

New Zealand has a great nature!!

2015-10-28 | 世界一周 オセアニア



滞在 2014年8月27日~2014年9月10日 約15日 レンタカーで北島、南島を満喫。

日本語日記は→遊んで暮らす 世界一周 ニュージーランド


We traveled around both islands in New Zealand by rental car about 2 weeks in 2014 summer.

There is the length and narrow country like Japan.
So the climate changed north to south place.
North island was colder than south island.

After we rented the car, we went to the supermarket and bought foods.
We decided that we sleep in the car.
Because the cost of living is high, so we could not stay hotel and go any restaurants.

We stayed in campsite cottage only three times.
Those days, it was winter season there, so we did not become our body bad smell.

Driving was very fun and feel good for us.
Because there are many great nature and wild animals.
We saw wild sea lions, penguins and birds.
It was our first time to see wild sea lions and penguins.

So it was very nice experience!!
Of course we saw many livestock, sheep. Because of New Zealand.

And there are beautiful waterfalls, rivers, lakes and mountains.

Strong spray!!

The top of the mountain was covered with snow

It's like the movie's world.

There are many kinds of nature.
We were impressed every day.

Especially, we recommend place is "Witomo Caves"
We can go inside of the cave.
And we can see a lot of land fireflies on the ceiling.
All of the land fireflies were lighting.
It was so amazing!!!
The entrance cost was very expensive, but you should go there!!
There is no place where you can feel such an experience.

There are some places that are smilar in Japan.
They have hot springs and cherry blossoms.
When we saw this, we felt nostalgic and make us happy.

It is our favorite cake in the world.
The name is "Pavlova".
It has just the right sweetness for us.
It's crispy but soft.
Anyway, it was so good!!

Of cause, Kiwis were great!!

We have nice memories in New Zealand.
But we have a only one but memorie.

It was a traffic accident.
When we crossed the street while the traffic signal blue, one of the car attached our car.
We think the traffic light on their side was red.
They should stop but they went through the street and attached.
It was their fault.
But nobody saw our accident.
The policemen could not judge who is faulty.
So we should pay to the rental car company 2ooooo yen.
The accident happened 10 minutes before returning the car
It was our sad story.

But totally,we enjoyed to travel around the New Zealand.
I really recommend you to visit there.


Australia is huge island.

2015-09-16 | 世界一周 オセアニア

4か国目 オーストラリア 8月16日~8月26日  

8月18日~19日 レンタカーでカカドゥ国立公園 1日目 2日目 

8月20日 列車でダーウィンからアリススプリングへ移動

8月21日~26日 レンタカーでアリススプリング~エアーズロックまで観光 1日目キングスキャニオン 2日目キングスキャニオン登山&夕焼けのエアーズロック 3日目エアーズロック日の出&カタジュタ 4日目エアーズロック登頂 5日目 レンタカー返却と次の国ニュージーランドへ


Stars were very beautiful in Australia.

It is the best star sky that I have ever seen until now.

We saw the star view when we visit around by a rental car in Australia.
We stayed, slept and ate in a rental car to save our money.

When we sleep, we went to the dark quiet place.
The place has no light, no car and no people.
So we could see the wonderful sky.

And we could see a beautiful sun rise like the picture.

All things are huge in Australia.
Australia has a lot of huge nature.

Of cause, Uluru is huge and mysterious.

If you go to Australia, you should see Uluru and Kata Tjuṯa.

Both were wonderful.
But I like Kata Tjuta better than Uluru.