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2010-06-08 06:28:43 | Weblog
from OPDX news

ZA, ALBANIA (Update)
Chris, HG5XA, will be active as ZA/HA5X from the town of Orikum and a beach on the Bay of Vlora between June 10-24th. Activity will be holiday style, but he plans to activate some lighthouses and/or WFF locations. Please listen to the operator's comments for possible Lighthouse and WFF references, if any. Chris will also focus on some 6 meters and portable battery operations. Also, please remember that this is not a DXpedition, but a family holiday with his XYL Marta, ZA/HA9WM, and twin 5 year old daughters. Operating times will be limited and of lower priority. Chris has now also secured the necessary military and PTT permission to visit and operate from Sazan Island (IOTA EU-169) during this timeframe and will be using the callsign ZA0/HA5X.

Exact date(s) for activating Sazan Island is dependent upon several factors, including weather and family program. Therefore, Chris will try to announce plans of activity on the air or possibly via his Web page. During this mini DXpedition, he will attempt to find electricity or a generator, but if that fails, he will reduce his power and be active as long as he can on battery power. QSL via LoTW and eQSL.

If possible, please DO NOT send QSL cards. Paper QSLs will be available both direct and by the Bureau using the OQRS (Online QSL Request System) to be launched and announced later. Bureau cards will be sent out using GlobalQSL. The Web site for the ZA/HA5X DXpedition is at:


2010-06-08 06:26:23 | Weblog
from OPDX news

A press release from Jarmo, OH2BN, dated June 5th, states: On May 27, 2010, an agreement on the lease of the Russian part of the Saimaa Canal zone to Finland was signed in Lappeenranta, Finland, by the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Finland and the Russian Federation. The new 50 year agreement supersedes the initial lease of 1963 which is due to expire in 2013. The new lease no longer includes Malyj Vysotskij Island, the present R1MV DXCC entity.p The coming into effect of the agreement is subject to ratification by the parliament of Finland and the Russian duma later this year.


2010-06-08 06:23:39 | Weblog
Robert DH8HD, Hans DO3HJW, Olaf DL4HG, Andreas DG3XA and Andreas DL7AT will be active as OZ0TX and OZ/DA0T/P from Mando Island, EU-125 from July 22 – 27. IOTA contest included. QSL via DL7AT.