琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする


2014年01月04日 16時59分00秒 | 日記
Today this ↓ editorial is only part of the work and prevarication. Media of Okinawa guilty and Makoto Nakai-kun. Because pro-Japanese only 5% of the county population is chanting or "decolonization", do not start the same position as the non-people, et al phase also unexpected Hen-ra. Now Is not that like being exposed itself to be of nondescript What ever was a pro-Japanese.

根底に存在する日本人のレイシズムが招く日本人と沖縄人間の齟齬/Inconsistency of human Okinawa Japanese and Japanese racism present in the underlying cause

Rule of law society of Okinawa to be 41 years since I performed in the pro-Japanese and Japanese main cause of this information gap ↓.
The expression has become an excessive paternalism of the Japanese government Prominent textbook.
In other words, "not to mouth removal of storage of nuclear weapons in Okinawa" pro-Japanese in the number of 5% fraction of the Okinawa population.
Inconsistency of human Okinawa Japanese and was allowed to swallow the fiction of Okinawan society that has been trumped only by information such as the Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters that the Okinawan people's vested interests beauty Japan mainland graduates will control.


カナロコ by 神奈川新聞 1月2日(木)9時0分配信

>> Listen to - young polemic Read era
"End of peace and prosperity" (1) social thought and political scholar = Shirai Satoshi

0 min delivery (Thursday) 9:00 January 2 Kanaroko by Kanagawa newspaper

Do not look directly into the defeat, it is subordinate to the United States, Japan has enjoyed peace and prosperity after the war. That era is coming to an end there really. Do you live clinging to the story so far. Or do you take in a world unseen. Shirai Satoshi social thought and political scientist (36) is questioning the readiness of us.
http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1312310019/ # article_comments

What do you do to ask over a child?

>> ■「終戦」の意味
>> ■ meaning of "the end of the war"
After the war, the Japanese have been living without feeling the defeat. At the stage of August 1945, just about everywhere in the ruins, defeat was clear to everyone of course, but it revived, and has made economic growth. Is a V-shaped recovery.
http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1312310019/ # article_comments

It's over situation in the heart of the city, mainly in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and 30% of the total population is concentrated. District in the heart of the city other than the account also remaining 70% of the people and Russia do not have economic growth. Compare economy only recovered simply to defeat Japan before. Japan is not in economic growth in spite of '68 passed from defeat.

>> 1970s, the difference comes out clearly in the standard of living compared with China and the Soviet Union is a victorious nation, it is no longer know what is either defeated nation. Japanese I think over the past years, continues to have a sense of it "was good to lose" rather.
http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1312310019/ # article_comments

It's over situation in the heart of the city, mainly in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and 30% of the total population is concentrated. District in the heart of the city other than the account also remaining 70% of the people and Russia do not have economic growth. Compare economy only recovered simply to defeat Japan before. Japan is not in economic growth in spite of '68 passed from defeat.

>> そのとき、日本の支配層が引いておいた「伏線」が見事に生きてきた。
>> At that time, the ruling of Japan had been caught "foreshadowing" has lived beautifully.
http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1312310019/ # article_comments

It is not the "have lived beautifully" over. They only began to draw again now its "foreshadowing" in a hurry that would have kept pulling the "foreshadowing" is actually from wasted.

>> 8月15日は「敗戦の日」ではなく「終戦の日」です。なぜこの日か。連合国に対してポツダム宣言を受け入れると通知した14日でも、ミズーリ号の上で降伏文書にサインした9月2日でもよかったのに。
>> "It is the day of the end of the war," "day of defeat" in rather than August 15. Why this day. Even in the 14th that reported and accept the Potsdam Declaration against the Allies, I wish in September 2 and signed the surrender document on the Missouri issue.
http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1312310019/ # article_comments

Because is recorded and will be to approve unconditionally the independence of Okinawa and Hokkaido When it is September 2 that have signed and the 14th was notified and accept Potsudamu declaration. Because do not need Soga it's Gyokuon.

>> 終戦の日は用意周到に誘導されたのです。8月15日は、死者が帰ってくるお盆に当たる。普通の死者と戦争の死者を一緒にして、戦争が天災のようなものになった。開戦の判断や降伏のタイミングなど、もっと合理的な政治判断があれば避けられた犠牲があいまいにされた。
>> We were induced to authorities with religious care the day of the end of the war.August 15 strikes a tray that the dead come back. It together the dead of war dead and ordinary, it turned out to be war, such as a natural disaster. Sacrifices have been avoided if the yield and timing of decisions and of war, and political decision more rational is ambiguous.
http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1312310019/ # article_comments

It's far-fetched in from that was six days after slightly from the atomic bombing of Nagasaki over the 9th. It is only by chance.

>> 玉音放送だってそう。「降伏」とか「敗戦」といった言葉が出てこない。玉音放送で国家による「敗戦のごまかしプロジェクト」は始まり、経済成長によって完成した。
>> そのとき、日本の支配層が引いておいた「伏線」が見事に生きてきた。
Even >> likely Gyokuon broadcasting. Words like "surrender" or "defeat" does not come out. "Deception project of defeat" by the State begins with Gyokuon broadcasting, was completed by economic growth.
>> At that time, the ruling of Japan had been caught "foreshadowing" has lived beautifully.

It is not the "have lived beautifully" over. They only began to draw again now its "foreshadowing" in a hurry that would have kept pulling the "foreshadowing" is actually from wasted.

>> では、なぜ敗戦を否認してきたか。戦前の指導者層の権力を戦後も温存するためです。
>> So why has denied the defeat. This is to preserve after the war the power of leadership before the war.

>> 普通に考えれば、「なんでまたあいつらが偉そうな顔をしているんだ」という話。でも、そもそも負けていないなら誰も責任を取る必要はない。
>> そのとき、日本の支配層が引いておいた「伏線」が見事に生きてきた。

>> If you think normally, talk "guy we've got have a look bossy also why" and. But, do not need anyone take responsibility in the first place if not to be outdone.
>> At that time, the ruling of Japan had been caught "foreshadowing" has lived beautifully.

>> 敗戦の否認を可能にしたのは冷戦構造です。米国としては、日本が社会主義陣営に走らないよう、豊かになってもらわなければならなかった。
>> Made possible by the denial of defeat is a Cold War structure. The USA had'll have to keep so as not to run socialist camp Japan becomes rich.

Is pressed against the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan the forefront of the Cold War in dependence To Bettari in the United States, Japan has enjoyed peace and prosperity. I uses the term "permanent defeat" regime of the postwar (system).
http://news.kanaloco.jp/localnews/article/1312310019/ # article_comments

In particular over, Japan, which has been busy trying to prevent the Okinawa of which is independent only began to draw again now its "foreshadowing" in a hurry that the so as not to waste.

>> 冷戦が終わってこのレジームは崩れたはずでした。でもしがみついてきた。

>> 平和と繁栄の時代が本当に終わったと社会が実感したのは東日本大震災のときです。あの光景を見れば納得できる。
■ Reflect understanding of history
>> This regime should have been collapsed the end of the Cold War. But I've been clinging.

>> Was realized era of peace and prosperity is over really Japanese society is when the Great East Japan Earthquake. And be able to understand if you look at the spectacle that.

>> 特に原発事故は大きい。日本のエリート層に対する社会の信頼が揺らいだ。優秀と思われてきた官僚機構が実は相当にスカスカだった。素人向けについた「安全神話」といううそに、彼ら自身がだまされていた。ここまでずさんで、うかつな人たちだったなんて、それこそ「想定外」です。
>> Nuclear accident is particularly large. Trust of society's elite of Japan fluctuates. Bureaucracy, which has been thought to excellence is actually was lean considerably. To lie with the amateur for the "safety myth", they themselves had been fooled. Sloppy so far, Nantes were careless people, what it is "unexpected".
>> それでも敗戦の否認は今も続いています。在日コリアンの排斥を主張するヘイトスピーチ(差別的憎悪表現)にも、明瞭に表れている。
>>But denial of defeat is continuing even now. Hate speech to claim the exclusion of Koreans in Japan also (discriminatory hatred representation), it is clearly shown.
Because there is a growing voice of independent Okinawa already has over 3,11 before.

>> 大日本帝国においては朝鮮人は二級市民扱いされ、半ば公然と差別していい対象だった。敗戦の結果、同等の基本的人権を持つ存在として尊重することになった。
>> Koreans was the subject of discrimination openly that are second-class citizen treatment in the Empire of Japan. Result of defeat, it was supposed to be respected as there with basic human rights equivalent.

You're going over.

>> それを、現実に差別的発言をすることで「本当は負けてない」という気分になれる。敗戦を認めずに済む。
>> It can feel that "not really lose" by making a hate speech in reality, it. Japanese need not admit defeat.

Over cancer's racism of the Japanese.

Case Study:
"There is a possibility that you too secret protection bill passes through"
> 彼女の死は、今の福島原発事故による内部被爆を受けた多くの福島の子どもたちの将来図でもあるのだ。ということをいち早く告発していた建築家の友人は、その直後から権力の監視と弾圧を受けた。家族間の問題に国家権力が介入して刑事事件をでっち上げられ不当逮捕、裁判で有罪となったのだ。彼の不屈の闘いは、その後も果敢に続いている。しかし、オスプレイや辺野古、高江も含めて琉球御万人全体に対する攻撃が広がる中で、個人的な抵抗運動に落とし込められているのが現実だ。
> Her death, he is also the view of the future children of Fukushima many who received internal exposure due to the Fukushima nuclear accident now. Friend of the architect that was accused to be the first to that underwent oppression and monitoring of power immediately after that. Unjustified arrest concocted criminal cases state power to intervene in family issues between, he was found guilty at the trial. Fight of his indomitable has continued resolutely thereafter. But it's reality in an attack on the Ryukyu your entire million people spread Henoko and Osprey, Takae be included, it is the resistance movement downdraft personal.

>> 怖いのは、現に声高に叫ぶ彼らは少数者だが、実はマジョリティーということ。だって戦後の日本人は敗戦を否認してきたじゃないですか。その歴史意識を非常に極端に煮詰めた、僕たちの自画像なんです。
>>Is afraid, they shout loudly actually'm minority. But, however, a matter of fact majority. Because Japanese postwar Is not it has been denied the defeat. I boiled down to a very extreme way the historical consciousness. It is a self-portrait I of our Japanese.
OverPolice backing of hate speech but because they destination so. References ↓
【善良庶民家庭まで攻撃する無法地帯沖縄】警察・行政+反民主主義社会勢力[ Lawless Okinawa good people home until the attack]Police and anti-democratic society forces

酷過ぎ - 暴力団がホームレスを福島作業員としてリクルート 
Homeless recruited by yakuza for Fukushima clean-up
Case Study:
Too cruel - gangsters are recruited as Fukushima workers the homeless
Homeless recruited by yakuza for Fukushima clean-up

 ここでも「秘密」協定 - 米兵ら起訴わずか5% 性犯罪すべて不起訴
Case Study:
All non-prosecution of crime 5% only U.S. soldiers from prosecution - "secret" agreement Again


中国“覚醒剤村”を摘発 3トン押収、182人拘束(01/03 23:13)
中国“覚醒剤村”を摘発 3トン押収、182人拘束(01/03 23:13)
Case Study:
3 tons seized seized, 182 people restraint (01/03 23:13) China "stimulant Village"
↓ "Some of the people who was detained by the police, and. Was also included police officers and local village cadres such as the secretary of the Communist Party branch"
3 tons seized seized, 182 people restraint (01/03 23:13) China "stimulant Village"
TV Asahi news
International news
News story


「中国“覚醒剤村”を摘発 3トン押収、182人拘束」
ABC-ANN国際ニュース1/3 23:13
Case Study:
↓ "Some of the people that are bound by the police, and local village cadres such as the secretary of the Communist Party branch (top of the village, which has been guard 20% of the village is're involved in the whole family)" and also included "police officers . that used to be "
"3 tons seized seized, 182 people binding on the" "China" stimulant village
ABC-ANN international news 1/3 23:13


Case Study:
↓ "local police protection had (defend) the production and trafficking organizations stimulants Village" and, please ask in the YouTube audio that has been removed in character. TBS (03 日 21:53)
News toll "local police protection had been (defending) the production and trafficking organizations," and that has flowed in TBS news tonight (03, 21:53) stimulants Village. Please listen YouTube news to tell in an audio-only core part of the case that has been removed in print by would be to suggest the relationship between the darkness of anti-democratic social forces and the Japanese police.

昨年の3月からコメント投稿を続けている掲示板:「警察官の不祥事・組織 犯罪集団の日本の警察」→「11'9 沖縄県警 逮捕の巡査、懲戒免職 保護した女性の胸触る」http://seigi002.blog42.fc2.com/blog-entry-1055.html#cm
と「11'8 沖縄県警 わいせつ容疑・55歳巡査長を逮捕 保護女性の胸触る」
Bulletin board has continued to comment from March of last year:
"Japanese police misconduct, organized crime group of police officers" → "constable of 11'9 Okinawa prefectural police arrested, touch breast of women who had disciplinary action protection"
"Touching chest of arrest protected women 11'8 Okinawa prefectural police obscenity charges, 55-year-old senior policeman" and

[ Lawless Okinawa good people home until the attack]Police and anti-democratic society forces
Japanese government ー anti-democratic social forces to attack the good people home
Anti-democratic social forces:[ U.S. military base site ー beneficiary organizations ー economic and financial organizations ー the media, police and anti-social forces = gangsters with prosecutors ー court]

>> ■成長神話崩壊
>> アジアとの関係がうまくいかないのは、米国の後ろ盾を前提に付き合おうとするからです。つまり「ドラえもん」でいうところのスネ夫。米国というジャイアンの陰に隠れて、「のび太のくせに」ならぬ「アジアのくせに」と指をさす。アイデンティティーは「家が金持ち」ということ。
>> ■ growth myth collapse
>> Relationship with Asia is not going well, because to try acquaintance with the assumption backing of the United States. In other words Suneo as the term is "Doraemon". Hiding behind the Giant of the United States, refers to the finger "to the habit of Nobita" and "habit of Asia" Naranu. "House rich"'s the identity is.

That the storage of nuclear weapons in Okinawa has been maintained as a secret treaty of Japan and the United States in October 1994 20 years ago came to light. At that time, the deception of the three non-nuclear principles and the Constitution of the country of Japan is over the world know.Since then, but because they continued to lose credit as a "liar" Japanese. At the same Another's racism of cancer in Japanese.

>> 経済成長が止まって、近ごろスネ夫のアイデンティティーは崩壊しつつある。だから安倍政権は経済成長を取り戻そうと死に物狂いです。
>> Economic growth stops, identity of Suneo recent crumbling. So Abe administration is desperate to try to regain economic growth.



ーPrime Minister Abe , trying to wake the war with the United Nations and going at the same time escape its own responsibility as a hereditary who inherited from his grandfather , et al there was a war responsibility .
In other words , now that that took office by using the abduction issue has been over the public may . ( I cited the information of Shiki -chan for this abduction issue )
Things ↓ like this comes into view from the Okinawa issue of discrimination and the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine issue of Abe's unthinkable can only have done to resolve that cause war Abe Nomikusu is a mainstay of regime maintenance if that fails .
One , even the pursuit of war responsibility and lost causing the war hypothetically speaking , to shield it as " Japanese people ruler " the secret of the secret protection law , which had been taken in preparation to avoid responsibility for the war as a war criminal continued to reign while dispensing to UN force 's position , it would intend to forever escape from stigma as a war criminal,

>> それにしか価値を見いだせないのは、経済成長を実現する限りにおいて戦後の保守政治は支持され、戦争責任が免罪されてきたから。その系譜を継ぐ安倍政権が経済成長を続けられなければ、その正当性は消滅してしまいます。
>> Conservative politics after the war is supported, the Abe administration's find no value only to it, because war responsibility has been exonerated to the extent that to achieve economic growth. Abe government successor to the lineage unless continued economic growth, its legitimacy will disappear.
>>> けれども親分であるはずの米国は丸々と太った子豚を放ってはおかない。TPP(環太平洋連携協定)のように強い収奪の姿勢をみせてきている。傀儡(かいらい)保守政権がこれに抵抗できないのは当然。これこそ永続敗戦の帰結です。
>>But the United States should be the boss can not put it off a little pig fat chubby. And it has to show the attitude of exploitation strong TPP as (Pacific Partnership Agreement). Puppet conservative government's irresistible to this course. This is the very consequence of permanent defeat.

Movement of Okinawa about the end of the year there was a problem in Japan as a whole in a strong tone is not in ↑ only this. Therefore, in this paper will be that it is "doubtful" tone.

>> 日米同盟基軸論者は米国が日本を守ってくれることを前提にしているが、日米安全保障条約だって、日本を守ることが米国の国益になる限りにおいて日本を守るかもしれないというだけです。その意味で自主防衛以外に道はない。ただし、自己保身のために戦争を続けた末に多くの国民を死なせた人たちの継承者に国防を語る資格はありません。
>>Japan-US alliance cornerstone theorists are based on the premise that the United States will protect Japan. There, however, the only consequence is that even the US-Japan Security Treaty, and may protect as long as Japan to defend Japan is in the national interest of the United States. There is no way other than in self-defense in that sense. However, there is no qualification to talk about the national defense successor of people who have to die many people at the end of continuing war for self protection.

Movement of Okinawa about the end of the year there was a problem in Japan as a whole in a strong tone is not in ↑ only this. Therefore, in this paper will be that it is "doubtful" tone.

>> ■語られぬ政治
 新年だから明るい話題? そうですね、唯一の希望は沖縄独立の動きでしょうか。元外務省主任分析官で作家の佐藤優さんは「絵空事ではない。沖縄の政治エリートたちがその気になれば、短期間で独立できる」と長年強調しています。
>> ■ politics, not spoken
Bright spots because it is New Year? Well, the only hope I will be an independent movement in Okinawa. Masaru Sato's author under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs chief analyst has been emphasized for many years "is not a figment. Political elite of Okinawa becomes in the mind, it is possible to separate in a short period of time" he said.

Funny. It does not mention that Mr. Masaru Sato is speaking for the Government of Japan side of the opposition in Okinawa independence. From being spelled "only hope Okinawa independent" or is it a mistake. I will be Mr. Sato Masaru itself would misunderstanding going on, such as if it were a stand in favor of Okinawa independently increase the height In this representation.

>> そういう動きは本土に大きな刺激を与える。「そういうことをしていいんだ」って。

>> Such a movement to give a great stimulus to the mainland. What is "it's okay to such a thing."

ーThis author's doubtful whether're noticed that it has been edited to made ​​to stand in opposition to the Okinawa independence.

>> 先日も三浦市で米軍ヘリの不時着事故があった。艦載機の飛行ルートを米軍に問い合わせても教えてもらえない。日米地位協定があるからです。沖縄や神奈川だけでなく、日本中どこも同じ。「それでいいのか」という声が、大きくならなければいけない。

ーThis author's doubtful whether're noticed that it has been edited to made ​​to stand in opposition to the Okinawa independence.

>> There is a problem with the Japanese people to get past the "no choice". There is no sense of sovereign. Even as had been written in the Constitution, I can not or sovereign as long as you do not make an effort people themselves can be the sovereign.

ーIt's a situation in the heart of the city, mainly in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and 30% of the total population is concentrated.
There is no such a thing in the 46 prefectures in the heart of the city other than the account also remaining 70% of the people (b) with the exception of Okinawa.
It is different from Okinawa that is apt to be seen as such the surface, due to regional boss of 5 percent of the fraction of the county population only inconspicuous.

>> こういう話は必ず波風が立つ。日本政治の専門家が論じるべきだけど、空気を読んでいるのか、誰も言わないから僕が言いました。若者が政治に興味を持たないと言うけれど、当たり前。生臭い政治問題を語る教育者や学者が少ないからです。
>> This kind of story is always discord arising. Japanese experts politics should be discussed, but I have to say do you have read the air, nobody not say. The young people say is not interested in politics, but commonplace. Scholars and educators who talk about political issues fishy is because less.

>> 何が起きたらこの国民は正気に返るんでしょう。原発事故で殺されかけたのに。首都圏で今こうやって生活できるのはたまたまだと、なぜ気付かないのか。政府が演出するクールジャパンとか絆じゃなくて、本当に守るべきものを僕らは持っているのでしょうか。
?  ?
>> This nation will do return to sanity is what you experience. Although I nearly killed in a nuclear accident. You can live with doing this now in the metropolitan area and that's happened, why does not notice. , Rather than 's bonds such as Cool Japan the government to produce, we do you should you have something to really protect.

ーI want to say you also funny side over, from the perspective of Okinawa.

>> われわれはいま、どのような時代を迎え、どこへ向かおうとしているのか。次世代を担う若手の論客に聞く。
>> Now, with the arrival what age, to where do we're trying to heading. I listen to the polemic of young responsible for the next generation.
>>◆しらい・さとし 1977年、東京都生まれ。文化学園大学助教。専攻は社会思想・政治学。近著に「永続敗戦論?戦後日本の核心」(atプラス叢書04)。
>> ◆ Satoshi Shirai, 1977, was born in Tokyo. Bunka Gakuen University Assistant Professor. Major in social thought and political science. In the recent book "heart of Japan persisted defeat theory? After World War II" (at plus Monographs 04).

I will continue still↓

