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2023-10-18 19:33:03 | 運命学






Shingon Esoteric Buddhism meditation method
Become one with the great life of the universe



「密教の一字禅」などともいわれ、前に述べた摩訶止観の瞑想にマンダラ (図画) という目標をあたえたものと思えばよい。(だから、前述の小止観の作法につづい て、この阿字観をやればよいのである)

真言密教では「」という文字に神秘的な力があるとしている。どうしてかと いう論議がいろいろなされているが、ここでは略す。


わが心に月輪を観ず 月輪の上に阿字を観ず



宝珠 法界に逼満して口に阿字を誦す



この清涼寂静の満月輪に、神秘不可思議の力を有する字と、仏法のさとりを あらわす蓮花とをあわせ、これとわが心をひとつに合致せしめて、わが心を清涼

静ならしめ、字の不可思議なる力と仏法のさとりと一体になろうとするわけで ある。

そこで、瞑想の目標(本尊)として、満月輪に字と蓮花をえがいた図画を用 いる。



月輪の相は一尺一寸二分 (約三六九センチ)にえがいて、 月輪の中に蓮花をえが その上に字を書いて本尊とする。

座った座から字の中ほどまで、一尺六寸(約五二・ハセンチ)ばかりのところ に本尊をかける。本尊と行者との間隔は、八寸(約二六四センチ)から四尺(約一 三ニセンチ)までの間なら行者の自由にしてよい。


座にはふとんを敷いて、その上に半跏趺座で座る。手には法界定 印をむすぶ。 座ったら、からだを前後左右へ二、三遍ゆるがしてみて、心にとどこおることのな いようにして、耳と肩とひとしく、鼻とヘソとひとしくして、両方の瞳で鼻柱を守 るようにする。

柱を守るようにするとは、視線が鼻端の上部を通じて本尊(月輪)の中心にそ そがれるようにすることである。舌を上の顎につければ、息もおのずから静かにな

る。 腰はそらず、伏せず、まっすぐに座して、脈道(血液の循環)をよくするよう

次に、 数珠を二、三遍摺りながら、礼拝の真言、

「オン サラバ タタギャタ ハンナマンナ ノウ キャロ ミ」をとなえる。






上 誓願 証、自他法界同利益


次に、 法界定印をむすんでヘソの前に置き、観念せよ。

まず、わが心中に白色円明の月輪あり。 月輪の中に蓮花あり。 蓮花の上に字





次に観ぜよ。 この字・蓮花・月輪しだいに広く、しだいに大にして、三千大 千世界ないし法界に周遍すると観じてのち、にわかに本尊と心とを忘れて、無分別 (無念無想)に住すべし。


大宇宙にした字・蓮花・月輪をしだいにまきちぢめて、元の量 (一尺一寸二分)の大きさにおさめ、それを自身の胸の中に安置し奉ると観じる。

このとき、すなわち、身と心とを忘れて、ただ無分別(無念無想)に住す。 その あと、疲れるのを期として、定に入った瞑想を止め、念珠を摺って、祈念すべ



おむかえした仏を本宮の浄土に送り奉り、自心の仏を自心の本宮に送り奉ると観 大悲心 (慈悲の心に住して道場を出ずべし。以上。

観念瞑想が終わって座を立とうとするときは、座に座ったまま頭から足下に至る まで、上からしだいに身をなで、脈道をおぎなってから、座を立つようにせよ。 そ うしないと病を発することがある。







いずれでもよいが、2の方法がよいように思う。ただし、ア、 ととなえるといっ

でも、それは声に出してアをとなえるわけではない。心の中で静かにアの音をとな えるのである。

この瞑想のいちばんの眼目(急所)は、この“広観”と“観”である。 本尊を観じて行者と一体になった字・蓮花・月輪をだんだん拡大して、つい には三千大千世界、この大宇宙いっぱいにひろげる観想を広観といい、その大宇宙 いっぱいにひろがった本尊を、もとの一肘量の大きさにめる観想を観という。 煮”とは、ちぢめて小さくするという意味である。

真言密教のアジャリは、この広観の観想を、本尊のみが宇宙大にひろがってい 修行者はそれを見ているようなかたちとして解説される。たとえば、

行者の眼の前にある阿字観の本尊を、眼をつぶっても、瞼の裏、ないしは胸 中にはっきりと見え得るほどに、本尊と不二一体となって観想するのが阿字観法のありかたであるが、今度はそのように行者と不二一体となった本尊を、だ んだんと拡大していき、虚空一杯にひろげて言ったら、その極限はどうなるの であろうか。結局は、それは無限大のものとなってしまい、眼識、意識等の対 象としての条件をなくして了うのである。

字としてのアの形や、円形としての月輪が見える間は、まだそれは無限大と なっていないのである。無限大のものとなるがためには、行者の上方にも、下 方にも、前にも後にも、左右の両横にも、絆前や斜後にも、斜上や斜下にも、 すべての方向に本尊がひろがっていかねばならず、人間がその眼識や意識で物 事を認識(にんしきみとめる)するためには、そのような十方世界へのひ ろがりの真只中にあっては、けっしてそれを一定の形として受け取り得なくな るのである。

人間は自分の後方の文字は読めず、頭上の形は視線を向けねば見えず、まし 上下前後左右一挙に物を認識することは不可能である。 そこで阿字観の本尊 無限大にひろげていくことは、阿字観の本尊と行者が不二一体となったま

ま、ア、蓮、月の形を越えた精神統一の無的境地へと突入するための手段であ ろうと思う。

それはあたかも、人間の小さな計らいを捨てて、仏陀の無分別智に身をゆだ ねようとする行為に似ている。対象を虚空大にひろげてしまったら、その 対象は無的になる。無的になった対象を観ずるということは、無念無想、すな わち何も思わぬ状態になることと等しい。 観想中に何も思わぬ状態になったと き、人間に体感可能な体で感じられるのは)自己の心の働きそのものであ (大野峻覧 「阿字観の手びき』) る。


それは、字・蓮花月輪といっしょに、修行者自身もひろがっていって、大 宇宙いっぱいに満してしまうという観想のしかたである。





自身もいっしょに拡大していかねばならない。 行者だけとり残されてしまったら、 不二一体感が破れてしまって、そのあとの観想がチグハグになってしまう。

ここはどこまでも不二一体を破らずに行者自身もどんどん拡大していって、 大宇 いっぱいに周するのがよいように思われる。

阿字とはなにかというと、「阿字本不生」といって、ひと口でいうと、本不生と は「宇宙の大生命」「永遠の生命」といった意味である。 その宇宙の大生命のシ ンボルである字蓮花月輪の本尊が、いま行者の観想によって生命を吹き まれ、大宇宙に遍満したのである。

修行者もその生命と一体になって、いまや大宇宙に満する大生命になった と観想するのも生き生きとした瞑想になるのではなかろうか。

もちろん、大野師の伝統的な解釈もすばらしいし、読者は、そのいずれをもとっ て、自由に瞑想にふけられたらよろしいと思う。 いや、ここのところはあまりむず かしい理屈は考えず、読者は自由にのびのびと心を遊ばせて、宇宙の大生命と一体になる恍惚感を味わわれるがよろしいのだ。ここにあげた二つの解釈のほかにも、


大宇宙いっぱいにひろがった自分オヤ、爪さきのあたりを蚊のようなものが 飛んでいくぞ、なんだ、ジャンボジェットか、おやおや、ウチの社長が乗ってい るぞ、なあんだ、ケシ粒みたいなヤツだ、うわっはっはっは、 と、 ノイローゼもヒ ステリーも吹きとんでしまう。どえらい企画やアイデアもとび出すかもしれない。




ついでかんじんなのは、大宇宙に遍満した字・蓮花月輪の本尊と自分をも の大きさにもどして、それから本尊を自分の心の中におさめ、安置して、またこ


これによって、阿字観の瞑想からはなれて日常生活にもどったのちも、一点のく もりもない満月輪のすがすがしく清らかな心と、阿字本不生の大生命の力と、また 仏法のさとりとつねに一体の自分なのである。が、まあ、むずかしい理屈はよいか ら、理屈ぬきにまず座って、やってごらんなさい。 モヤモヤなんぞはどこかにふき とんでしまう。これで、胃カイヨウや高血圧のなおった人が無数にいる。それに、 第一こせこせしなくなるだけでも気持ちがよいはずだ。


Shingon Esoteric Buddhism meditation method
Become one with the great life of the universe

It is also called ``one-character Zen of esoteric Buddhism,'' and it can be thought of as the goal of mandalas (drawings) given to the meditation of Makatokan mentioned earlier. (Therefore, following the etiquette of Kodomekan mentioned above, you should do this Ajikan.)

In Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, the character ``'' is said to have mystical power. There are many discussions about why this is the case, but I will omit it here.

Keika Ajari, the teacher of Kobo Daishi Kukai,

I don't see a moon ring in my heart, I don't see an Aji on the moon ring.

Changes to Aji and becomes Nyoi Hoju

It has said.

Treasure jewel: Recite the A character in your mouth while being satisfied with the Dharma world.

In short, this is a meditation.

The full moon ring is pure and clear, giving us a feeling of coolness and tranquility.

In this full moon ring of coolness and tranquility, I combine the characters with mystical and mysterious power and the lotus flower, which represents the wisdom of Buddhism, and unite this with my heart to refresh my heart.

He is a man who seeks to calm down and become one with the mysterious power of writing and the wisdom of Buddhism.

Therefore, as the goal (principal image) of meditation, a drawing of a full moon ring with calligraphy and a lotus flower is used.

Let's try marking it based on a book of etiquette from long ago.

Ajikan practice using mandala

The aspect of the moon ring is drawn on a length of 1 shaku, 1 sun and 2 minutes (approximately 369 centimeters), and a lotus flower is drawn inside the moon ring, and characters are written on top of it as the principal image.

The principal image is hung about 1 shaku and 6 sun (approximately 52 ha centimeters) from the seat where the person is sitting to the middle of the character. The distance between the principal image and the practitioner may be between eight inches (approximately 264 centimeters) and four shaku (approximately 13 centimeters), as determined by the practitioner.


Spread a futon on your seat and sit on it in a half-prone position. He has a legal seal attached to his hand. When you sit down, try to move your body forward, backward, left and right a few times, as if you were in the same position as he is in your heart. Make sure to protect the pillars.

Protecting the pillar means directing the line of sight through the upper part of the nose to the center of the principal image (moon ring). If you touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, your breath will automatically become quieter.

Ru. Sit up straight without bending your back or bending down to improve your blood circulation.

Next, while rubbing the beads two or three times, say the mantra of worship,

They chant “On Sarava tatagyata Hanamanna no kyalo mi”.

Next, self-defense law (if it fits).

Next, join hands and say the five great vows.


Boundless Vow of Sentient Beings, Blessed Wisdom Boundless Vow Collection, Dharma Gate Boundless Vow Awakening Tathagata Boundless Vow, Bodhi Nothing

How to prepare for the hospital

Above oath certificate, same interest in both the legal world and others

Next, recite the mantra of the Five Characters of the Womb World, Abi La Un Ken, 100 times.

Next, place the Dharma Seal in front of your navel and contemplate it.

First of all, there is a moon ring of white light in my heart. There is a lotus flower inside the moon ring. letters on lotus flower

can be. The character of the heart of the principal image, lotus, moon ring, and the character of my heart, the lotus flower, and the moon ring, and the symbol of sentient beings.

Open your eyes and look at the principal image, seeing it as equal and non-dutiary with the lotus moon ring.

Close your eyes and watch it again in your heart.

In this way, the number of things you can see with your eyes open and with your eyes closed.

Watch it next time. After seeing this character, the lotus flower, and the moon ring gradually becoming wider and larger, and going around the three thousand great worlds or Dharma worlds, I suddenly forgot the principal image and the mind, and thoughtlessly (with no regrets). I should live there.

Let's watch it again after a while.

Gradually shrink the letters, lotus flower, and moon ring that have been made into a macrocosm, reduce them to their original size (1 foot, 1 inch, and 2 minutes), and enshrine them in your own chest.

At this time, one forgets one's body and mind and lives in a state of mindlessness. After that, when I felt tired, I stopped my regular meditation, rubbed my prayer beads, and prayed.

Next is self-defense (putting your palms together is fine).

Next, join your hands in prayer.

Send the Buddha you have received to the Pure Land of the main shrine, and send the Buddha of your own mind to the main shrine of your own mind to dedicate it.

When you are about to get up from your seat after completing conceptual meditation, gradually stroke your body from the top down, from your head to your feet, while you are seated, until you are able to reach your veins, and then get up from your seat. If you don't take care of it, you may get sick.

How to do Ajikan meditation that anyone can do

〈Broad view and drinking view〉

It is said that there are three ways of breathing during Ajikan practice.

1. How to feel each breath as it goes in and out

2. How to flap your wings with each breath

3. This is the method of Agokan, in which you say "a" on your outgoing breath and "un" on your incoming breath.

Either method is fine, but I think method 2 is better. However, if you say a.

But that doesn't mean you can say a out loud. Silently make the sound of a in your heart.

The most important points (vital points) of this meditation are this ``broad view'' and ``conception.'' Looking at the principal image and gradually expanding the characters, lotus flowers, and moon rings that have become one with the practitioner, the contemplation that eventually spreads out to the 3,000, 1,000 worlds, this vast universe is called wide-viewing, and the idea that it expands to fill the entire universe. The contemplation of reducing the principal image to its original size is called kan. "Ni" means to shrink and make it smaller.

Ajari in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism explains this wide-ranging contemplation as a form in which only the principal image extends throughout the universe, and the practitioner sees it. for example,

The Ajikan method involves contemplating the principal image of Ajikan that is in front of the practitioner's eyes, becoming one with the principal image so that even if one closes the eyes, one can clearly see it behind the eyelids or in the chest. However, if we were to gradually expand the principal image that has become one with the ascetic and spread it out to fill the void, what would its ultimate state be? . In the end, it becomes something infinitely large, and it loses its condition as an object of discernment, consciousness, etc.

While he can see the shape of the letter A and the moon ring as a circle, he has not yet realized that it is infinite. In order to become infinite, we must move above and below the ascetic, in front of us, behind us, on both sides of us, in front of our bonds, behind us, above us and below us. The principal image must spread in all directions, and in order for humans to perceive things with their discernment and consciousness, they must be in the midst of such spread into the ten directions. If we do so, we will never be able to accept it as a fixed form.

A human being cannot read letters behind him, he cannot see shapes above him unless he turns his gaze, and it is impossible for him to recognize things all at once, up, down, front, back, left, and right. Therefore, the principle image of Ajikan will expand to infinity as the principal image of Ajikan and the practitioner become one.

Well, I think it is a means to enter a state of spiritual unity that transcends the shapes of the lotus and the moon.

It is as if he were trying to sleep, abandoning his petty human plans and surrendering to the unwise wisdom of the Buddha. If an object expands into the void, it becomes meaningless. To look at an object that has become empty is equivalent to being without regret, in other words, in a state where one does not think of anything. He said that during contemplation, he entered a state where he could not think of anything, and what he felt with his human body was the very workings of his own mind (Shunran Ohno, ``Ajikan's Handbook'').

I see, that seems to be the case. However, I have another opinion.

This is a method of contemplation in which the practitioner himself, along with the characters and lotus moon ring, expands and fills the universe.

Since the ascetic and the principal image are one and the same, as the principal image expands, the ascetic and the principal image become one.


sense of imprudence


We must also expand ourselves. If only the ascetic is left behind, the sense of non-duality will be broken, and the subsequent contemplation will become chaotic.

It seems to me that it would be best for the ascetics to continue to expand here, without ever breaking the concept of Fujitchi, and to travel around as many times as possible.

What Aji means is ``Aji Honfusei.'' Simply put, Honfusei means ``the great life of the universe'' and ``eternal life.'' The principal image of the Lotus Moon Wheel, which is a symbol of the great life of the universe, has now been brought to life through the contemplation of practitioners, and has pervaded the great cosmos.

Ascetics become one with that life, and contemplating him, who has now become a great life that fills the universe, can be a lively meditation.

Of course, Ohno Shi's traditional interpretations are also wonderful, and I hope readers can meditate freely on either of them. No, at this point I don't think too much about his complicated logic, and I think readers are welcome to let their minds play freely and experience the ecstasy of becoming one with the great life of the universe. In addition to the two interpretations given here,

Readers may enjoy free and unrestrained meditation.

My father is spread out across the cosmos, and something like a mosquito flies past my fingernails. What is this? It's a jumbo jet. Oh, my president is on board, and he's on it. What, a poppy grain? He's like that, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You might even come up with some crazy plans or ideas.

Therefore, what is disturbing is the sense of imprudence that emerges here.

``... suddenly forget the principal image and the heart, and live indiscriminately.''

At this point, you enter a state of regret and thought that is similar to ecstasy. I am in a state of complete selflessness.

Another interesting thing to do is to restore the principal image of the lotus moon wheel, which is a character that pervades the universe, and yourself to its size, and then place the principal image in your heart, enshrine it, and return to it again.

At this point, one's body and mind become separated and one enters into a sense of non-judgment for a while.

As a result, even after leaving the meditation of Ajikan and returning to daily life, one can still experience the refreshing and pure mind of the pure full moon, the power of Ajibon's great life, and the knowledge of Buddhism. You are always one and the same. But, hey, don't worry about difficult logic. First, sit down and try it without any logic. He wipes away his confusion and flies away. With this, countless people have recovered from stomach problems and high blood pressure. Besides, it would probably feel good just to not be so nervous in the first place.






Buddha Japan journal
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"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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3 ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝

2023-10-18 19:27:26 | 運命学














ルギーが、ピンガラ の気道を開発し、形成するのである。




















Kundalini Awakening Method

First, the practitioner must know exactly where the kundalini awakening reserve chakra is located. Earlier, I was acupuncture points such as a small motor for starting.

Ask the guru to teach this. The location of the chakras varies from person to person, so there is no choice but to ask the guru to tell you.

If you concentrate your thoughts on this spare chakra with Mudra and continue to have a special idea, the chakra will have a unique sensation. When a certain physical stimulus is added to this, it is completely awakened.

When the energy is gradually generated after registration, this energy is sent to the part of Kundalini by the airway and is made to go around it. As instructed, if done correctly, there will be a time lag, but everyone will wake up to Kundalini.

Kundalini yoga is very difficult to awaken,

Therefore, it is said that successful cases are rare, but the Buddhist law uses a spare chakra, so it is not so difficult. It is an excellent place in the Buddha's law.

Difficult is the development of both the Pingala and Eider airways.

This is very difficult. However, it is a practice that must be accomplished.

Because the airways of Pingala and Ida in the Buddha's law are just airways.
Instead, as mentioned earlier, it has accelerator and brake functions. Without developing these two airways, each chakra cannot be awakened or controlled. The chakras of the brain, the enhancement of nerve pathways, etc.
This is the eye of the Buddha's law because it works. Let me explain the method.

How to develop Bingara and Ida
In a nutshell, the technique creates a special vibration inside the body and barks at it.
The special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity, and is based on a special chanting method of the secret mantra.
I think. Mudra and position are also added to this.
This exercise initially uses the vocal cords. Generates correct vibration as voice in the vocal cords. this
It resonates with autumn movement, chest total, side viscera, and abdominal cavity. The thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity are, so to speak, drums.
To. It resonates and amplifies here.
If you can make a new movement, do not speak, but make the same vibration.
Enter into a small drama. It becomes silent, but it is vibrating. Because inside the body
He is always speaking towards him. It is sending vibrations toward the inside of the body. of a body
The inside is the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, as we have just mentioned. First, the movement of the chest cavity
Oh, let's make a fight.
In addition, the diaphragm amplifies in the abdominal cavity.
It will be understood that very strong energy is generated in the body. This strong energy
Ruggy develops and forms the Pingala airway.


Here, I must reveal one of the most secrets.

That is, there are two types of chakras, "large chakra" and "small chakra". No one knows this. It is a secret that only I know. A secret that I discovered and learned from the comprehensive training of Kundalini yoga, Taoism, and the Buddhist breathing method.
Is. For the first time, I will release the secret story that I have kept secret until now.


Follow the constellations of the chakras


As mentioned earlier, the "large chakras" are the seven chakras of Mueller Dara Chakra, Svadi Shootana Chakra, Manipula Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishudda Chakra, Ajnya Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. Ah

The "small chakra" is something else. There are about 300 small chakras in the human body. In Chinese Taoism, there are some parts that are called "acupuncture points",
Some are completely different. Small chakras are much more sensitive to perception than those that are not. I, the gurus, thoughtfully showed it with my fingertips from a distance of about a few centimeters, and the other person felt a tingling sensation. Some parts are so sensitive that you can feel it just by staring at it.

It just seems like the human body, the stars scattered in the universe. In fact, there are also groups of chakras, such as constellations, that form a constellation with a common system.

When developing the airways, I use these stars. The abdomen, back, head, and airways of any part can be opened relatively easily by using the chakra of this star.

I am, just like, the captain who sails the sea of ​​this star. I can clearly indicate from which star to which star I can reach my destination (chakra, nerve plexus, etc.). The wake that traces the stars becomes the airway.
According to this law, even a slightly insensitive practitioner will be able to know the route of the airway.

Both the Pingala and Ida airways are also developed and formed in this way.

The practitioners who do not know this secret are only in the dark sea, like the old navigators who do not have a compass and do not know to read the route in the constellations.

You already know. The strong vibrational energy in the body mentioned in the previous section traces the stars from star to star, forming the airways of Pingala and Ida.

With this, the biggest obstacle has been overcome. I want to take a break, but in fact, there is another difficulty that must be overcome. What is it?

It is how to give the airways of Pingala and Ida thus formed the functions of accelerator and brake mentioned above. This is very difficult.
How is it done?

The most secret breathing method "




Buddha Japan journal
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"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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    <span dir="LTR">もちろん、道教の気道の法が、すべて仏陀の気道の法そのままだというのではない。<

2023-10-18 19:19:59 | 運命学












さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha's airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That's very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior's law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha's airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method "


Let's go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner's canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner's canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida's
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it's supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it's a straight road.
I'm sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It's because it's too radical, but it wasn't the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha's practice is still going on





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"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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1ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝

2023-10-18 19:09:53 | 運命学



呼吸法、といっているけれども、たんなる呼吸作用のコントロール法ではなく、このあとで説く「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」(気道) 「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」など、すべての技法を綜合しておこなわれるもので、仏陀の成仏法の最終段階のものである。


この四つの呼吸法 (繰り返していうが、たんなる呼吸法ではない)で、仏陀の成仏法は完成されるのである。








行息」 気息を行らす

















Although it is called the breathing method, it is not just a method of controlling the breathing action, but all techniques such as "chakra", "prana", "kundalini energy" (airway), "mudler", "meditation", and "mantra chanting". It is the final stage of the Buddhist mantra meditation.

These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak

Buddha's airway law

If you read the previous section, you'll probably understand. The Buddha also used the dead path in the Iddhipada method.

"Breathing" To breathe, there must be a way to go around. That way is the airway.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha's breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the "law of shyness." In addition, there is a "law of spirit". These are none other than Shaka's "law of breath", which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.

Where did the name Mudmaru come from?
This is a transcription of the "Nirvana" or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.





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"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝

2023-10-18 15:07:18 | 運命学





Shingon Esoteric Buddhism meditation method
Become one with the great life of the universe



「密教の一字禅」などともいわれ、前に述べた摩訶止観の瞑想にマンダラ (図画) という目標をあたえたものと思えばよい。(だから、前述の小止観の作法につづい て、この阿字観をやればよいのである)

真言密教では「」という文字に神秘的な力があるとしている。どうしてかと いう論議がいろいろなされているが、ここでは略す。


わが心に月輪を観ず 月輪の上に阿字を観ず



宝珠 法界に逼満して口に阿字を誦す



この清涼寂静の満月輪に、神秘不可思議の力を有する字と、仏法のさとりを あらわす蓮花とをあわせ、これとわが心をひとつに合致せしめて、わが心を清涼

静ならしめ、字の不可思議なる力と仏法のさとりと一体になろうとするわけで ある。

そこで、瞑想の目標(本尊)として、満月輪に字と蓮花をえがいた図画を用 いる。



月輪の相は一尺一寸二分 (約三六九センチ)にえがいて、 月輪の中に蓮花をえが その上に字を書いて本尊とする。

座った座から字の中ほどまで、一尺六寸(約五二・ハセンチ)ばかりのところ に本尊をかける。本尊と行者との間隔は、八寸(約二六四センチ)から四尺(約一 三ニセンチ)までの間なら行者の自由にしてよい。


座にはふとんを敷いて、その上に半跏趺座で座る。手には法界定 印をむすぶ。 座ったら、からだを前後左右へ二、三遍ゆるがしてみて、心にとどこおることのな いようにして、耳と肩とひとしく、鼻とヘソとひとしくして、両方の瞳で鼻柱を守 るようにする。

柱を守るようにするとは、視線が鼻端の上部を通じて本尊(月輪)の中心にそ そがれるようにすることである。舌を上の顎につければ、息もおのずから静かにな

る。 腰はそらず、伏せず、まっすぐに座して、脈道(血液の循環)をよくするよう

次に、 数珠を二、三遍摺りながら、礼拝の真言、

「オン サラバ タタギャタ ハンナマンナ ノウ キャロ ミ」をとなえる。






上 誓願 証、自他法界同利益


次に、 法界定印をむすんでヘソの前に置き、観念せよ。

まず、わが心中に白色円明の月輪あり。 月輪の中に蓮花あり。 蓮花の上に字





次に観ぜよ。 この字・蓮花・月輪しだいに広く、しだいに大にして、三千大 千世界ないし法界に周遍すると観じてのち、にわかに本尊と心とを忘れて、無分別 (無念無想)に住すべし。


大宇宙にした字・蓮花・月輪をしだいにまきちぢめて、元の量 (一尺一寸二分)の大きさにおさめ、それを自身の胸の中に安置し奉ると観じる。

このとき、すなわち、身と心とを忘れて、ただ無分別(無念無想)に住す。 その あと、疲れるのを期として、定に入った瞑想を止め、念珠を摺って、祈念すべ



おむかえした仏を本宮の浄土に送り奉り、自心の仏を自心の本宮に送り奉ると観 大悲心 (慈悲の心に住して道場を出ずべし。以上。

観念瞑想が終わって座を立とうとするときは、座に座ったまま頭から足下に至る まで、上からしだいに身をなで、脈道をおぎなってから、座を立つようにせよ。 そ うしないと病を発することがある。







いずれでもよいが、2の方法がよいように思う。ただし、ア、 ととなえるといっ

でも、それは声に出してアをとなえるわけではない。心の中で静かにアの音をとな えるのである。

この瞑想のいちばんの眼目(急所)は、この“広観”と“観”である。 本尊を観じて行者と一体になった字・蓮花・月輪をだんだん拡大して、つい には三千大千世界、この大宇宙いっぱいにひろげる観想を広観といい、その大宇宙 いっぱいにひろがった本尊を、もとの一肘量の大きさにめる観想を観という。 煮”とは、ちぢめて小さくするという意味である。

真言密教のアジャリは、この広観の観想を、本尊のみが宇宙大にひろがってい 修行者はそれを見ているようなかたちとして解説される。たとえば、

行者の眼の前にある阿字観の本尊を、眼をつぶっても、瞼の裏、ないしは胸 中にはっきりと見え得るほどに、本尊と不二一体となって観想するのが阿字観法のありかたであるが、今度はそのように行者と不二一体となった本尊を、だ んだんと拡大していき、虚空一杯にひろげて言ったら、その極限はどうなるの であろうか。結局は、それは無限大のものとなってしまい、眼識、意識等の対 象としての条件をなくして了うのである。

字としてのアの形や、円形としての月輪が見える間は、まだそれは無限大と なっていないのである。無限大のものとなるがためには、行者の上方にも、下 方にも、前にも後にも、左右の両横にも、絆前や斜後にも、斜上や斜下にも、 すべての方向に本尊がひろがっていかねばならず、人間がその眼識や意識で物 事を認識(にんしきみとめる)するためには、そのような十方世界へのひ ろがりの真只中にあっては、けっしてそれを一定の形として受け取り得なくな るのである。

人間は自分の後方の文字は読めず、頭上の形は視線を向けねば見えず、まし 上下前後左右一挙に物を認識することは不可能である。 そこで阿字観の本尊 無限大にひろげていくことは、阿字観の本尊と行者が不二一体となったま

ま、ア、蓮、月の形を越えた精神統一の無的境地へと突入するための手段であ ろうと思う。

それはあたかも、人間の小さな計らいを捨てて、仏陀の無分別智に身をゆだ ねようとする行為に似ている。対象を虚空大にひろげてしまったら、その 対象は無的になる。無的になった対象を観ずるということは、無念無想、すな わち何も思わぬ状態になることと等しい。 観想中に何も思わぬ状態になったと き、人間に体感可能な体で感じられるのは)自己の心の働きそのものであ (大野峻覧 「阿字観の手びき』) る。


それは、字・蓮花月輪といっしょに、修行者自身もひろがっていって、大 宇宙いっぱいに満してしまうという観想のしかたである。





自身もいっしょに拡大していかねばならない。 行者だけとり残されてしまったら、 不二一体感が破れてしまって、そのあとの観想がチグハグになってしまう。

ここはどこまでも不二一体を破らずに行者自身もどんどん拡大していって、 大宇 いっぱいに周するのがよいように思われる。

阿字とはなにかというと、「阿字本不生」といって、ひと口でいうと、本不生と は「宇宙の大生命」「永遠の生命」といった意味である。 その宇宙の大生命のシ ンボルである字蓮花月輪の本尊が、いま行者の観想によって生命を吹き まれ、大宇宙に遍満したのである。

修行者もその生命と一体になって、いまや大宇宙に満する大生命になった と観想するのも生き生きとした瞑想になるのではなかろうか。

もちろん、大野師の伝統的な解釈もすばらしいし、読者は、そのいずれをもとっ て、自由に瞑想にふけられたらよろしいと思う。 いや、ここのところはあまりむず かしい理屈は考えず、読者は自由にのびのびと心を遊ばせて、宇宙の大生命と一体になる恍惚感を味わわれるがよろしいのだ。ここにあげた二つの解釈のほかにも、


大宇宙いっぱいにひろがった自分オヤ、爪さきのあたりを蚊のようなものが 飛んでいくぞ、なんだ、ジャンボジェットか、おやおや、ウチの社長が乗ってい るぞ、なあんだ、ケシ粒みたいなヤツだ、うわっはっはっは、 と、 ノイローゼもヒ ステリーも吹きとんでしまう。どえらい企画やアイデアもとび出すかもしれない。




ついでかんじんなのは、大宇宙に遍満した字・蓮花月輪の本尊と自分をも の大きさにもどして、それから本尊を自分の心の中におさめ、安置して、またこ


これによって、阿字観の瞑想からはなれて日常生活にもどったのちも、一点のく もりもない満月輪のすがすがしく清らかな心と、阿字本不生の大生命の力と、また 仏法のさとりとつねに一体の自分なのである。が、まあ、むずかしい理屈はよいか ら、理屈ぬきにまず座って、やってごらんなさい。 モヤモヤなんぞはどこかにふき とんでしまう。これで、胃カイヨウや高血圧のなおった人が無数にいる。それに、 第一こせこせしなくなるだけでも気持ちがよいはずだ。


Shingon Esoteric Buddhism meditation method
Become one with the great life of the universe

It is also called ``one-character Zen of esoteric Buddhism,'' and it can be thought of as the goal of mandalas (drawings) given to the meditation of Makatokan mentioned earlier. (Therefore, following the etiquette of Kodomekan mentioned above, you should do this Ajikan.)

In Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, the character ``'' is said to have mystical power. There are many discussions about why this is the case, but I will omit it here.

Keika Ajari, the teacher of Kobo Daishi Kukai,

I don't see a moon ring in my heart, I don't see an Aji on the moon ring.

Changes to Aji and becomes Nyoi Hoju

It has said.

Treasure jewel: Recite the A character in your mouth while being satisfied with the Dharma world.

In short, this is a meditation.

The full moon ring is pure and clear, giving us a feeling of coolness and tranquility.

In this full moon ring of coolness and tranquility, I combine the characters with mystical and mysterious power and the lotus flower, which represents the wisdom of Buddhism, and unite this with my heart to refresh my heart.

He is a man who seeks to calm down and become one with the mysterious power of writing and the wisdom of Buddhism.

Therefore, as the goal (principal image) of meditation, a drawing of a full moon ring with calligraphy and a lotus flower is used.

Let's try marking it based on a book of etiquette from long ago.

Ajikan practice using mandala

The aspect of the moon ring is drawn on a length of 1 shaku, 1 sun and 2 minutes (approximately 369 centimeters), and a lotus flower is drawn inside the moon ring, and characters are written on top of it as the principal image.

The principal image is hung about 1 shaku and 6 sun (approximately 52 ha centimeters) from the seat where the person is sitting to the middle of the character. The distance between the principal image and the practitioner may be between eight inches (approximately 264 centimeters) and four shaku (approximately 13 centimeters), as determined by the practitioner.


Spread a futon on your seat and sit on it in a half-prone position. He has a legal seal attached to his hand. When you sit down, try to move your body forward, backward, left and right a few times, as if you were in the same position as he is in your heart. Make sure to protect the pillars.

Protecting the pillar means directing the line of sight through the upper part of the nose to the center of the principal image (moon ring). If you touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, your breath will automatically become quieter.

Ru. Sit up straight without bending your back or bending down to improve your blood circulation.

Next, while rubbing the beads two or three times, say the mantra of worship,

They chant “On Sarava tatagyata Hanamanna no kyalo mi”.

Next, self-defense law (if it fits).

Next, join hands and say the five great vows.


Boundless Vow of Sentient Beings, Blessed Wisdom Boundless Vow Collection, Dharma Gate Boundless Vow Awakening Tathagata Boundless Vow, Bodhi Nothing

How to prepare for the hospital

Above oath certificate, same interest in both the legal world and others

Next, recite the mantra of the Five Characters of the Womb World, Abi La Un Ken, 100 times.

Next, place the Dharma Seal in front of your navel and contemplate it.

First of all, there is a moon ring of white light in my heart. There is a lotus flower inside the moon ring. letters on lotus flower

can be. The character of the heart of the principal image, lotus, moon ring, and the character of my heart, the lotus flower, and the moon ring, and the symbol of sentient beings.

Open your eyes and look at the principal image, seeing it as equal and non-dutiary with the lotus moon ring.

Close your eyes and watch it again in your heart.

In this way, the number of things you can see with your eyes open and with your eyes closed.

Watch it next time. After seeing this character, the lotus flower, and the moon ring gradually becoming wider and larger, and going around the three thousand great worlds or Dharma worlds, I suddenly forgot the principal image and the mind, and thoughtlessly (with no regrets). I should live there.

Let's watch it again after a while.

Gradually shrink the letters, lotus flower, and moon ring that have been made into a macrocosm, reduce them to their original size (1 foot, 1 inch, and 2 minutes), and enshrine them in your own chest.

At this time, one forgets one's body and mind and lives in a state of mindlessness. After that, when I felt tired, I stopped my regular meditation, rubbed my prayer beads, and prayed.

Next is self-defense (putting your palms together is fine).

Next, join your hands in prayer.

Send the Buddha you have received to the Pure Land of the main shrine, and send the Buddha of your own mind to the main shrine of your own mind to dedicate it.

When you are about to get up from your seat after completing conceptual meditation, gradually stroke your body from the top down, from your head to your feet, while you are seated, until you are able to reach your veins, and then get up from your seat. If you don't take care of it, you may get sick.

How to do Ajikan meditation that anyone can do

〈Broad view and drinking view〉

It is said that there are three ways of breathing during Ajikan practice.

1. How to feel each breath as it goes in and out

2. How to flap your wings with each breath

3. This is the method of Agokan, in which you say "a" on your outgoing breath and "un" on your incoming breath.

Either method is fine, but I think method 2 is better. However, if you say a.

But that doesn't mean you can say a out loud. Silently make the sound of a in your heart.

The most important points (vital points) of this meditation are this ``broad view'' and ``conception.'' Looking at the principal image and gradually expanding the characters, lotus flowers, and moon rings that have become one with the practitioner, the contemplation that eventually spreads out to the 3,000, 1,000 worlds, this vast universe is called wide-viewing, and the idea that it expands to fill the entire universe. The contemplation of reducing the principal image to its original size is called kan. "Ni" means to shrink and make it smaller.

Ajari in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism explains this wide-ranging contemplation as a form in which only the principal image extends throughout the universe, and the practitioner sees it. for example,

The Ajikan method involves contemplating the principal image of Ajikan that is in front of the practitioner's eyes, becoming one with the principal image so that even if one closes the eyes, one can clearly see it behind the eyelids or in the chest. However, if we were to gradually expand the principal image that has become one with the ascetic and spread it out to fill the void, what would its ultimate state be? . In the end, it becomes something infinitely large, and it loses its condition as an object of discernment, consciousness, etc.

While he can see the shape of the letter A and the moon ring as a circle, he has not yet realized that it is infinite. In order to become infinite, we must move above and below the ascetic, in front of us, behind us, on both sides of us, in front of our bonds, behind us, above us and below us. The principal image must spread in all directions, and in order for humans to perceive things with their discernment and consciousness, they must be in the midst of such spread into the ten directions. If we do so, we will never be able to accept it as a fixed form.

A human being cannot read letters behind him, he cannot see shapes above him unless he turns his gaze, and it is impossible for him to recognize things all at once, up, down, front, back, left, and right. Therefore, the principle image of Ajikan will expand to infinity as the principal image of Ajikan and the practitioner become one.

Well, I think it is a means to enter a state of spiritual unity that transcends the shapes of the lotus and the moon.

It is as if he were trying to sleep, abandoning his petty human plans and surrendering to the unwise wisdom of the Buddha. If an object expands into the void, it becomes meaningless. To look at an object that has become empty is equivalent to being without regret, in other words, in a state where one does not think of anything. He said that during contemplation, he entered a state where he could not think of anything, and what he felt with his human body was the very workings of his own mind (Shunran Ohno, ``Ajikan's Handbook'').

I see, that seems to be the case. However, I have another opinion.

This is a method of contemplation in which the practitioner himself, along with the characters and lotus moon ring, expands and fills the universe.

Since the ascetic and the principal image are one and the same, as the principal image expands, the ascetic and the principal image become one.


sense of imprudence


We must also expand ourselves. If only the ascetic is left behind, the sense of non-duality will be broken, and the subsequent contemplation will become chaotic.

It seems to me that it would be best for the ascetics to continue to expand here, without ever breaking the concept of Fujitchi, and to travel around as many times as possible.

What Aji means is ``Aji Honfusei.'' Simply put, Honfusei means ``the great life of the universe'' and ``eternal life.'' The principal image of the Lotus Moon Wheel, which is a symbol of the great life of the universe, has now been brought to life through the contemplation of practitioners, and has pervaded the great cosmos.

Ascetics become one with that life, and contemplating him, who has now become a great life that fills the universe, can be a lively meditation.

Of course, Ohno Shi's traditional interpretations are also wonderful, and I hope readers can meditate freely on either of them. No, at this point I don't think too much about his complicated logic, and I think readers are welcome to let their minds play freely and experience the ecstasy of becoming one with the great life of the universe. In addition to the two interpretations given here,

Readers may enjoy free and unrestrained meditation.

My father is spread out across the cosmos, and something like a mosquito flies past my fingernails. What is this? It's a jumbo jet. Oh, my president is on board, and he's on it. What, a poppy grain? He's like that, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You might even come up with some crazy plans or ideas.

Therefore, what is disturbing is the sense of imprudence that emerges here.

``... suddenly forget the principal image and the heart, and live indiscriminately.''

At this point, you enter a state of regret and thought that is similar to ecstasy. I am in a state of complete selflessness.

Another interesting thing to do is to restore the principal image of the lotus moon wheel, which is a character that pervades the universe, and yourself to its size, and then place the principal image in your heart, enshrine it, and return to it again.

At this point, one's body and mind become separated and one enters into a sense of non-judgment for a while.

As a result, even after leaving the meditation of Ajikan and returning to daily life, one can still experience the refreshing and pure mind of the pure full moon, the power of Ajibon's great life, and the knowledge of Buddhism. You are always one and the same. But, hey, don't worry about difficult logic. First, sit down and try it without any logic. He wipes away his confusion and flies away. With this, countless people have recovered from stomach problems and high blood pressure. Besides, it would probably feel good just to not be so nervous in the first place.






Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝

2023-10-18 11:19:32 | 運命学

僕たち人間は、3つの脳を同時に併せ持っているとする『脳の三位一体論(triune brain)』という仮説があります。

  • 生きるための爬虫類脳
  • 感じるための哺乳類脳
  • 考えるための人間脳





3つの脳 (脳の三位一体論)

1960年代に提唱された『脳の三位一体論(triune brain)』の仮説によると、人間の脳は太古の脳の基本的構造を保ったまま、地層のように次の脳が付け足される形で進化してきたと考えられました。

  1. ワニやトカゲのような原始爬虫類の脳
  2. ウマやイヌのような旧哺乳類の脳
  3. 急速に発達してきた新哺乳類の脳












この「3つの脳の進化」の仮説は、アメリカ国立精神衛生研究所の脳進化学者ポール・D・マクリーン(Paul D. MacLean)博士によって提唱されました。

1990年に刊行された著書『The Triune Brain in Evolution(邦訳:三つの脳の進化)』では、人間に起こる衝動は、爬虫類から継承された反射脳によって生まれると解説されています。











スポンサード リンク
























  • あいさつ
  • 攻撃・侵略
  • 求婚・求愛
  • 服従







スポンサード リンク


































  • 「創造的なことをしたい」
  • 「目標達成したい」
  • 「成長したい」












































ですが実際は、爬虫類脳は「なんで今までと違うことをするんだ? 甘くておいしいケーキは目の前にあるぞ」と抵抗し、哺乳類脳も「ダイエットって面倒だから嫌い・・・」と抵抗します。






















  • 「たった2週間で変化が実感できます」
  • 「今すぐ解決できます」









  • 「この先行投資が、あなたを一生涯守ってくれます」
  • 「一度テクニックが身につけば、この先、路頭に迷う心配がなくなります」








Next⇒「古い脳 VS 新しい脳|脳の特徴でわかる人生の苦悩と解決策

There is a hypothesis that we humans have three brains at the same time, the "triune brain".

Reptile brain to live
Mammalian brain to feel
Human brain to think

From these three characteristics of the brain, we can understand the three major human desires.

It is "I want to live, I want to get involved, I want to grow".

Understanding these three brain characteristics can help you in marketing and branding in your business. Also, if you can take advantage of the differences between the three brains, it will be easier for you to reach your goals.

If you want to better understand humans, be aware of the differences between the three brains.

Three brains (the theory of the trinity of the brain)

According to the hypothesis of "triune brain" proposed in the 1960s, the human brain evolves in the form of adding the next brain like a stratum while maintaining the basic structure of the ancient brain. It was thought that he had done it.

Brains of primitive reptiles like crocodiles and lizards
Brains of old mammals like horses and dogs
Rapidly developing new mammalian brain

Therefore, human beings have "three brains" at the same time.

Three-layer structure of the brain

"Three brain evolutions" is a hypothesis by Mr. McLean

This "three brain evolution" hypothesis was put forward by Dr. Paul D. MacLean, a brain chemist at the National Institute of Mental Health.

In his 1990 book, The Triune Brain in Evolution, it is explained that the impulses that occur in humans are created by the reflex brain inherited from reptiles.

This "three brain evolution" hypothesis has been denied by many comparative neurologists since the 2000s, but it is a very straightforward model for understanding the structure and characteristics of the brain.

Three brain features

For example, if you're hungry, you'll ask for food, and if your throat is dry, you'll ask for a drink. If it's hot, you sweat, and if it's cold, you tremble. This involves the reptile brain.

If you have your beloved child in front of you, you may not be able to control your favorite emotions, and you may inadvertently spill a smile on your face. This involves the mammalian brain.

Even if you love cigarettes, you may be quitting smoking for your health. This involves the human brain.

The characteristics of the three brains are summarized below.

Three brain features

I will explain the features one by one.

sponsor drink

Reptile brain (reflex brain): brain stem

According to the hypothesis of "The Trinity of the Brain", the reptile brain is the oldest brain. Located at the bottom inside the skull, also known as the "primitive reptile brain" or "reflex brain."

It consists of the brain stem, basal ganglia, and spinal cord, which are the core of the autonomic nerves, and controls the sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves as the brain that controls instinct. Its role is mainly life support.

It is related to unconscious heartbeat and breathing, thermoregulation, eating food and drink, and sexual behavior. It is in this area of ​​the reptile brain that the body reacts reflexively when it feels dangerous.

In a word, the reptile brain is a brain for living.

Reptile brain is characterized by a life-supporting defense instinct

A characteristic of reptiles is their defense instinct against territory.

In the case of people, it's called a personal space, but when someone in red gets too close to you, it makes you feel uncomfortable. That's because the reptile brain's defense instinct of "I want to be safe" works.

The reptile brain is desperate to live, so it is selfish and has only a short-circuited desire in front of it.

According to McLean, reptile communication

Attack / aggression
Marriage proposal / courtship

There are only four types.

If humans are only reptile brains, it will be a murderous world like "Fist of the North Star", whether it is ruled or ruled, robbed or robbed.

Reptile brain hates new behavior

According to McLean, the reptile brain is full of memories from its ancestors and works as commanded by its ancestors, but does not work well when encountering new situations and is bound by the memories of its ancestors.

In other words, it has the property of "sticking to the rules of thumb of the past and hating new things." "To be safe, you have to do the same thing as before."

Due to this nature, we humans have set goals, but we are unable to take on new actions.

sponsor drink

Mammalian brain (emotional brain): limbic system

According to the hypothesis of "The Trinity of the Brain", the mammalian brain is the second oldest brain after the reptile brain. It is located in the center of the brain so as to cover the reptile brain, and is also called the "old mammalian brain" or "emotional brain".

It consists of the limbic system, which includes the amygdala, hippocampal formation, and cingulate gyrus, and controls impulsive emotions such as "joy, affection, anger, fear, and disgust" that are linked to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli.

Mammals such as dogs and cats are rich in emotions, unlike reptiles such as lizards and snakes. This instinctive emotion expresses affection, feels anxiety and fear, escapes danger and threat, and attacks foreign enemies.

In a nutshell, the mammalian brain is a brain for feeling.

Mammalian brain is characterized by emotional herd behavior

A characteristic of mammals is that they behave in groups.

The emotion of love gained by the mammalian brain helps increase the chances of inheriting a gene close to you. This is the source of maternal desires and instincts, such as collective action to raise children in cooperation with peers, and raising and protecting weak children.

Also, if you are at the top of the herd, you will be more sure to leave your genes. Alternatively, following a good leader will help protect the species.

It is the nature of this mammalian brain that we humans want to build a community and consider ourselves to be important in it. Furthermore, the vulnerable nature of authority may also be an effect of this mammalian brain.

Is it the nature of the mammalian brain that dogs protect human babies?

In YouTube videos, you see heartwarming footage of dogs trying to protect human babies. It may be the nature of the mammalian brain that instinctively tries to protect the vulnerable in the group.

Human brain (rational brain): Neocortex

According to the hypothesis of "The Trinity of the Brain", the human brain is the newest brain. It is located on the outermost side of the brain and is also called the "new mammalian brain" or "reason brain".

It consists of both hemispheres (right and left brains) of the neocortex and controls cognitive ability, language function, learning ability, creative thinking ability, spatial grasping ability, etc.

In a word, the human brain is a brain for thinking.

The characteristic of the human brain is logical thinking

What separates us humans from animals is the introspection ability to think about ourselves and the ability to think about the future obtained by introspection.

Because of our ability to think about ourselves and the future, we can be rational, want to learn, and act with a sense of purpose.

"I want to be creative"
"I want to reach my goal"
"I want to grow"

The idea is that it is possible to reflect on it, and it is due to the nature of the human brain that can imagine the future.

If you don't have the ability to think about the future, you can't quit smoking, go on a diet, or study for the future.

Also, because of the reason of the human brain, we don't easily steal food just because we're hungry, and we don't easily hit people just because we're sick.

Three human desires and three consciousnesses understood by three brains

Look again at the three brain features. From these three characteristics of the brain, we can understand the three major human desires.

Three brain features

The reptile brain is safe for life support. Eat to live, rest, and move reflexively when you are in danger. "Being safe" is the desire of the reptile brain.

In the mammalian brain, a sense of companionship works when emotions are born. Feeling affection and collaborating with peers leads to the survival of the species. "Making friends" is the desire of the mammalian brain.

The human brain has a sense of purpose by being able to think in the future. Escape the rule of instinct in front of you and try to act for the future. "Growing" is the desire of the human brain.

Try to schematize the three major consciousnesses of the brain

If you try to illustrate the functions of the brain in the hierarchical order of the three brains, the "three major human consciousnesses" can be expressed as follows.

Three major consciousnesses of the human brain

The reason for making it a pyramid is that the influence of the "reptile brain / mammal brain" is much greater than that of the "human brain".

Looking at this hierarchy, we can see that it is similar to the ERG theory, which expresses the three major human needs, and Maslow's five-step desire theory.

What are the three major desires? A complete explanation of the important human needs up to the eight major needs!
What is Maslow's five-step theory of desire? Easy-to-understand explanation in the story
Human suffering that the three brains work together

The human brain is said to be the part that performs the highest and most complex information processing.

However, in reality, it is thought that advanced information processing cannot be performed by the human brain alone, and that advanced information processing is realized in conjunction with the mammalian brain and reptile brain.

As you can see, the three brains cannot function separately.

McLean said that the coexistence of three brains, a reptile brain, a mammalian brain, and a human brain, is "human suffering."

This is because humans thought that the evolution of the three brains was so fast that the three brains did not work together and were often dominated by the influential reptile and mammalian brains.

It is not clear whether "human suffering" is due to the speed of evolution, but I think that many people are suffering from the following.

Human brain dominated by reptile brain and mammalian brain

For example, suppose you think of a diet.

If we could separate the three brains, only the human brain would work and we should be able to go on a diet easily.

However, in reality, the reptile brain resisted, "Why do you do something different? There is a sweet and delicious cake in front of you," and the mammalian brain also said, "I hate it because dieting is troublesome ..." To resist.

As a result, I get frustrated asking, "... I don't have to go on a diet so hard."

Conversely, if the reptile brain and the mammalian brain can be linked well, it will be easier to achieve the goal.

Old brain VS New brain | Life's anguish and solutions that can be seen from the characteristics of the brain
Two approaches to rewriting the subconscious and a method of self-suggestion
It is important to train the human brain and not stress the brain

The human brain, which is good at pondering, becomes weaker due to stress on the brain. In other words, when you are under pressure or tired, you are more likely to have short-circuit thoughts in the reptile brain.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your goals, it is important to keep your brain as stress-free as possible.

Furthermore, by training the "frontal association area" that controls motivation and thinking ability, which is the human brain, it becomes easier to control short-circuited desires.

How to meditate | Why you can train your concentration and how to develop your willpower in 5 minutes a day
Three brain needs to apply to marketing

In order to apply the three brain needs to marketing, we should appeal from the influential reptile and mammalian brains.

To appeal to the reptile brain

To appeal to the reptile brain, use the keyword "safety and control", which is a defense instinct.

For example, by emphasizing victory, it appeals to the desire to "ensure safety" and "dominate."








Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝

2023-10-18 11:19:32 | 運命学

僕たち人間は、3つの脳を同時に併せ持っているとする『脳の三位一体論(triune brain)』という仮説があります。

  • 生きるための爬虫類脳
  • 感じるための哺乳類脳
  • 考えるための人間脳





3つの脳 (脳の三位一体論)

1960年代に提唱された『脳の三位一体論(triune brain)』の仮説によると、人間の脳は太古の脳の基本的構造を保ったまま、地層のように次の脳が付け足される形で進化してきたと考えられました。

  1. ワニやトカゲのような原始爬虫類の脳
  2. ウマやイヌのような旧哺乳類の脳
  3. 急速に発達してきた新哺乳類の脳












この「3つの脳の進化」の仮説は、アメリカ国立精神衛生研究所の脳進化学者ポール・D・マクリーン(Paul D. MacLean)博士によって提唱されました。

1990年に刊行された著書『The Triune Brain in Evolution(邦訳:三つの脳の進化)』では、人間に起こる衝動は、爬虫類から継承された反射脳によって生まれると解説されています。











スポンサード リンク
























  • あいさつ
  • 攻撃・侵略
  • 求婚・求愛
  • 服従







スポンサード リンク


































  • 「創造的なことをしたい」
  • 「目標達成したい」
  • 「成長したい」












































ですが実際は、爬虫類脳は「なんで今までと違うことをするんだ? 甘くておいしいケーキは目の前にあるぞ」と抵抗し、哺乳類脳も「ダイエットって面倒だから嫌い・・・」と抵抗します。






















  • 「たった2週間で変化が実感できます」
  • 「今すぐ解決できます」









  • 「この先行投資が、あなたを一生涯守ってくれます」
  • 「一度テクニックが身につけば、この先、路頭に迷う心配がなくなります」








Next⇒「古い脳 VS 新しい脳|脳の特徴でわかる人生の苦悩と解決策

There is a hypothesis that we humans have three brains at the same time, the "triune brain".

Reptile brain to live
Mammalian brain to feel
Human brain to think

From these three characteristics of the brain, we can understand the three major human desires.

It is "I want to live, I want to get involved, I want to grow".

Understanding these three brain characteristics can help you in marketing and branding in your business. Also, if you can take advantage of the differences between the three brains, it will be easier for you to reach your goals.

If you want to better understand humans, be aware of the differences between the three brains.

Three brains (the theory of the trinity of the brain)

According to the hypothesis of "triune brain" proposed in the 1960s, the human brain evolves in the form of adding the next brain like a stratum while maintaining the basic structure of the ancient brain. It was thought that he had done it.

Brains of primitive reptiles like crocodiles and lizards
Brains of old mammals like horses and dogs
Rapidly developing new mammalian brain

Therefore, human beings have "three brains" at the same time.

Three-layer structure of the brain

"Three brain evolutions" is a hypothesis by Mr. McLean

This "three brain evolution" hypothesis was put forward by Dr. Paul D. MacLean, a brain chemist at the National Institute of Mental Health.

In his 1990 book, The Triune Brain in Evolution, it is explained that the impulses that occur in humans are created by the reflex brain inherited from reptiles.

This "three brain evolution" hypothesis has been denied by many comparative neurologists since the 2000s, but it is a very straightforward model for understanding the structure and characteristics of the brain.

Three brain features

For example, if you're hungry, you'll ask for food, and if your throat is dry, you'll ask for a drink. If it's hot, you sweat, and if it's cold, you tremble. This involves the reptile brain.

If you have your beloved child in front of you, you may not be able to control your favorite emotions, and you may inadvertently spill a smile on your face. This involves the mammalian brain.

Even if you love cigarettes, you may be quitting smoking for your health. This involves the human brain.

The characteristics of the three brains are summarized below.

Three brain features

I will explain the features one by one.

sponsor drink

Reptile brain (reflex brain): brain stem

According to the hypothesis of "The Trinity of the Brain", the reptile brain is the oldest brain. Located at the bottom inside the skull, also known as the "primitive reptile brain" or "reflex brain."

It consists of the brain stem, basal ganglia, and spinal cord, which are the core of the autonomic nerves, and controls the sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves as the brain that controls instinct. Its role is mainly life support.

It is related to unconscious heartbeat and breathing, thermoregulation, eating food and drink, and sexual behavior. It is in this area of ​​the reptile brain that the body reacts reflexively when it feels dangerous.

In a word, the reptile brain is a brain for living.

Reptile brain is characterized by a life-supporting defense instinct

A characteristic of reptiles is their defense instinct against territory.

In the case of people, it's called a personal space, but when someone in red gets too close to you, it makes you feel uncomfortable. That's because the reptile brain's defense instinct of "I want to be safe" works.

The reptile brain is desperate to live, so it is selfish and has only a short-circuited desire in front of it.

According to McLean, reptile communication

Attack / aggression
Marriage proposal / courtship

There are only four types.

If humans are only reptile brains, it will be a murderous world like "Fist of the North Star", whether it is ruled or ruled, robbed or robbed.

Reptile brain hates new behavior

According to McLean, the reptile brain is full of memories from its ancestors and works as commanded by its ancestors, but does not work well when encountering new situations and is bound by the memories of its ancestors.

In other words, it has the property of "sticking to the rules of thumb of the past and hating new things." "To be safe, you have to do the same thing as before."

Due to this nature, we humans have set goals, but we are unable to take on new actions.

sponsor drink

Mammalian brain (emotional brain): limbic system

According to the hypothesis of "The Trinity of the Brain", the mammalian brain is the second oldest brain after the reptile brain. It is located in the center of the brain so as to cover the reptile brain, and is also called the "old mammalian brain" or "emotional brain".

It consists of the limbic system, which includes the amygdala, hippocampal formation, and cingulate gyrus, and controls impulsive emotions such as "joy, affection, anger, fear, and disgust" that are linked to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli.

Mammals such as dogs and cats are rich in emotions, unlike reptiles such as lizards and snakes. This instinctive emotion expresses affection, feels anxiety and fear, escapes danger and threat, and attacks foreign enemies.

In a nutshell, the mammalian brain is a brain for feeling.

Mammalian brain is characterized by emotional herd behavior

A characteristic of mammals is that they behave in groups.

The emotion of love gained by the mammalian brain helps increase the chances of inheriting a gene close to you. This is the source of maternal desires and instincts, such as collective action to raise children in cooperation with peers, and raising and protecting weak children.

Also, if you are at the top of the herd, you will be more sure to leave your genes. Alternatively, following a good leader will help protect the species.

It is the nature of this mammalian brain that we humans want to build a community and consider ourselves to be important in it. Furthermore, the vulnerable nature of authority may also be an effect of this mammalian brain.

Is it the nature of the mammalian brain that dogs protect human babies?

In YouTube videos, you see heartwarming footage of dogs trying to protect human babies. It may be the nature of the mammalian brain that instinctively tries to protect the vulnerable in the group.

Human brain (rational brain): Neocortex

According to the hypothesis of "The Trinity of the Brain", the human brain is the newest brain. It is located on the outermost side of the brain and is also called the "new mammalian brain" or "reason brain".

It consists of both hemispheres (right and left brains) of the neocortex and controls cognitive ability, language function, learning ability, creative thinking ability, spatial grasping ability, etc.

In a word, the human brain is a brain for thinking.

The characteristic of the human brain is logical thinking

What separates us humans from animals is the introspection ability to think about ourselves and the ability to think about the future obtained by introspection.

Because of our ability to think about ourselves and the future, we can be rational, want to learn, and act with a sense of purpose.

"I want to be creative"
"I want to reach my goal"
"I want to grow"

The idea is that it is possible to reflect on it, and it is due to the nature of the human brain that can imagine the future.

If you don't have the ability to think about the future, you can't quit smoking, go on a diet, or study for the future.

Also, because of the reason of the human brain, we don't easily steal food just because we're hungry, and we don't easily hit people just because we're sick.

Three human desires and three consciousnesses understood by three brains

Look again at the three brain features. From these three characteristics of the brain, we can understand the three major human desires.

Three brain features

The reptile brain is safe for life support. Eat to live, rest, and move reflexively when you are in danger. "Being safe" is the desire of the reptile brain.

In the mammalian brain, a sense of companionship works when emotions are born. Feeling affection and collaborating with peers leads to the survival of the species. "Making friends" is the desire of the mammalian brain.

The human brain has a sense of purpose by being able to think in the future. Escape the rule of instinct in front of you and try to act for the future. "Growing" is the desire of the human brain.

Try to schematize the three major consciousnesses of the brain

If you try to illustrate the functions of the brain in the hierarchical order of the three brains, the "three major human consciousnesses" can be expressed as follows.

Three major consciousnesses of the human brain

The reason for making it a pyramid is that the influence of the "reptile brain / mammal brain" is much greater than that of the "human brain".

Looking at this hierarchy, we can see that it is similar to the ERG theory, which expresses the three major human needs, and Maslow's five-step desire theory.

What are the three major desires? A complete explanation of the important human needs up to the eight major needs!
What is Maslow's five-step theory of desire? Easy-to-understand explanation in the story
Human suffering that the three brains work together

The human brain is said to be the part that performs the highest and most complex information processing.

However, in reality, it is thought that advanced information processing cannot be performed by the human brain alone, and that advanced information processing is realized in conjunction with the mammalian brain and reptile brain.

As you can see, the three brains cannot function separately.

McLean said that the coexistence of three brains, a reptile brain, a mammalian brain, and a human brain, is "human suffering."

This is because humans thought that the evolution of the three brains was so fast that the three brains did not work together and were often dominated by the influential reptile and mammalian brains.

It is not clear whether "human suffering" is due to the speed of evolution, but I think that many people are suffering from the following.

Human brain dominated by reptile brain and mammalian brain

For example, suppose you think of a diet.

If we could separate the three brains, only the human brain would work and we should be able to go on a diet easily.

However, in reality, the reptile brain resisted, "Why do you do something different? There is a sweet and delicious cake in front of you," and the mammalian brain also said, "I hate it because dieting is troublesome ..." To resist.

As a result, I get frustrated asking, "... I don't have to go on a diet so hard."

Conversely, if the reptile brain and the mammalian brain can be linked well, it will be easier to achieve the goal.

Old brain VS New brain | Life's anguish and solutions that can be seen from the characteristics of the brain
Two approaches to rewriting the subconscious and a method of self-suggestion
It is important to train the human brain and not stress the brain

The human brain, which is good at pondering, becomes weaker due to stress on the brain. In other words, when you are under pressure or tired, you are more likely to have short-circuit thoughts in the reptile brain.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your goals, it is important to keep your brain as stress-free as possible.

Furthermore, by training the "frontal association area" that controls motivation and thinking ability, which is the human brain, it becomes easier to control short-circuited desires.

How to meditate | Why you can train your concentration and how to develop your willpower in 5 minutes a day
Three brain needs to apply to marketing

In order to apply the three brain needs to marketing, we should appeal from the influential reptile and mammalian brains.

To appeal to the reptile brain

To appeal to the reptile brain, use the keyword "safety and control", which is a defense instinct.

For example, by emphasizing victory, it appeals to the desire to "ensure safety" and "dominate."








Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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不動明王 破壊と再生を司り、悪を滅する

2023-10-18 11:10:15 | 運命学



















Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."

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2023年10月18日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2023-10-18 11:00:56 | 運命学





望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。

破壊の週  壊の日
















10月18日 (水曜)




Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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2023年10月18日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2023-10-18 11:00:56 | 運命学





望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。

破壊の週  壊の日
















10月18日 (水曜)




Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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