English Collection


we had a moment

2015年06月29日 | 英語の本を読む

Raymond ChandlerのRed Windを読んでいます。
I pulled the string of pearls out of the loosely wrapped tissue paper in my pocket and slid them across to her. The silver propeller clasp winked in the light of the wall bracket. The little diamond winked. The pearls were as dull as white soap.
They didn't even match in size.
"You were right," she said tonelessly. "They are not my pearls."
The waiter came with my drink and she put her bag on them deftly. When he was gone she fingered them slowly once more, dropped them into the bag and gave me a dry mirthless smile.
I stood there a moment with a hand hard on the table.
"As you said-I'll keep the clasp." I said slowly: "You don't know anything about me. You saved my life last night and we had a moment , but it was just a moment. You still don't know anything about me. There's a detective downtown named Ybarra, a Mexican of the nice sort, who was on the job when the pearls were found in Waldo's suitcase. That is in case you would like to make sure."
"we had a moment " は何か意味深な感じですが、どんな "moment" があったのか辞書に説明があるでしょうか? スラング辞典のUrban Dictionaryに書かれている次の説明は上の引用文での(最初の)"moment" に当てはまると思います。
A silent moment between two people (either gender, hetrosexual, homosexual, or bi-sexual) in which prolonged eye contact is made and initial feelings of attraction are felt. Often referred to simply as a "moment."
後に出てくる "it was just a moment" の方は普通の「ほんの一瞬/一時」の意味ですね。

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We had a moment (Bane)
2020-05-09 17:58:10
はるさん、コメントありがとうございます。大分前に読んだ話なので内容はすっかり忘れてしまいましたが、”feelings of attraction” とあるので、仰るように「いい感じの雰囲気」といったニュアンスが含まれている」のでしょうね。
Unknown (はる)
2020-05-09 04:56:39
“ We had a moment”には

