


2010-10-15 02:10:01 | 反核・反原発
00:08 from Keitai Web
01:31 from web (Re: @YUMIClarinet
@YUMIClarinet oyasumi~お休み~♯
07:03 from Keitai Web (Re: @47news
@47news 速いですね、今日の正午過ぎには全員生還果たせそうですね
07:08 from Keitai Web (Re: @BarackObama
@BarackObama I think why you performed a subcritical nuclear experiment to return Nobel Peace prize, but what would you do?
07:19 from Keitai Web (Re: @BarackObama
@BarackObama It thinks that it is a thing betraying the expectation of Nobel Peace prize Committee which supported you and expectation to
07:26 from Keitai Web (Re: @BarackObama
@BarackObama the abolition of nuclear weapons of the A-bomb victim of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to have performed
07:28 from Keitai Web (Re: @BarackObama
@BarackObama a subcritical nuclear experiment, but how do you think?
07:33 from Keitai Web (Re: @cookiedowntown
@cookiedowntown おはようございます、私もそう思います、有罪か無罪かわからないけれどとにかく起訴するではたまらない
13:54 from Keitai Web
22:35 from Keitai Web (Re: @na700000
@na700000 竹島と違って、明治政府が調査し、どこにも属していないと確認し、領有を宣言
22:39 from Keitai Web
by myth21hide on Twitter