

Our short trip in Manila.

2015-08-31 | 世界一周 アジア






We extended studying English.
And we had decided that we were going to go to Manila and Thailand at between the second month of our studying and the third month.
Because of Visa.
I am going to write about when we visited in Manila and that is world heritage.

Before we go to Manila,many people told us that Manila is a very dangerous city.

So we were very careful when we walked on the street.We looked back again and again.

That is why? We had nothing to dangerous.

When you visit in Manila,you should be very careful and you must not go to narrow streets and slums and you must not go out after dark in outside.

After Manila,we went to Banaue by night bus.

We talked the man who met on the bus.

Next morning he told us "I know nice tour and good hostel.So I recommend you"
But we did not honest the man that time.
So we turned down and offer another tour.

But we regretted that things.because we did not know the man is honest or unhonest.

Maybe the man is very good person.

Anyway, we went to  Terraced rice fields.

It is world heritage!!!

What a beautiful rice terraces these are!It was a beautiful view from our hostel.

We went to see the fall too.
On the way was very steep steps.
It was very tired to go there and go back to our hostel.

Next day, we visited another spot of rice terraces.

We used a bike taxi.
The taxi driver went to some places for us.

After sightseeing,we went to back bus station that we said goodbye the man who met on the bus from Manila to here.

We had a time, so we saw around the central city and ate typical food.
Then we suddenly met the man who we met on the bus 2 days ago.

He invited us to his house.

We could drink a grass of rice wine.
The wine we wanted to drink, but the bottle that is sold in a shop was too big to buy it.

We were luky to drink it.

Further more, It was homemade.
It was sweet and very nice. But alcohol was too strong for us.

We had nice to meet you guys!!

We took a photo with his family and send the picture to his daughter E-mail.

Sorry to suspicion to you when we met him.

It was better things to meet him again.


The second month of our Philippines life.

2015-08-27 | 世界一周 アジア





There is a lot of cuisine in the Philippines.Example fruits, dishes, sweets,and so on.
So we tried many foods for 3 months.

First, I will write about fruits.
There are many kinds of sweet fruits.
I think that my best fruit is mango.
In Japan, mango is very expensive!!
We can't eat every day, on the contrary, we can't eat even once a year. We can eat only special day.
But in the Philippines, we could eat every day in the breakfast.
Because, mangos were sold at a low price there.
So I cooked mango ice cake.

I used only three ingredients. Many mangoes, otaps that are traditional pie there and condense milk.
It was very easy to cook.

First, Put on the Mongols in the plastic case.
Next,Put on the condense milk and put on the otaps.
Only repeat it until disappears the ingredients. And freeze it.

It was very dericious but I can cook only in Philiphines.because of price of mangos.


This is the kinds of fruit named Mangosteen.
Japanese say it is the king of fruit.
It was the first time to eat this fruit.
So, we expected to eat what delicious is this fruit!!
After we ate, we thought we expected too much.
It was sweet and good!! But I think that I like a mango than the fruit.

My fruit king is mangos.

But I maybe come to be mango allergy. Because after I eat mangos, I come to be itchy.
Maybe we ate mangos too much for 3 months??

We ate many traditional sweets too.
This picture's Mochi is my favorite sweets.
It is inside in peanut cream.
I forgot the name of this sweet.Even I am favorite one..


And we ate many cuisines too.
It is one of the famous dishes named "Retyon".
It is made from a pig. Rather than only pig.
It looks little scared.
But it tastes good. The skin was crisp.
The meat was soft.


We ate many kinds of food like this.

When you visit to the Philippines, you should try to eat many kinds of cuisines.
Please be afraid to eat in local markets and restaurants.

Maybe you come to bad stomach.

Enjoy at your own risk!!



The second country of Philippines

2015-08-24 | 世界一周 アジア




日本語の日記 ⇒ 世界一周2か国目 フィリピン 2014年5月18日~2014年8月16日

The second country of our travel in Philippines to study English.

We stayed in Cebu for 3 months.

We used to be in here for 2 months. But we decided that extend more a month.
Because our English was not good when we finished studying for 2 months.

Our school name is Cross Road.
That school owners are Japanese who have been to travel around the world.
We had private lessen 4 hours and group lessen 2 hours per a day for weak days.
Saturday and Sunday is holiday.
We went to out someplaces with same school students.

First holiday,we visited to the Bohol Island.
That island is one of the famous island in Philippines for travelers.

We enjoyed sightseeing and swimming in the pool and the beautiful sea.

This is the smallest monkey around the world.We can see the island.

Another day, we visited in the Prison to see dancing with prisoners.

We had to go there early in the morning.
Because It is very famous so many people want to go.

The dance began to rehabilitate for prisoners.

When you visit to Cebu on Sunday, you should go there. It was free and you can see powerful dance.

There is a Zumba free lesson in a mall where is near our school.
After our English class, we go there and practice Zumba lesson twice a week.
One of the Cross Road students named Takuma is a good dancer of that dance.

He sometimes had a Zumba class in the school.

Our first monthly had gone in this way as fun.



We were in Taiwan for a week, From 11th May - 17th May

2015-08-22 | 世界一周 アジア



1カ国目 台湾 2014年5月11日~17日 1週間。


ひょんなことから地元民の家に訪れてお茶をごちそうしてもらったり旅の醍醐味 人との触れ合いと出会いを教えてもらった国。


The first country of our travel was Taiwan.

We used Low cost air plane and arrived at Takao which is the south part of Taiwan.

We went up to Taipei, which is the northern part of Taiwan for a week.

There are night markets, local restaurants, food stalls and a lot of foods. So we tried many cuisines.
But we did not have enough time to eat everything which we want to eat for a week.
Especially, we like papaya milk and boiled pig food with Soy sause.
Of course ,everything which we ate was good!!

Many people cannot speak English. But many people can speak Japanese.
They helped us many times in Japanese.
Why do they speak Japanese?
Because of history and they like Japan.They can watch Japanese TV show in home TV.

However we did not know Taiwan ward, But we know Kanji. So we sometimes can understand that means. But we cannot read.
That is why, when you go to Taiwan, you should have a pen and paper.
It will help to communicate between you and Taiwanese.

When we were lost,we met a nice man who can speak Japanese.
He invited us to his home and gave the worth tea to us.
Then he told us that how to make a nice tea.
We enjoyed talking together in Japanese.
It was our first an amazing memory.

When we will finish our travel that after two years, we want to come back his home with a souvenir. And talk together again.

Thanks to you. We could know one of the reasons why the journey is fun??


The beginning of our travels around the world

2015-08-21 | 世界一周 アジア




The day that we leave for Japan in the morning, I was very very sad.

Because I had to be separated from my dog named Hana for 2 years.

And I knew that she was not young for waiting for me. It is too long for her.

I was crying while stroked to her.
But she was usually attitude.
Of course she did not know that I will not come back to my home for 2 years.

But the time came. I had to go to the Kansai airport.
I will meet my husband there.
Then I met my husband, my company staff came and gave to me her letter.
I was surprised. But it has happy happened.

It was time to leave for Japan.
We said goodbye and took an airplane.

It was beginning story of our travel around the world.

We are thinking that There are many nice people around us everyday.

So we are happy to be able to continue traveling around the world.

Of course we thank for everyone very much.