グローバル・タックス研究会 ~Study Group On Global Tax~



2008-04-14 | 国際連帯税&リーディンググループ国際会議
           <前回のソウルでのリーディング・グループ総会 07年9月>

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Dear colleagues,

France is circulating you, as permanent secretariat of the Leading group on solidarity levies to fund development and on behalf of the Senegalese Chair of the Leading group, a draft program for the plenary meeting of the Leading group to be held:
on Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 April 2008,
in Dakar (Senegal), at the Meridien Hotel.

This will provide an opportunity to:
- review our doctrine of innovative financing,
- take stock of the results already achieved,
- explore new perspectives,
- and discuss the input of the Leading group to the preparation of the coming international conference on financing for development, that will take place from 29 November to 2 December 2008 in Doha.

You are encouraged to send your comments on the program, to propose as moderator or panelist for the thematic roundtables and to send non papers on the issues of your interest.

Please confirm your participation not later than 18 April.

Please send your mails to :

- Françoise DIENE

Senegalese contact point
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal
Departement of International Organizations

- Véronique AULAGNON

French contact point
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France
Departement of Economic and Financial Affairs

Practical details regarding accommodation and liaisons between hotels and the place of the meeting will be provided by Senegal directly.

Best regards,

Véronique Aulagnon

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs - France
Permanent secretariat of the Leading group on solidarity levies to fund developement


