


2007-12-22 10:07:59 | 英語の学習と研究

問題 (   )内に入る最適の語句を選び番号をマークせよ。
(1) Bill likes Beth all the more (   )she has faults.
  ① for ② because ③ none ④ less
(2) Bill likes Beth all the more (   )her faults.
① for ② because ③ none ④ less
(3) Bill likes Beth none the less (   )she has faults.
① for ② because ③ none ④ less
(4) Bill likes Beth none the less (   )her faults.
① for ② because ③ none ④ less

読解問題 以下の英文について設問に答えよ。
Once upon a starless midnight there was an owl who sat on the branch of an oak tree. Two ground moles tried to slip quietly by, unnoticed. "You!" said the owl. "Who?" they quavered, in fear and astonishment, for they could not believe it was possible for anyone to see them in that thick darkness. "You two!" said the owl. The moles hurried away and told the other creatures of the field and forest that the owl was the greatest and wisest of all animals because he could see in the dark and because he could answer any question. "I’ll see about that," said a secretary bird, and he called on the owl one night when it was again very dark. "How many claws am I holding up?" said the secretary bird. "Two," said the owl, and that was right. "Can you give me another expression for ‘that is to say’ or ‘namely’?" asked the secretary bird. "To wit," said the owl. "Why does the lover call on his love?" "To woo," said the owl.
The secretary bird hastened back to the other creatures and reported that the owl indeed was the greatest and wisest animal in the world because he could see in the dark and because he could answer any question. "Can he see in the daytime, too?" asked a red fox? "Yes," answered a dormouse and a French poodle. "Can he see in the daytime, too?" All the other creatures laughed loudly at this silly question, and they set upon the red fox and his friends and drove them out of the region. They sent a messenger to the owl and asked him to be their leader.
When the owl appeared among the animals it was high noon and the sun was shining brightly. He walked very slowly, which gave him an appearance of great dignity, and he peered about him with large, staring eyes, which gave him an air of tremendous importance. "He’s God!" screamed a Plymouth rock hen. And the others took up the cry "He’s God!" So they followed him wherever he went and when he bumped into things they began to bump into things, too. Finally he came to a concrete highway and he started up the middle of it and all the other creatures followed him. Presently a hawk, who was acting as outrider, observed a truck coming toward them at fifty miles an hour, and he reported to the secretary bird and the secretary bird reported to the owl. "There’s danger ahead," said the secretary bird. "To wit?" said the owl. The secretary bird told him. "Aren’t you afraid?" he asked. "Who?" said the owl calmly, for he could not see the truck. "He’s God!" cried all the creatures again, and they were still crying "He’s God" when the truck hit them and ran them down. Some of the animals were merely injured, but most of them, including the owl, were killed.
(注)owl: フクロウ ground mole: モグラの一種 claw: カギ爪(ここでは「指」と解釈してよい)

設問(1) 次の文が本文の内容とあっている場合はT、あっていない場合はFと答えなさい。
(A) When the owl first said “You!” in the first paragraph, he wanted someone to talk to, because he had been alone all the while.
(B) Even after his visit to the owl, the secretary bird doubted the possibility of the owl being the Almighty.
(C) The owl could see both in the middle of night and in the daytime as well.
(D) The owl walked very slowly among the animals because he wanted to look very important.
(E)The owl was so caring and compassionate that he was attracting a lot of respect from the animals.
(F) The cause of the tragedy was that there was a misunderstanding among the animals.

設問(2) 本文の内容を、日本語で要約しなさい。
設問(3) 本文を読んで得られる教訓を30字以内で日本語で答えなさい。


2007-12-18 17:46:46 | 英語の学習と研究
(1) to, when *whereは不可ですが理由は分かりますか?
(2) fare (3) What (4) What (5) high

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth,
Two front teeth,
Two front teeth.

機能語など (5)

2007-12-17 17:10:01 | 英語の学習と研究
問題 (   )内に入る最適の英語をそれぞれ1語ずつ答えよ。
(1) Back in 1984 I was admitted (   ) University College London
(   )I started my studies in linguistics.
(2) A: How much does it cost to get to Shiogama Station by bus?
B: Are you asking me the bus (   )to Shiogama Station?
(3) How many people live in China?
= (   )is the population of China?
(4) I've forgotten the capital of Switzerland. (   )is the capital of this country?
(5) A: Cucumbers these days are extremely expensive, aren't they?
B: They really are! The (   )price of vegetables in general are related to the price of crude oil.

今日はとりあえずこんなところ。「客」、「代金」などは英語ではguest, client, customer, fare, tuition, feeなど状況によって違います。確認しておきましょう。


2007-12-15 09:58:44 | 英語の学習と研究
① who:スーザンこそマイケルが自分の兄の妻になると信じている女性だ。
② whom (who):スーザンこそマイケルの兄が結婚しようとしている女性だ。
③ to whom:スーザンこそマイケルの兄が10年連れ添っている女性だ。
①いわゆる「連鎖関係節」構文。Michael believesを指で隠せば、will be his brother's wifeという動詞句が見えてくる。この動詞句に対応する形を考えれば、主格のwhoが選択されるはず。
②関係節は関係詞の後続節で考える。Michael's brother will marry ...に欠けているものは目的語。marryは他動詞です。従って、目的格のwhomが選択されるが、最近の米語の傾向はwhoも許容する。
③同じように考えて、be married to ...の形が見えるか。be married with ...は不可。


2007-12-14 09:26:46 | 英語の学習と研究
(1) I need someone to talk to.
別解 I need someone to talk with.
(2) You need someone to depend on.
(1) Since yours is a big family, you should have a larger house to live in.
別解 Since you have a big family to take care of, you should have a larger house to live in.
(2) You should have something to live for.

問題 (   )内に入る最適の語句を選び番号をマークせよ。
(1) Susan is the woman (   )Michael believes will be his brother's wife.
  ① who ② whom ③ with whom ④ to whom
(2) Susan is the woman (   )Michael's brother will marry.
① who ② whom ③ with whom ④ to whom
(3) Susan is the woman (   )Michael's brother has been married for ten years.
  ① who ② whom ③ with whom ④ to whom

機能語(Function Word) (2)

2007-12-13 09:24:24 | 英語の学習と研究
 第1問は on、第2問はwithが正解です。
 考え方は、write (   )somethingで考えるわけだが、Here's a sheet of paper.という回答を引き出すには、「何か書き付けるもの」(→紙)が欲しいという文脈が予想される。従ってI'm wondering if you have something to write on.
 一方、Here's a ballpoint.という回答を引き出すには、「書くときに使うもの」(→筆記用具)が欲しいという文脈が必要。従ってI'm wondering if you have something to write with.
 「冷たい飲み物」はsomething cold to drink。これも、drink something coldが元になっている。「冷たい飲み物を飲むときに使うもの」(例えばストローなど)は、something to drink cold drinks withになる。これは、drink cold drinks with somethingを元に考えればよい。
問題 英訳しなさい。


2007-12-12 12:23:46 | 英語の学習と研究
 第2問:[ p ]

問題 (   )内に入る最も適切な語を選び、番号をマークせよ。
   (1) Brenda: Jennifer, I'm wondering if you have something to write (     ).
        Jennifer: Let's see .... Here's a sheet of paper.
        Brenda: Thanks.

   ① in  ② at  ③ on  ④ with

   (2) Brenda: Jennifer, I'm wondering if you have something to write (     ).
        Jennifer: Let's see .... Here's a ballpoint.
        Brenda: Thanks.
      ① in  ② at  ③ on  ④ with



2007-12-11 09:18:31 | 英語の学習と研究
 第1問 「私は今すぐにでも床につきたい。」
 第2問 E=mc  (Eイコールmc二乗)
(01) 下線部は何か、カタカナ5文字で答えなさい。
   Have you heard about an albatross? It’s a large, web-footed tubenose creature. It has long, narrow wings and a long hooked beak. Albatrosses can be seen chiefly in the South Seas, but even in Japan,  especially on the southern islands, only a small number of albatrosses could be observed. In Japan, they are called “idiot birds”, because, although they are good at flying, they are awkward on their feet. Despite the fact that they are called idiots in Japan, they are very beautiful intelligent birds. Of 21 species of albatrosses, 19 are threatened with extinction.
下線部に答えなさい。その際、[     ]の中に発音記号を1つだけ書くこと。
   What is this sound? This sound is created by using your lips. It is a voiceless sound. A voiceless sound is a sound that is not related to the vibration of your vocal chords. The sounds [k] as in “crisp”, [t] as in “time”, [f] as in “fly” are voiceless.  A voiced sound, on the other hand, is a sound that is produced by the vibration of your vocal chords, like [a], [e] and [i].
   What I’m asking you about is a voiceless sound that is produced by using your lips.
(注)vocal chords: 声帯(喉の奥にある発声器官)


2007-12-10 13:36:11 | 英語の学習と研究
 2問目が文字化けしてしまいました。改めて、全文掲載します。写真は割愛します。 The deep connection Einstein discovered between energy and mass is expressed in the equation of E with m multiplied by c squared. Difficult? Okay, let me explain. To square means to multiply a number by itself. For example, if you square 2, then you get 4 by multiplying 2 by 2. Here “E” represents energy, “m” represents mass, and “c squared” is a very large number, the square of the speed of light. Full confirmation was slow in coming. In Paris in 1933, Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie took a photograph below showing the conversion of energy into mass. A quantum of light, invisible here, carries energy up from beneath. In the middle it changes into mass — two freshly created particles which curve away from each other.