臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

SCRIPT[Amazing Discoveries : Space Invaders] 7/7

2009-06-28 | Script
今日は「Amazing Discoveries」の「Space Invaders」のスクリプトです~


私は、have(has) got = got が、やっと身に付いてきたところですが、このお話では、"Have(Has) S got~?" という形で"have got"の疑問形が3回でてきますよ。

Amazing Discoveries

Wow! Look at that! Someone must've dropped it.

Look what I found.
Oh, that's nice.
Hello Pig. Hello Arnold. Can I smell cake?
Yes, it's in the oven. It should be ready soon.
Oh, lovely.
It's got cherries in it.
Can I have a go?
Yes, of course.

It's nice, isn't it, Arnold?
Do you want to have a go, Arnold?
Can he have a go, Kipper?
Yes, of course.
There's not patch on it. I can't see any bits to pull out.
Oh, look. He's waving. He thinks it's someone inside. There's no one inside, Arnold.
Big great if it was real one, wouldn't it? We can go to the moon, galaxies and all sort of things.
Yeah. I've got a flying saucer.
That's silly. I've got a space ship.
Have you (got it)? Where?
Upstairs in my toy box.
Come on, let's get it then.
It's got all saucer things on it.

Look, the wings come out, and it's go a battey in everything. Watch this.
Careful Arnold. Good, isn't it?
Now show me what yours does.
Well, I don't know, only just find it. There's nothing (that) you can pull out.
Has it got battery?
I don't think so. It can't find anything it opens. I think (it) just look at. Bit boring really.
I think mine's better.
Yes, yours is great. I'm hungry. Is your cake ready, yet?
Yes, We now get down to glaze.

Here we are, Arnold. Feast cake.
One for Kipper, one for you, Arnold, one for you, Teddy... Wait Arnold. One for Clown, one for Epholap, and one for me. Where?
It's good, Pig.

Where is the space ship gone?
I don't know.
Have you got it, Arnold?
You took it off to the garden? Why?
Is it outside, Arnold?
Oh, I see, Arnold. It flew out into the garden, didn't it?
Shall we get it back later then, when we finished our cake?
No it's not as good as this one, isn't it?

(I) Wonder what it would be like? Real one.
I don't know.
Would you like Teddy's slice?
Yes, please.

