播惑闘球団 Barbarians



2006年01月31日 | Weblog
#44G藤様より、「ラグビー憲章」の知見を頂きましたので紹介します。 G藤様、ありがとうございます。
播惑が目標とする「品格」については"ethos","ethical behavior"という表現に表れていますね。SpiritはBarbarianでも、BehaviorはEthical & Fairで行きましょう!

“Rugby Charter Conclusion”
Rugby is valued as a sport for men and women, boys and girls. It builds teamwork, understanding, co-operation and respect for fellow athletes. Its cornerstones are, as they always have been, the pleasure of participating; the courage and skill which the game demands; the love of a team sport that enriches the lives of all involved; and the lifelong friendships forged through a shared interest in the game.
It is because of, not despite, Rugby’s intensely physical and athletic characteristics that such great camaraderie exists before and after matches. The longstanding tradition of players from competing teams enjoying each others company away from the pitch and in a social context, remains at the very core of the game.
Rugby has fully embraced the professional era, but has retained the ethos and traditions of the recreational game. In an age in which many traditional sporting qualities are being diluted or even challenged, Rugby is rightly proud of its ability to retain high standards of sportsmanship, ethical behavior and fair play. It is hoped that this Charter will help reinforce those cherished values.


