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2010-04-25 18:55:43 | Weblog
an DJ8NK and Paul F6EXV are happy to announce their upcoming joint adventure as follows :
Callsign : TL0A (guest operation at Christian’s station). 2 stations on simultaneously.
Dates : 13th to 26th of May
Modes : big emphasis on RTTY by Jan, and CW by Paul, Chris will continue his SSB operation and CW/RTTY from time to time after 26th of May.
Bands : 40 through to 6m, maybe some 80/160 (late in the season for low bands, plus it is the rainy season in TL with daily storms). Standard DX frequencies, always SPLIT.

QSL info : direct to qrz.com TL0A’s address.
Neither Jan nor Paul will be able to confirm any contact, so we repeat,
QSL info is ONLY via TL0A.

We are unlikely to have internet access from the station.
There will be no online log.

This operation could not have taken place without Christian’s full support, help and cooperation. We already want to thank him a lot for making this possible to happen. So see you from the Central African Republic.
Chris, TL0A, should definitively leave the Central African Republic in July 2010 and probably turn over to Niger (5U5U) next September.

IS0 by F's in May

2010-04-25 18:52:17 | Weblog
from 425DX news

IS0 - Fourteen operators (F1HRE, F1NGP, F2JD, F4AJQ, F4TTR, F5AGB,
the Radio Club de Provins will be active as IS0R from Isola Rossa,
on the main island of Sardinia (EU-024), on 7-15 May. They will
operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres, with three stations on
the HF bands and one station on 6m. QSL via F5CWU, direct or
bureau. They have a website at is0r.perso.sfr.fr

FM coming soon

2010-04-25 18:50:36 | Weblog
from 425DX news

FM - Nicolas, F5TGR will be active as FM/F5TGR from Martinique (NA-107)
from 25 April to 6 May. He plans to operate holiday style on 40-10
metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

H40 in Oct

2010-04-25 18:49:39 | Weblog
Jacek, SP5DRH and Jerzy, SP3BQ will be active from Pigeon Island, Reef Islands, Temotu Province between 7 to 22 October 2010 as H40KJ and H40BQ. They will focus on 80 & 160, mostly CW. Some RTTY on higher bands. QSL via H/C’s.

ZA in June

2010-04-25 18:48:05 | Weblog
Chris, HG5XA will be active as ZA/HA5X between 10-24 June 2010 from Albania, holiday style. Operation is planned from the town and the beach of Orikum in the Bay of Vlora. Some lighthouse and/or WFF activity might also take place in this period, please listen for operator’s comments on possible LH or WFF references, if any.

This is not a DXpedition, but a family holiday with XYL Marta, ZA/HA9WM and two 5 year old daughters, so time for amateur radio is limited and of lower priority. 50 MHz and portable battery operation will get some special focus. QSL via LoTW and eQSL. If possible, please do not send QSL cards, paper QSL (both direct and bureau) will be available by an OQRS (Online QSL Request System) to be launched and announced later. Bureau cards will be sent out using GlobalQSL.