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2010-09-10 06:22:05 | Weblog
November/ December 2010 - Vietnam
From November 26th to December 6th I will be on holidays with my XYL Sabine on Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam . I will be active from 160m to 10m in CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV.

My equipment consists of a transceivers K2, a XV600 , some Lowband Verticals and Dipols, a HF9V, some Beverage antennas as well as a laptop computer.

9X0SP & 9U0A

2010-09-10 06:20:03 | Weblog
October/ November 2010 - Rwanda & Burundi

This year we have chosen for our DXpedition two destinations. The first stop is from Oct 26, 2010 to Nov 2, 2010 in Rwanda, 9X. The second stop is from Nov 2, 2010 to Nov 11, 2010 in Burundi, 9U.

Our callsign in Rwanda will be 9X0SP and in Burundi 9U0A . We will be active with several stations on 160m through 10m on CW, SSB. One station is exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV.


2010-09-10 06:17:45 | Weblog
Steve, M0XVT plans activity from Komandoo Island, Lhaviyani Atoll, Maldives (AS-013) as 8Q7SB beginning September 11 to 18th. He’ll be QRV on 20 & 17m using an FT-817 and Yo-Yo antenna.