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2009-07-15 17:51:22 | Weblog
DX World of Ham Radio received news from Silvano, I2YSB of an upcoming IOTA Dxpedition to Ghana. Location will be Abokwa Island AF-084.

Silvano states the 9G5XX team will meet later this week to discuss dates for the activation, which is looking likely to be sometime in November.

All information on 9G5XX will be available by this weekend and can be found at http://www.i2ysb.com/


2009-07-14 06:02:41 | Weblog
Pista/HA5AO (7P8AO), Frosty/K5LBU (7P8CF), Laurent/W0MM (7P8MM), John/9M6XRO (7P8OK) and Ben/DJ0YI (7P8YI) will be active from Lesotho from 29 July to 13 August.
They will have two stations QRV all the time, and a third station might be on for PSK and RTTY.

Activity will be on all bands, with a serious effort on 160 and 80 metres.

QSL 7P8OK via M0URX, others via home calls. The web page for the expedition can be found on the Texas DX Society's site (http://www.tdxs.net/)

VP2V in Dec

2009-07-14 06:00:45 | Weblog
Curt, W3HQ will be active from Virgin Gorda as VP2V/W3HQ between December 4 - 16, 2009.

QRV mainly 160 - 10m during weekends and WARC bands during the week.

CW operation only, QRP 2-way skeds welcome.

QSL via home call


2009-07-13 20:19:01 | Weblog
from OPDX news

A4, OMAN (IOTA Op). Members of the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society
will be activating Suwadi Island (AS-112) as A43SI during the RSGB IOTA
Contest (July 25-26th). QSL only direct to A47RS: P.O. BOX 981,
PC 113 Muscat, OMAN.

New IOTA NA-230

2009-07-12 08:22:32 | Weblog

Cezar VE3LYC will attempt his most difficult operation to date: activating for the first time the Ottawa Islands IOTA NA-230 group in Hudson Bay.
Location of Ottawa Islands, Hudson Bay.

* Name of the specific island and exact dates are not available at this time, but they will be announced a few days in advance of the operation. Cezar seeks to be on the air for 3 full days during the period July 25 to August 10 using the callsign VY0O. Ottawa islands are 12-14 hours away from shore and transportation requires a large boat. This is not a leisure trip. Traditionally unstable weather pattern, unknown local landing conditions, high seas, the presence of ice chunks in the Bay, potential presence of polar bears (since islands are cooled by cold winds in summer), all these and other logistical aspects make this trip extremely challenging. Cezar will work towards a successful attempt, but wants to convey to the island chasers that this operation may be aborted, as safety comes first.

* At this time Cezar seeks group and individual donors who understand and appreciate the difficult and expensive task ahead and are willing to be part of this effort. All those who will contribute financially will be acknowledged. He mentions that past support from EU stations has been disproportionate with their QSO demand (45% of QSOs but only 25% support for VY0A), but hopes that this situation will improve. Direct and bureau QSL instructions will be announced in due course.

* Cezar is desperately trying to find support for this operation. Total estimated cost is just over USD 10k. He doesn’t need any funding in advance, but will do if the expedition is successful.

Best wishes,

Cezar, VE3LYC


2009-07-11 07:35:27 | Weblog
SCOTIA - please also keep a look-out for Guy F5BLC and XYL Claudine who will
begin one of their regular GM-island-hopping vacation from 13 or 14th July,
probably on GIGHA. EU-008/SCOTIA CS23. No detailed itinerary yet but Guy is
looking at various options. Watch this space...

Vy 73 de Andre, GM3VLB


2009-07-11 07:00:44 | Weblog
I am looking to put together a team of operators to do the CQWW SSB contest in October 2010 from Swaziland.

This would be a 10 or 15 day operation with the contest in the middle.

It would be possible to do a multi-2 set up. I don’t think we could do a multi -multi operation.

Let me hear from anyone that might like to go. Will use one call for the contest and the rest of the time you can operate with your own 3DA0 call.


2009-07-11 06:55:31 | Weblog
Tim, M0TDG and Martin, G3ZAY plan to be active from Miquelon (NA-032) as FP/homecall on 24-27 September.

They will operate CW and SSB; low band operation will depend on equipment availability (and airline baggage limits).

QSL via home calls. Martin will also try to activate McNutt’s Island (VE1, NA-126) on 29 September.


2009-07-11 06:17:35 | Weblog
from 425DX news

5V - Franco, I1FQH will be active as 5V7PRF from Togo on 22-31 July.He
plans to operate mostly CW with some SSB on 80-10 metres, running
100 watts to a Spiderbeam for 15, 17 and 20 metres, verticals and
wires for the other bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. He
will upload his log to LoTW and eQSL.cc; updates will be posted to


2009-07-10 06:37:39 | Weblog
from OPDX news

VP9, BERMUDA. Kyle, WA4PGM, will once again be traveling to Bermuda
between July 10-20th. He plans to be active in the IARU, NAQP RTTY,
and CQ VHF Contest. Callsign was not mentioned, but possibly VP9/WA4PGM
or a special callsign for the contests. QSL direct to WA4PGM, please
use PO Box address.


2009-07-10 06:34:40 | Weblog
7P8 Lesotho DXpedition
29 July - 13 August 2009

We will be operating from The Trading Post Lodge in Roma, Lesotho.

Longitude 27.740479 E, Latitude 29.458208 S

Grid square: KG30un

We plan to have 2 full time stations on the air for the entire 14 days,

on 10-160m for SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and possibly some LEO satellite work.

Both stations will be using T-8 Log-periodics thanks to Tennedyne,

and they will be up at about 70 feet plus. There will also be a 40 meter 4 square and

of course the 72 foot vertical will be up for 160/80/30 meters.

We will have a log search page after the conclusion of our operations.


2009-07-10 06:32:09 | Weblog
Bill, N7OU will be active from Chatham Island between 18 - 30 September, 2009 as ZL7/N7OU.

He will be active on 80-10m CW only with 100 watt transceiver and vertical antenna.

QSL via home call


2009-07-09 05:57:48 | Weblog
Lee, F5MUX will be QRV as TK5UX between July 12 - 26.

Active with vertical antenna and barefoot.

Frequently on CW 40m to 10m but also QRV on RTTY.

QSL via F5MUX, eQSL preffered.