The diary of DYP

    アマチュア無線、ライフ、農業、ガーデニング、車 等、since 20/Jan/2008


2009年09月08日 06時42分59秒 | アマチュア無線

September 7, 2009

291 kg of gear on the scale (transceivers, PA痴, power suppliees, antennas, masts and miscellanous aso ...) have been picked up by Didier/F5OGL, Yves/F5PRU and Franco/F4EVR .

They gave it to Mr Alain LEFELLEC, Export freight manager of the LOGFRET Society, located at Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport. We thank him for his kind reception and his help to make this expedition a success.
Two pallets will flight to morrow to the Reunion island, were they will be got back by the Airforce base 181, freight service.

We now have in hand the authorisation to transmit on the Radioamateur Service bands, from Grande Glorieuse.
This permission is beeing sawn on the Home page. (photo F6AML)

73's de F5OGL Didier - team leader de Glorieuses 2009