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2010-02-12 14:19:29 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

NICARAGUA, YN. Look for operators K8DD, AC8W, KB8TXZ and N8LJ to be QRV as YN2DD, YN2WW, YN2TX and YN2LJ, respectively, from February 16 to 25. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. This includes an entry in the upcoming ARRL DX CW contest as a Multi/Single entry. QSL YN2DD and YN2WW via K8DD, YN2LJ via K8ESQ and YN2TX via KB8TXZ.


2010-02-12 14:17:47 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

AUSTRALIA, VK. Bill, VK4FW will be QRV as VK8MM from Groote Eylandt, IOTA OC-141, beginning February 14 for possibly 7 days.
He will be active using mainly CW. QSL to home call.

T32 new IOTA's

2010-02-12 14:11:55 | Weblog
Major IOTA Dxpedition to the Southern Line Islands lead by Nils-Göran Persson, SM6CAS.

The team comprises Nils – SM6CAS, Steve – G4EDG, Mike – K9AJ and Derek – G3KHZ plus 5 Kiribati Government officers. They will sail on the SV Kwai from Kiritimati approximately 17 March, 2010 returning Kiritimati approx one month later.

IOTA activity is planned from:

* OC-279 Malden Island
* OC-280 Starbuck Island
* OC-281 Caroline Island
* OC-282 Vostok Island

These 4 uninhabited IOTA groups have never been activated.