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2009-07-30 07:16:04 | Weblog
Laurent, F8BBL will be holidaying in Corsica between August 1st to 15th.

His main QTH will be located inValinco Gulf near Olméto (2A Department - Ajaccio) JN41KQ.

He will use a FT-857 and MP1 vertical antenna. QRV on HF mainly in CW, perhaps a little SSB during his spare time.

* On Aug 6th , around 0900 UTC activity from the Lavezzi islands, EU-164, DIFM TK-011 Loc JN41OI
* On Aug 11th, around 0900 utc, activity from the Sanguinaires, islands, EU-104, DIFM TK-002 Loc JN41HV

QSL via F8BBL, direct or via REF bureau, LoTW


2009-07-30 07:14:40 | Weblog
Steve W7VOA is planning to be QRV in Kabul from time to time during Aug 8 - 21, 2009 with 100w and G5RV antenna on 15, 20 and 40m CW.

Log will be uploaded to LOTW. QSL via K2AU