objects.

We did not understand the concept of this place, and not famous but it was amusing.

The picture are frogs.

The picture are frogs.
These were sold in a local market.

The market sold many things on the first floor.
And we could eat Singapore cuisines on the second floor.
We tried some cuisines.
All food tasted good and cheaper than restaurants.

That is why I recommend to go to the local market. 

The picture is plant museum.
It is famous in Singapore.
We can see the strange plant from both under side and upper side.
When we walked this bridge, we could see the town view.

It is the last place.

We saw the statue of a lion at the day time.
But I think that it is better to see the statue in the night time than the day time.
Because the night view was a beautiful around there and you can see the free light show.

We left from Singapore to Australia by airplane in the night.


Last month of our Philippines life.

2015-09-06 | 世界一周 アジア




Last month of our Philippines life.
We could do many things that we want to do.
We visited many places.

The picture is the whale shark.
The place name is Osrobu.
We could swim with whale sharks in the sea.
It was an amazing experience.

There are big water falls near Osrobu.

We can go behind of the waterfall there.
It was an amazing experience too.


We visited another island.
There are many small islands in the Phillipines.

That day, we visited Shikiholeishand.
There are traditional magicians there.
They can cure bad body things by their technique that kind of massage.

So we ran around the island by bike to find the traditional magicians.

We stayed the island 2days 1night.
First day, we found a magician and second day, we found another a magician.

We were able to receive two different kinds of black magics for 2 days.

The first way of the black magic is that the magician wrapped our bodies after that,  throw smoke into our wrapping.Then,the magician could find some bad things about our body and massaged it with oil.

The second way of the black magic is that the magician used a stone and water and a straw.
The magician took along our body to find our bad things while breathing out the water that in a stone with straw.

If she finds bad things about our body, The water became cloudy water.

In my case, the water did not become cloudy water.
But Taxi's water became cloudy.

So the magician took the message to Taxi harder than me.

It was one of our mysterious experiences.

日本語の記事はこちら→ボロボロの魔術師がいるシキホール島1日目 シキホール島ボロボロ魔術師を探して2日目

We visited cockfight field last weekend.
It is one of the gamble in the Philippines.

We bet either chicken only twice and saw only 5 times.

Because the game was very terrible for us.
We could not be in there a long time.

Chicken put a knife on their feet.
Chickens fight until one died.

When the game finished, there is much blood in the ring.

Chickens also injured even win.The loose chicken will be eaten by winner chicken owners' family.

All of men like gamble like this.


Finally, 16th August 2014
We graduated English school in Cebu.
And start our trip that is travelling around the world.




Our short trip in Thailand.

2015-09-04 | 世界一周 アジア



日本語の記事はこちら⇒タイ5日間小旅行 (①バンコク(予防接種1回目⇒②バンコク(予防接種2回目、カンチャナブリ⇒③アユタヤ⇒④ロブリー⇒⑤バンコク、フィリピンのセブへ))

We used to arrive in Thailand from Manila on 15th July by airplane.

But the plane canceled because typhoon came to Manila on the 15th.

We had to stay airport for 2days and change our schedule.

We could not take a shower for 3days. Because we were staying in the airport for 2days and before that we used the night bus from Banaue to Manila. 

Our short trip in Thailand began with the trouble in this way.

The first day in thailand.

We had a mission in Bangkok.

It is Vaccination to prepare traveling around the world. 

We went to the hospital and checked up our health and took the Vaccination.
It was very smooth.
After that, we enjoyed eating Thai foods.
We have big fun of Thai foods until when we visited in Thailand several years ago.
So we ate many kinds of Thai foods, whole we stayed there.

The second day.
We visited in Kanchanaburi where is a model of the movie named "The Bridge on The River Kwai”

We rented two bicycles and went around there.

We had two happenings.
One happening was that we were chased by dogs. It was scaring for us.
Another happening was that Taxi's bicycle had a flat tire. It was second time while we travel to have a flat tire.
As soon as we could find the place where can replace the flat tire.  

So we could continue to cycle there. It felt very nice!

Third day, we visited in Ayutthaya by train.

We were cycling here too.
And we were chased by dogs too.
The wild dogs live in Thailand is very frightening for us.

The picture is a sleeping Buddha, which forms there.

Fourth day, we visited in Lopburi.
There are many monkeys everywhere.

Someone says that the town are occupied by monkeys.

Sometimes the monkeys attack people like this.

But some monkeys were very old.

Old monkeys were very calm.

Like this.

If you like animals,you can enjoy there.

5th day of the last day, we came back to Bangkok to meet our friend.
Before we meet our friend, we went to a massage shop.

We used to massage in the famous massage shop,but we could not.
Because the shop is too popular.
We had to look for another shop. Because there is nothing we can do.

We went to the appropriate shop.And we were taken massage by young masseurs.

But it felt not good.

When you are looking for a massage shop, be careful.
If there are only young masseurs, it is better to do not go there.
Because, young masseurs have only a little experience.

Finally, we met our friend named "Banban".

He invited us in the traditional Thai restaurant.

We enjoyed eating good foods, and talking together.

We stayed at his room.Next in the morning we came back to Cebu.