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3B7C 10万7千QSO’s

2007-09-21 21:17:33 | Weblog
Last QSO in database 2007-09-21 03:57:00

Total QSOs in Database 107666

First QSO: 2007-09-07 20:00:00

Bands: 10M-4628 12M-6007 15M-14937 17M-15848 20M-26105

30M-10831 40M-15587 80M-11304 160M-2419

Modes:PH-40585 CW-62954 RTTY-4127

IOTA OC-284 もうすぐ

2007-09-21 20:11:22 | Weblog
All of the P29 (CT1AGF, Luis; G3KHZ, Derek; G4EDG, Steve; and SM6CVX,
Hans) team members met yesterday morning in Port Moresby, Papua New
Guinea. The team is now in Kokopo, New Britain. They met the
skipper, Rod Pearce, of the Barbarian II on Thursday. Plans are to
set sail for Nukumanu (OC-284) today around 0200Z. It will probably
take about four days of sailing, depending on the weather. Once on
Nukumanu they will be QRV on P29VCX on all bands. Watch their Web
page at www.rep.pt/P29-PapuaNewGuinea/.


2007-09-21 06:04:30 | Weblog
We made three more 160m long path QSOs today at 19/1350-1410, plus two calls copied but not worked.

Unfortunately the noise that we assume is the Dragon was on tonight, interfering with copy a bit.

But with some cooperation from propagation we hope to get more west coast top banders in the log in the days to come.