臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou Tries Karate

2012-12-23 | Script
Vroom! Vroom! Mommy, can we go to the park?
Perhaps a little later, Caillou. I have to take Rosie to her swimming class now.
I want to go swimming, too.
Isn't Leo coming over today?
Caillou had completely forgotten that he had a playdate with Leo.
Yeah, Leo is coming! Leo is coming! Yeah!
Today it was shaping up to be a great day!

I'll get it.
Caillou was very excited. He thought maybe it would be Leo calling to tell him that he was on his way over.
Hello, Leo? Oh, Daddy, it's for you!
Thank you, Caillou. Hello? Oh, hi! No problem at all. I'm glad I can help. Send Sarah over when she's ready. Good-bye.
Is Sarah coming over?
Actually yes, but not to play. Sarah's Mom has a bad cold so she asked me if I could take Sarah to her Karate class a little later.
Karate class?
Ah-ha, Karate!
Karate seemed very strange to Caillou.

Caillou and Leo were very happy to be spending the morning together, but they couldn't wait to start playing.
You're not Caillou.
I'm here, Mommy! We're bears in a cave! Roar!

Sarah, why are you still in your pyjamas?
These aren't my pyjamas. It's called [a] "GY". I wear it for my karate class.
Silly me! I'll be ready in just a minute. Why don't you go show Caillou your Karate-GY?
Hi, Sarah! Caillou is in his room, but beware there are big bears in dark caves upstairs.

Caillou, are you in there?
Hi, I can't stay long. Your dad's driving me to my Karate class. I wanted to show you my Karate-GY.
You wear that for Karate?
Uh-ha. See, ha! I need room to do my Karate moves and my GY is comfortable.
Your dad thought I was still in my pyjamas.
Caillou and Leo were very impressed by Sarah's Karate demonstration.
Sarah, time to go!
I've gotta go, but I can come back after my class and show you a few more moves if you want. Bye!

Karate lesson turned out to be fun for everyone.

