グローバル・タックス研究会 ~Study Group On Global Tax~



2007-10-09 | 国際連帯税&リーディンググループ国際会議
                <ソウル会議前のNGOミーティング 9月2日>



                  2007年9月4日 韓国 ソウル


発表: ピーター・ウォール(Peter Wahl)

WEED – 世界経済・生態系・開発(ベルリン)













3rd Plenary Session of the Leading Group on Solidarity Levies to Fund Development – Seoul, Republic of Korea
4th September 2007

Joint closing statement of the NGO Community

delivered by Peter Wahl,
WEED - World Economy, Ecology & Development, Berlin

Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentleman,

The NGO-Community sat together this morning to discuss the outcome of the conference. I am mandated by the entire community here-present to communicate to you the following concerning how we move forward to the UN Financing for Development Conference in Doha next year:

1. The Seoul conference has shown once again, that the Leading Group is an interesting and advanced body among the many diplomatic exercises in the international arena. It has an enormous potential to carry things forward. In the 37th year of the non-fulfilment of the 0.7% target it is truly a light at the end of the tunnel.

In these present political circumstances it is important that this project gains more momen-tum. In particular concerning the FFD-process and the Doha conference the Leading group should live up to its name and play a leading role. Commitment of governments and strong leadership is, therefore, needed. By starting this process you have a responsibility to energise it further. We think, that the proposals which the representative from the French Government has just given from the platform, move us in the right direction.

2. In particular, the implementation of the air ticket levy has been a breakthrough and we urge governments who have not yet declared their participation to consider the introduc-tion of such a tax, even if they participate in a parallel initiative. The stronger this initiative becomes, the greater is its impact on the Doha process.

3. Another positive move exemplifying the potential of the Leading Group is the decision to bring into being the taskforce on tax havens under the leadership of Norway. This is a ma-jor step forward which is warmly welcomed by the NGO community. This is taking up a major structural problem for development and combating poverty.

4. The session on the Currency Transaction Solidarity Levy (CTDL) yesterday was ex-tremely successful and there was a consensus on the technical feasibility of the proposal. It can be implemented unilaterally, currency by currency. There are no realistic ways to circumvent the levy; this includes the trade in derivatives. We ask those who still have doubts, to read the recent studies, which are very convincing. The question is one of politi-cal will and leadership. We urge a country to take the lead with the CTDL taskforce at the earliest possible time.

5. In order to really have impact on the Doha process, we consider it to be absolutely nec-essary to be more focussed. We cannot go to Doha with a shopping list of a dozen pro-posals. This exercise already took place in Monterrey.

However, given the dramatic consequences of climate change on the poor, it might be necessary to take one major environmental project on board.
We have ourselves proposed a CO2 tax. We are open to discussing other ideas, as long as they have a clear and very visible link to combating poverty.

6. Finally, we want to thank once again the Korean government for your hosting of this conference, and also for the support you have given to the NGOs. We are ready to con-tinue cooperation with the Leading Group, both inside the conference rooms and – for us even more importantly – outside in the societies in which we are working.

Thank you for your attention.


