琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする


2016年07月16日 00時15分42秒 | 日記

/Even if moral legitimacy makes it on the Ryukyu side to a cuttlefish clearly in the Ryukyu Okinawa society with the rule in Japan on, it is useless if a Ryukyuan does not accomplish Ryukyu return country. It is not used to the Japanese that "culture itself and DNA in itself of them are like imperialism".



/Yes. I agree to your opinion. "A referendum" of Ryukyu Okinawa is the best.

The Ryukyuan should give an answer by "the referendum" by the Ryukyu people. To send away foreign power called Japanese - United States practically./是。為你的意見贊同。琉球沖繩的「居民投票」最好。





>>Menglian Tien

>>遵重琉球民主選擇吧!不愛管以前係水D e r?





(注意:。琉球沖縄の新聞はすべて親日派です。ですから、私の妻の母親殺害事件を隠蔽して報道や広報をしなかったり、そのようなプロパガンダを連日行っています) 。

/However, "even as for the newspapers, it is said propaganda" a posture that "the Japanese Government takes the life of the Ryukyuan (kill a Ryukyuan) and prevents Ryukyu independence". Employ an assassinator; economical in Ryukyuans; exhaust. And it being able to be reliable that Japanese Government makes the situation to let suicide and an internal trouble cause, and "to kill" the Ryukyuan concerned. Actually, mother of my wife was killed by the method in August five years ago by the Japanese Government, too. However, Japanese Government does not suggest Ryukyuan killing directly and is impossible.

(attention: All the newspapers of Ryukyu Okinawa are pro-Japanese. Therefore) which conceals the mother killing case of my wife, and does not do the news and public information, and performs such a propaganda day after day.

Thus, "women and children and an old man" of Ryukyu taking the simple "threat" seriously stand. The class of weaks of Ryukyu is always haunted by the uneasiness in this way. It is that "guys" suggesting the false rumors, "Japanese Government kills a Ryukyuan choosing Ryukyu independence directly" that there is not as an excuse to conceal own mental weakness are pro-Japanese Ryukyuans that is the worst. The daily life that it is bad is Ryukyu Okinawa./可是,所說的象「日本政府,阻止在奪走也琉球人的生命(殺害琉球人)琉球獨立」一樣的姿勢「報紙等也宣傳」被做。一使用刺客,就使之經濟性疲憊琉球人。又使之弄(引)起自殺和內部糾紛日本政府製作那個該琉球人「殺」的狀況的確實可能有。實際,5年前的8月我的妻子的母親用那個方法被日本政府也殺害 了。可是,日本政府直接地暗示琉球人殺害的是到,不可能事。


因而 ,當真那個單純的「威嚇」的琉球的「婦女與兒 童和老人」們。這樣向琉球的弱勢群體那個不安經常糾纏著。最壞的,是暗示著作為為了隱藏自己的精神的弱的藉口那個螞蟻也不做的「日本政府直接地殺害選擇琉球獨立的琉球人」這個謠言等的「人們」親日派琉球人。那才萬害的日常是琉球沖繩。/


私が上述した理由のそれと同時に、日本人は日本国全体の「国民投票」を暗黙のうちに琉球に対して押し付けています。琉球人だけの「住民投票」を日本人が事実上拒否しています。たとえば、日本の傀儡政権である沖縄県知事職に対する「日本政府に忖度した親日派琉球人新聞記者や日本人記者」らによる「踏み絵的な」脅しも横行しています。その様子がさりげなく報道もされ、印象報道が成立します。たとえば、前の知事だった仲井眞弘多前知事は一昨年にその「踏み絵」を踏まされています。そして数ヶ月前の2015年には現職の翁長雄志知事もです。その報道を知った新聞の読者や「婦女子やご老人」 らの意志はますます萎縮します。その際、特に「琉球独立志向」の旺盛な反日琉球人は神経を尖らせる必要性が生じます。その脅迫報道によってそれまでにすでに積み重なっている反日琉球人自らの家庭内や親族らの強迫観念がさらに高まらないような対策をたてる必要性が生じます。



(注意:。この印象 報道はテレ ビやラジ オでは一瞬。そして、新聞紙上では、他の報道内容にまぎれさせられて1行か2行だけ記述されています。しかもこともなげに報道されます。)

それに加えて、その「日本人-アメリカ人」らによる「琉球人差別」という「日本人の総意」が堂々と、しかも公にも繰り出されます。 「数年おきや、隔年ごと、時には毎年毎」に。

しかもそれがその「日本人-アメリカ人」らによる「琉球人差別」という人権侵害=犯罪という大問題そのものが、「国際政治の常套手段や議会制民主主義」の名も下でもって行われるのだからどうしようもない。この琉球沖縄の琉球人1,400,000人全員に対するこの膨大な人権侵害事件が実は、下記の二つの「民主主義と選挙」という公な手続きを経 て行われて いるのだ 。

/The reason why "a referendum" of Ryukyu Okinawa that is the best choice does not readily advance to is still it.

With that of reason that I stated above, the Japanese forces "a referendum" of the whole Japan tacitly for Ryukyu. A Japanese refuses "the referendum" only for Ryukyuans virtually. For example, "an allegiance test-like", threatening you by "pro-Japanese Ryukyuan newspaper reporter and Japanese reporter who guessed it in the Japanese Government" for the Okinawa governorship that is Japanese puppet government and others strides. The state is reported casually, and the impression news is established. For example, the NakaimaHirokazu ex-governor who was the former governor is made to step on the "copper tablet with a crucifix" in the year before last. And Governor incumbent Takeshi Onaga, too in 2015 several months ago. The will of reader of the newspaper which knew the news and "women and children and old man" and others withers more and more. The need to be able to get nervous produces the excellent anti-Japan Ryukyuan of "the Ryukyu independent intention" in particular on this occasion. The need that the family of anti-Japan Ryukyuan oneself who has so already piled up by the threat news and the obsession of relative and others put up the measures that do not increase more produces it.

Japanese Government threatens the successive Okinawa governors and. According to the newspaper report, the contents of the skillful impression news seducing audiences of Ryukyu Okinawa are like that. A reporter asks Governor of Okinawa a question only at the time when Okinawa gets Japan budget allocation expressly "does Okinawa become independent?". These two Governor of Okinawa answers in this way on this occasion:

"Okinawa does not become independent".

(attention: This impression news is an instant on TV and the radio. And they are made to disappear in other news contents in the papers, and only one line or two are described. Besides, reported casually.)

In addition, "the Japanese general will" called "the discrimination by "Japanese - American" and others against Ryukyuan" is dignified and it is flocked publicly. In "every several years an ember and every second year sometimes every year."

Besides, it is hopeless because large problem itself called human rights violations = crime called "the discrimination by "Japanese - American" and others against Ryukyuan" has the name of "usual practice and the parliamentary democracy of the international politics" in a bottom, and it is performed. In fact, these enormous human rights violations cases for all 1,400,000 Ryukyuans of this Ryukyu Okinawa are performed after a public procedure called two following "democracy and election".

 As a result, it follows that the best "referendum of Ryukyu Okinawa" is interfered with legally by they "pro-Japanese Ryukyuan and Japanese - American" and others. It runs out of the Ryukyu Okinawa society under the rule in Japan for a word of "it is vulgar":


我上述的理由的與此同時,日本人到沉默的期間對琉球壓上著日本國全部的「公民投票」。日 本人事實上拒絕著只琉球人「居民投票」。譬如,由對作為 日本的傀儡政權的沖繩縣知事工作的「 為日本政府忖度的親日派琉球人新聞記者和日本人記者」們的「踏畫兒的的」威嚇也横行著。那個情況若無其事地報道也被做,印象報道成立。譬如,是前面的知事的仲井真弘多前知事前年被迫踏那個「踏畫兒」。又數個月前的2015年現職翁長雄志知事也出。知道那個報道的報紙的讀者和「婦女與兒童和老人」們的意志越發萎縮。那個時候,特的「琉球獨立意向」的旺盛的反日琉球人產生使之尖神經的必要性。通過那個威脅報道那個之前產生建立已經壘積起來的反日琉球人自己的家庭內和親屬們的強迫觀念更加不像高漲一樣的對策的必要性。

日本政府夠那個歷代的沖繩縣知事威嚇。挑唆琉球沖繩的收看者等的巧妙的那個印象報道的內容,是根據報紙報道這樣。「沖繩獨立嗎?」,特 意沖繩縣獲 得日本國 預算撥款的時期限定記者質詢著給沖繩縣知事。那個時候,這個二人的沖繩縣知事這樣回答著:



還有,由那個「日本人-美國人」們的「琉球人差異」這個「日本人的全體的意見」堂堂,而且也能陸續放出在(到)公家。 向「數年,每隔一年,時候每每年」。

而且因為那個所說的由那個「日本人-美國人」們的「琉球人差異」這個人權迫害=犯罪大問題本身,在下也包含「國際政治的老一套和議會制民主主義」的名被進行所以沒有辦法。對於這個琉球沖繩的琉球人1,400,000人全體人員這個龐大的人權迫害事件其實,經過下 列的二個「 民主主義 和選舉」這個公家的手續被進行。



2。日本人は、琉球人に対してだけは常に、日本全体の「国民の投票」を押し付けています。「住民投票」ではなく。日本人のそれは、他の46都道府県に対するそれとはまったく違う。つまり、日本の国会議員選挙制度が琉球 沖縄の「住民投票」を 妨害する手段として用いられているのです。「民主主義と選挙」が真の民意を隠蔽するのだから皮肉なものです。




しかし、「琉球 VS 日本」の人口比は現在、およそ1:100です。

(「琉球人1,400、000人」 VS 「日 本人130、000、000人」) 。


あなたはこの数値でもうお分かりでしょう。この大差では琉球人は絶対不利です。特に多数決を必要以上に採用することこそが「民主主義」と勘違いしてしまっている日本社会では琉球人の存在そのものが抹殺されてしまっている。少数者の意見にこそ耳を傾けるのが本来の民主主義であることはいうまでもありませんが、「彼らの文化そのものやDNA自体が帝国主義的」な日本人には通用しません。その琉球人の主張は常にわずか百分の一の「主張」で体よく終わらされています。そんな日本支配のままの琉球沖縄社会では、いかに道義的正統性が琉球側に厳然としていようが、それは無駄なことです。そしてこれから先の未来でも永遠に、この不 条理の現状が変わることはない、 日本支配 の琉 球沖縄社 会のままでは過去同様に。



琉球國臨時政府 /Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm


/1. Secret passage (the back secret agreement in case of international negotiations.of "Japanese - United States" This is methods such as usual practice) before a hit in the world of the international politics. Usual practice of this international politics forms Ryukyu Okinawa buried in the world of the international politics that "Japanese - United States" employs a Ryukyuan outside a mosquito net. Unreasonable. And I decide the fate of "the international position of the Ryukyuan" only in the government of both Japan and the United States. Stupid.

2. Japanese always force the overall "vote of the nation" in Japan only for a Ryukyuan. Not "a referendum." Japanese it is totally different from it for 46 other metropolis and districts. In other words, Japanese Diet member election system is used as means to interfere with "a referendum" of Ryukyu Okinawa. Because "democracy and election" conceal the true popular will, it is ironical.

"A representative of Ryukyu chosen in Diet member election should do the claim in the Japanese Diet".

They force it while continuing saying such a purpose that is similar to saying a stupid thing. (it is at the height of the Diet member election this very moment, and the example is in progress now. Six days later. ) that forthcoming July 10 is the election day.


However, the population ratio of "Ryukyu VS Japan" is approximately 1:100 now.

("Ryukyuan 1,400, 000" VS "Japanese 130, 000, 000").

This ratio does not change from the old times.

You will know it with this number already. A Ryukyuan is absolutely disadvantageous by this wide margin.Existence itself of the Ryukyuan is crossed out in the Japanese society which it mistakes for "democracy" to adopt decision by majority in particular more than required. It does not need to say that it is original democracy that listen to the opinion of the minority, but is not used to the Japanese that "culture itself and DNA in itself of them are like imperialism". A body is good, and claims of the Ryukyuan are always ended by only a one-100th "claim". Even if moral legitimacy makes it on the Ryukyu side to a cuttlefish clearly in the Ryukyu Okinawa society with such a rule in Japan on, it is useless. As the Ryukyu Okinawa society of the Japan rule that the present conditions of this absurdity do not also change forever from now on even in the former future like the past.

Thank you.

July 4, 2016

琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm


本村 安彦



2。日本人,只對琉球人經常,壓上著日本全部的「國民的投票」。「居民投票 」不是。日本人的那個,與對其他 的46都道府縣的那個完全不同。總之,日本的國會議員選舉制度作為妨礙琉球沖繩的「居民投票」的手段被採用。因為「民主主義和選舉」隱藏所以真正的民意譏諷。




可是,「琉球VS 日本」的人口比是現在,大概1:100。

(「琉球人1,400,000人」VS 「日本人130,000,000人」)。





琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부/Ryukyu nước Chính phủ Lâm


本村 安彦



