


2008年09月01日 08時36分55秒 | 友達の平和
Tnanks for your letter.

I am just a laboratory worker in a Japanese chemical campany.

We are now challenging to bio-conversion
from law materials to high value products
by Bucillus subtilis (納豆菌) , yeast and fungi.

I presented a novel M1P-producing enzyme
by Corynebacterium glutamicum
in seminars at Kyoto (March) and Osaka (September) in 2006.

I just hope

Peace of world,
Solution of global environmental problems such as global warming and air pollution (Kyoto Protocol in 1997),
Energy exchanges from oil, coal and gas resource to biomass by plant and microorganism (connecting to my job),
Solution of increasingly yawning gap between rich and poor,

Solution of problems of Japanese education and technology, large amount of Japanese government bonds and Japanese annual pension by rapid aging of the population and extremely low birthrates.

What kind of music do you study in your university?
I like to sing the Beatles songs in Karaoke box.

I like take photos to post Panoramio

This picture is Utsunomiya Castle in Utsunomiya city where I live.

