flagburner's blog(仮)


(A) bad black joke(s)

2008-08-17 20:54:44 | おかしな人たち
なんか W.Bush 大統領が、南オセチア問題について説得力のないことを言ってたらしい。
・南オセチア衝突:「隣国の主権侵略」 米大統領、演説で露を非難(2008年8月15日 毎日jp)

・President's Radio Address(2008年8月15日 The White House)

以下、"President's~" から最初の2段落を引用する。
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.
For more than a week, the people of the nation of Georgia have withstood assault from the Russian military.
The world has watched with alarm as Russia invaded a sovereign neighboring state and threatened a democratic government elected by its people.
This act is completely unacceptable to the free nations of the world.

The United States and our allies stand with the people of Georgia and their democratically elected government.
We insist that Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity be respected.
And Moscow must honor its pledge to withdraw its invading forces from all Georgian territory.

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その上、アフガンやイラクを米軍が占領状態に置いてるってことを、W.Bush 大統領は理解してるんだろうか?
W.Bush 大統領がこれを理解していようといまいと、(某サンデーモーニングで寺島さんが言ってたコメントと被るが)とんだブラックジョークだよ。

だが、このラジオ演説でかましたブラックジョークに負けないくらいのきつい冗談を、W.Bush 大統領は15日の朝にのたまっていた模様。
・President Bush Discusses Situation in Georgia (2008年8月15日 The White House)

以下、問題の発言を "President Bush~" から引用しておく。
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We hope Russia's leaders will recognize that a future of cooperation and peace will benefit all parties.
The Cold War is over.
The days of satellite states and spheres of influence are behind us.
A contentious relationship with Russia is not in America's interest.
And a contentious relationship with America is not in Russia's interest.

With its actions in recent days Russia has damaged its credibility and its relations with the nations of the free world.
Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century.
Only Russia can decide whether it will now put itself back on the path of responsible nations, or continue to pursue a policy that promises only confrontation and isolation.
To begin to repair its relations with the United States and Europe and other nations, and to begin restoring its place in the world, Russia must respect the freedom of its neighbors.

Thank you.
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・・・どうも W.Bush 大統領は、自分の政権時代にやってきたことを一切合切忘れてるようだ。
(下手したら、この発言自体 W.Bush 大統領は忘れてるかも)
過去数年間、W.Bush 大統領就任後米政府がやってきたことを踏まえると、自己批判をしてるとも受け取れるが・・・。

グルジアの Mikhail Saakashvili 大統領が一連の W.Bush 大統領の発言を知ったとしたら、どのような感想を抱いたのだろうか?


