HAM radio
DX information
DX news


2010-09-07 06:32:19 | Weblog
from OPDX news

8P, BARBADOS (Update). John, G0OPA, will be active as 8P9LJ from Holetown,St.James Parish, Barbados (NA-021, WLOTA 0999), between September 12th and November 8th. Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.


2010-09-06 06:41:36 | Weblog
from 425DX news

W - Buzz, NI5DX and Al, WD5IQR will be active from Mustang Island
(NA-092) on 17-19 September. They will operate holiday style as
NI5DX/p on SSB, RTTY, CW, and PSK31. QSL via NI5DX.


2010-09-06 06:40:00 | Weblog
from 425DX news

YK - Saad, N5FF will be active again as YK1BA from Damascus, Syria on 6-17 September. He plans to operate CW, SSB and RTTY in his spare
time (between 20-23 UTC, 2-5 UTC and possibly some occasional activities between 12-14 UTC), with a focus on the high bands. QSL via N5FF.


2010-09-06 06:36:52 | Weblog
Ray, K9LUK plans to be active sporadically as K9LUK/VK4 from North Stradbroke island OC-137 between October 8 – 16. Look for Ray to show on 14260. QSL via H/c, direct only.


2010-09-05 17:41:59 | Weblog
from 425DX news

GD - Oliver OE5OHO, Henry OE5HDN and Gerhard OE3GEA will be active as
either MD/homecall and/or MD0XVL (QSL via OE5XVL) from the Isle of
Man (EU-116) on 7-14 September. They will operate holiday style on
the HF bands CW and SB. QSL via home calls, bureau preferred.

PJ5 3 groups under going

2010-09-04 14:23:06 | Weblog
from 425DX news

PJ - David, AH6HY will be active as PJ5/AH6HY from Sint Eustatius
(NA-145) on 6-15 October, and as PJ7/AH6HY from Sint Maarten
(NA-105) on 15-22 October.
PJ - Will, AA4NC will be active as PJ5/AA4NC from Sint Eustatius on 9-15 October, and as PJ7/AA4NC from Sint Maarten on 15-18 October.

PJ5 - Janusz SP6IXF and Wlodek SP6EQZ will be active as PJ5/SP6IXF and
PJ5/SP6EQZ from St.Eustatius (NA-145) from 18 November to 3 December. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-10 metres. QSL
via home calls. A dedicated website is under construction.


2010-09-04 06:19:38 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

ISLE OF MAN, GD. Operators OE5OHO, OE5HDN and OE3GEA will be QRV as
MD/home calls from September 7 to 13. Activity will be holiday
style on all HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL to home calls.


2010-09-04 06:15:44 | Weblog
7X2RO, 7X2EB, 7X2GX, 7X2HF, 7X2DF, 7X0MT and 7X3WPL plan to be active from Pisan Island AF-097 between September 16 to 20th, weather permitting. Look for the group to use 7V2PI. QSL via EA5FL.


2010-09-03 19:33:40 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

MADAGASCAR, 5R. Franck, F4DBJ will be QRV as 5R8HT from September 5 to November 28. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters. QSL to home

VP9 in the RTTY test

2010-09-03 06:30:03 | Weblog
Jamie, WW3S and Ray, ND8L will be in Bermuda for the CQWW RTTY Contest end of September. Contest call to be used is VP9I. Before/after contest activity as VP9/WW3S and VP9/ND8L. QSL via LOTW or to home call with SASE.

PJ5 & PJ7 by AH6HY

2010-09-02 06:55:20 | Weblog
David, AH6HY will be operating from the following anticipated new entities:

*October 6 to 15 – Sint Eustatius (PJ5/AH6DX)
*October 15 to 22 – St Maarten (PJ7/AH6DX)

QSL both via H/c

VK0H in 2013

2010-09-02 06:53:06 | Weblog
Steve VK6IR and Chris VK3FY are in the planning stages to go to Heard Island in February 2013. Operator number is limited to 13. It’s expected that the activation will be for 14 days, whilst travel to and from the island will take 14 days each way. Costs are likely to be in the order of USD$400-500k. Chris, VK3FY explains negotiations have begun with the ships owners and an application has been forwarded to the relevant government department with regards a landing permit.


2010-09-01 17:56:33 | Weblog
For immediate release...

On 2010 August 31 the Refuge Manager at US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS)
notified the Radio Expeditions Inc team that it will receive a permit to conduct
the next DXpedition to Jarvis Island (KH5).

The selection of a team to visit Jarvis is the most recent step in a long
procedure that began in 2009 June with a visit by Radio Expeditions management
team members to the Honolulu FWS office.

The administration of the Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge is
conducted according to goal set in the Comprehensive Conservation Plan, which
was finalized on 2008 Sep 24. You can read this Plan here:

During the first half of 2010 the FWS staff developed a draft "Compatibility
Determination for Amateur Radio Operations at the Jarvis Island National
Wildlife Refuge". This document contains the rules and constraints for
DXpeditions at Jarvis. Simultaneously Radio Expeditions Inc submitted an
initial application for a permit and, together with the owner of the "MV
Braveheart", met again with the refuge management staff in April to discuss
plans, constraints, and options.

The draft compatibility determination was made available on the FWS website
on 2010 June 21 and public comments were solicited. Radio Expeditions Inc was
among the groups commenting on the draft. The public comment period closed on
2010 July 5.

The FWS Honolulu office staff reviewed the comments, made a number of
changes, and submitted a final draft for approval at their regional office in
Portland, Oregon. On 2010 July 28 the final version was released and is
attached to this message. Among the many constraints is the limit of one
DXpedition per 5-year period.

Revised applications for a permit were accepted until a deadline of 2010
August 25. Attached are the application documents submitted by Radio
Expeditions Inc. The constraints in the Compatibility Determination required a
radical restructuring of our plans, reducing both the number of stations and the
time on the air.

Since more than one group submitted an application which met the
requirements of the compatibility determination, a lottery among the qualified
groups was held at the FWS Honolulu office by the refuge manager on 2010 August
30. Radio Expeditions Inc was fortunate to be selected.

Due to the time required to establish the rules for amateur radio operations
in the Refuge, the late selection date, and the lead time required to schedule
and prepare the MV Braveheart, the expedition has been postponed one year until
2011 November. November remains the best month to visit Jarvis Island from a
propagation standpoint, with the largest combination of openings predicted to
Europe on both 160/80 and 12/10 meter bands.

Members of the email distribution list will receive additional messages over
the next few months on the DXpedition plans, including details about how the
project will comply with the many restrictions imposed on amateur radio
operations at Jarvis.