琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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5つのコメント:>>”世界の声 - 世界のシチズンメディアの物語>> Posted 27 May 2017 19:24 GMT

2017年07月04日 04時12分28秒 | 日記

5つのコメント:>>”世界の声 - 世界のシチズンメディアの物語>> Posted 27 May 2017 19:24 GMT
>>沖縄帰還45周年に向けて、米国のプレゼンスに抗議する人々”に対するに対する5つのコメント。/The >>Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world`s >>Posted 27 May 2017 19:24 GMT
>>On the 45th Anniversary of Okinawa's Return to Japan, People Protest US Presence

5 comments for the:" >>Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world`s >>Posted 27 May 2017 19:24 GMT
>>On the 45th Anniversary of Okinawa's Return to Japan, People Protest US Presence "

5條評論:“>>全球之聲 - 來自世界各地的公民媒體報導>>發表於27 May 2017 19:24 GMT
(5条评论:“>>全球之声 - 来自世界各地的公民媒体报道>>发表于27 May 2017 19:24 GMT

5 комментариев для: «>> Global Voices - рассказы СМИ о гражданах со всего мира >> Опубликовано 27 мая 2017 года 19:24 GMT
>> В 45-ю годовщину возвращения Окинавы в Японию люди протестуют против присутствия США "

"에 대한 5 가지 의견 :">> 글로벌 목소리 - 전 세계의 시민 미디어 기사 >> 게시 됨 27 5 월 2017 19:24 GMT
>> 오키나와의 귀국 45 주년에, 미국의 존재에 항의하는 사람들 "

5 nhận xét cho: ">> Tiếng nói toàn cầu - Truyền thông công dân trên khắp thế giới >> Đăng ngày 27 tháng 5 năm 2017 19:24 GMT
>> Kỷ niệm lần thứ 45 Sự trở về Nhật Bản của Okinawa, người dân biểu tình chống Mỹ "

5 mga puna para sa: ">> Global Voices - Citizen kwento ng media mula sa buong mundo 's >> Nai-post May 27, 2017 19:24 GMT
>> Sa ika-45 anibersaryo ng Okinawa Bumalik sa Japan, People Protest US Presence "

5 تعليقات ل: ">> الأصوات العالمية - قصص وسائل الإعلام المواطن من جميع أنحاء العالم >> نشرت 27 مايو 2017 19:24 غمت
>> في الذكرى ال 45 لعودة أوكيناوا إلى اليابان، يحتج الناس على الوجود الأمريكي "

Eric Thompson

A pristine bay? What were they going to with said bay otherwise? Round up and kill a bunch of dolphins and whales?

? 29 May 2017, 20:10 pm

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Nevin Thompson Contributor profile »

Hi, thanks for your comment. You may be thinking of Taiji, which is at the southern tip of the Kii Peninsula, in Wakayama Prefecture, on Honshu.

AFAIK the main industries in the Henoko area, besides Camp Schwab, are tourism (e.g., snorkeling and diving in Henoko Bay) and small-scale agriculture.

Henoko Bay is home to a number of coral reefs, which are endangered around the world, and an animal called a dugong.

I suppose the Marines’ presence on Okinawa is necessary in order to compete with the 8th Army, which has their own thing going on in South Korea ;)

? 29 May 2017, 20:37 pm

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Greg FerriMy

My son is an airman, just got stationed there. Hope that things work out, seems.that they should leave bay alone.

? 30 May 2017, 12:26 pm

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Yasuhiko Motomura

The essence of the Okinawa problem is one million people “will suffer instantly, just one mistake”.

? 31 May 2017, 1:01 am

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Yasuhiko Motomura

We will never allow “US and Japan”.
NEW!2017-05-26 06:11:41

? 31 May 2017, 1:09 am

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>>On the 45th Anniversary of Okinawa's Return to Japan, People Protest US Presence
>>Posted 27 May 2017 19:24 GMT
>>Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world

