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神人・小泉大志命   God man Koizumi Tai Shi Ming

2021-03-19 13:51:08 | 


(2021/3/19 20:04時点)



















t観尼七り目色よ、一こ旨套てつ賢士よkLな監防ご 小泉先生は、中肉中背であったが、剣術で鍛えた筋骨たくましく、さらに、眼光聊球として、まさに神人と呼ぶにふさわしい気品を放たれていた。若く美しい澄子


夫人とともにわたくしを心か 初めてお会いしだ。それは、結構な晩餐の間も続いた。気がつくと、だいぶ、夜も更けていた。





さま いらるおお屋











いた。 と同音に声があかっか。

 わたくしはうなずき、同じ意味の言葉を返した。会話が始まったが、すべて、古代語 t代時代の言葉であった。不思議なことに、わたくしはそれらの言葉を理にしているのである。不思議なことに、解するだけではなく、彼らと同じように口に解するだけてロカく というのは、あとになって思ったことであって、そのときは、なんら不思議などと















 とても夢とは思えない。あの部屋の様子苓、集まりた人た1 のて八言へ0表情も、ほんのいま会って別れた人のようにはっきりと思い出されるのである。いや、

板敷きの間の、あの冷えた感触が、腰のあたり、足の裏に、友ざまざと感じられるではないか。とても夢とは思えない。                。。






 「いかがでした? 昨夜はよくおやすみになられましたか?・」


















































天皇防護 小泉太志命(こいずみたいしめい) 祓い太刀 の世界

(2021/3/19 20:00時点)

Shinjin Koizumi Daishi




Living God of Ise

The shallow connection between me and the divine world "L --- It begins with the encounter with the god, Daishi Koizumi.


That was the year after the publication of "The Principle of Transformation", so it was more than 30 years ago.


Mr. Koizumi, who is called the living god of Ise, was very impressed by reading his "Principle of Transformation" and said that he would like to meet you.

Do you want "

I immediately nodded. I don't know what kind of person it is, but I think that if you are a living god, you will get something to meet.

"When I was young, I heard that he was a master of kendo and was selected for a viewing game. Later, he entered the Japanese style and practiced, and became able to have various mysterious powers with the living god.

It seems that it came to be called. "

"How old are you?·"

"I heard that you reached the 60th birthday last year."



When I left the station, there was a big shrine filled with the spirit of the forest in the dense grove.

It was already dark, so I worshiped on the spot and went to the house of Mr. Koizumi, who faces the shrine across the road.

Mr. Koizumi, who is a medium-sized, medium-sized guard, is a swordsman who has a good eye color, and is a swordsman. He was given a dignity that deserved to be called a god. Young and beautiful Sumiko

Since then he has welcomed me.

I met him for the first time with his wife. It continued during a good supper. When I noticed, it was late at night.

He never felt like he met me for the first time with a person, and he couldn't talk about his training during the drawing room.

God's calming shop

"Tonight, Mr. Kiriyama will have a good night in a special room. No matter who you are, I have never been through this room. That is God.

Sama his shop

Mr. Koizumi said so.

Washingushi ~ Hiikuri,

"That's ridiculous. I'm in trouble, such as resting in such a precious room.

You can use one corner of the dojo. It ’s easier. ”

Actually, I thought that I couldn't sleep in the room where God was.

You have to sit upright and hold your hands all night ...

"No, please stay there."

Koizumi-sensei said in a slightly strong tone, so he decided to follow the words.


The room on the second floor that was passed through was a Japanese-style room of about 15 or 6 tatami mats, but it was filled with thick carpets, and fine balls, treasure swords, sacred treasures, etc. were enshrined and filled with divine feelings.

He was. Is there a voice in the same sound as?

I nodded and returned words with the same meaning. Conversations began, but they were all ancient words from the t-generation era. Curiously, I make sense of those words. Curiously, he wasn't just trying to figure it out, he was just as foolish as they were, and he thought later, and at that time, it was strange.

I didn't feel it, and as a matter of course, I had a conversation. Sometimes I mean it, I forgot

The content of the story exchanged at that time was strongly remembered. What you remember can be classified into two types

゜ It is a very screaming thing for me personally, and this is a very important thing for me outside, and these two things.

It would have been about two hours, they stood quietly, and in the same sound, uttered the word "how are you" and headed for the doorway. Is the doorway on the right for men and on the left for women?

I went out in a line.

I saw them off, waving their hands, right and left. When the last one disappeared, I suddenly became unconscious.


Suddenly, I woke up.


Where is it?

Looking around, I was sleeping in the floor between the gods of the Koizumi Kendo hall.


"What a dream?"

But I shook my head.

I don't think it's a dream. The state of that room, the people who gathered, 1 to 8 words, and 0 facial expressions are clearly remembered as if they had just met and broke up. Disagreeable,

You can feel that cold feeling between the boards, around your waist and on the soles of your feet. I don't think it's a dream. ‥ ..

However, there is no doubt that it is a dream.

I lost my mind while looking at the ceiling for a while.

In the meantime, I fell asleep again.


This time, it was a deep sleep without any dreams. When I woke up, I felt refreshed. After washing, I hit the Kamidana and headed for the stab table.

"How was it? Did you have a good night last night?"

In the words of Professor Koizumi, did the dream of last night come from? I put down my chopsticks and answered.

"I had a good night's sleep, but I had a very mysterious dream."

I talked in detail about the dream I had last night.

"Mr. Koizumi, what does this dream mean?"

Similarly, Mr. Koizumi, who put his chopsticks on his lap and put his hand on his lap and listened to my story, answered while staring at my eyes.

"Professor Kiriyama, that's not a dream. It really happened."


I had no words.

"It's not a dream ...?"

"It's not a dream. It's what happened. You went to Motomiya last night to meet the old gods."


"That's right. It's a shrine on the other side of this dojo. That shrine is called Izawanomiya, but I go here at Motomiya. Ise Grand Shrine is here at first.

It was enshrined. Later, he was selected by Ise, but was first enshrined here. That's why I call it Motomiya. "

"I see"

"You went there last night and wrote a gathering of gods."

"God gathering?"


Mr. Koizumi and Mr. Koizumi stared at me with a strong gaze.

"You are the reincarnation of the life of the gods. You came here yesterday. It was my invitation, but in reality, the gods attracted you.

It was. The gods gathered last night are all the members of the Roh party, a clan of Narumei. That's why you all know. God gathered and a serious story was told

Ta. When you hear that, you should have a nod. "

The events of last night revived and ran around in my head like a magic lantern.

I silently nodded.

"Professor Kiriyama, you are the reincarnation of Soryo Narumei, so you instinctively hate you, who is a big business of opening the country, and do your best to destroy them.

The offspring, who don't know that, hate you from the bottom of their hearts and attack you for no reason. On the other hand, the descendants of Tianjin God do not know such a thing.

But for no reason, I admire you, be on your side, and die


I will help you.


From now on, the enemy and allies will be clear. All the descendants of Kunizu God will be enemies.

U. The descendants of Tianjin God become a powerful ally. Neither knows that, but fatefully and instinctively. "

I listened carefully.

1 Your mouth is very or hard work, but many people will help you, so it's a big opening to the country

The work will surely be fulfilled. It is the help of the gods. Gods help you

So, overcoming any obstacles, you will accomplish great work. From now on, I will also wield a sword every night to pray for your great achievement and longevity. "

"Thank you"

From the bottom of my heart, I joined Mr. Koizumi with a thank-you note.

At the end, Professor Koizumi smiled and said:

"In the end, all the descendants of Kunizu God will surrender and pledge allegiance to you, as you can see from history."

He was laughing aloud.

Since then, more than thirty years have passed. When I close my eyes, I still remember that night


It comes back to life.


There is something interesting.

It was, I found many faces in that Isobe Kamutudoi among the people I had met so far. Such a face is still my week

I'm in the siege, and I'm sure they will continue to appear one after another and help me. What I like to meet people is probably discovering that face

Isn't it because it's so much fun?

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apple  登場は4月になる?次期iPad Proに大強化のウワサ

2021-03-19 07:25:13 | デジタル

Image: Chikena/Shutterstock.com


いよいよリリースが近いかと思われていた次期iPad Proですが、ここで新情報、どうやらThunderboltポートやミニLEDディスプレイを搭載するらしいのですが、登場は4月以降になるかも、とのこと。

Bloombergの報道によると、次期iPad Proでは11インチ/12.9インチモデルが存在し、そのデザインは現行モデルのiPad Proと変わらず。またプロセッサには新型の「A14X」が搭載されるとしています。このA14XはMac向けの「M1チップ」と同等の性能とのことで、大幅なパフォーマンスアップが期待ができそうです。

ディスプレイにはバックライトにLEDを採用したミニLED方式が「少なくとも12.9インチモデルには」採用されるとのこと。またThunderboltコネクタを採用することで、外部モニターや外付けドライブ、周辺機器との対応が広がります。現行モデルのiPad ProはUSB-Cポートなので、この点も気になる変更です。そうそう、カメラ性能も向上するそうですよ。

これまで、3月中(あるいは3月23日のイベント)で発表されると予測されていた次期iPad Pro。しかし記事執筆時点(3月18日)でもイベントの招待状がメディア等に送られていないことから、23日のイベントの可能性は低そうです。もしかすると、4月にプレスリリースなどでそっとリリースされるのかもしれませんね。


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今日の運勢 3月19日 Today's fortune March 19

2021-03-19 07:06:13 | 運命学




躍動の週  衰の日

Positive position ... Hope. Creation. Skillful. Skilled. Founded. Start training. The beginning of romance and dating. admission. The beginning of things. Sanctuary. Saint. Visit to religious temples. wedding. Honeymoon.
Reverse position: indecisive. Inappropriate. weakness. unstable. Lack of nerves. Lack of creativity. Cowardice for future plans. Marriage and weddings that are forcibly recommended. A romance that is sluggish due to lack of skill.
Weight commentary
Normal position ... Wrist. Diplomacy. Skill. Clever. disease. pain. loss. disaster. Enemy trap. Confidence. will. Male questioner.

Nine purple Mars day

There are financial problems and difficulties related to women. It may be contrary to people. A day of flashy hardships.

Week of dynamism Day of decline
Days when feelings are unstable and often unwell.
It is easy to get caught up in negative emotions and can lead to illness and injury.
There is also a concern that you will be deceived by sweet words due to mental instability.
Avoid making decisions on this day, no matter how good the story

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