HAM radio
DX information
DX news


2009-10-23 18:39:14 | Weblog
A31KK is a weekend operation from Fafa Island, Tongatapu Group, OC-049, during CQWW SSB contest 2009 as SOSB 20 meters.

The A31 is a new prefix used since October 2009 for visiting amateurs in Tonga. I think I may be the first one who has use it.

Approved for DXCC

2009-10-23 06:59:13 | Weblog
The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

D2QMN - Angola Current operation
5NØOCH - Nigeria Current Operation (Logs in LoTW)
5NØEME - Nigeria 2009 Operation
FT5GA - Glorioso Island 2009 Operation
TX3A – Chesterfield Island 2009 Operation
T6AB - Afghanistan 2008 and 2009 Operation
T6AF - Afghanistan Current Operation

If you had QSOs rejected in a recent DXCC submission send an e-mail to dxcc@arrl.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it to be placed on the list for an update

73 es DX!

Bill Moore NC1L


2009-10-23 06:43:06 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

PALAU, T8. Kozo, JR8DHE will be QRV as T88KP until October 29.
This includes being an entry in the CQ WW SSB DX contest. QSL to
home call.


2009-10-23 06:40:02 | Weblog
Mac, JA8SLU will return to Mali between November 2 - 23 as TZ6JA. Activity only on SSB.

QSL direct to: Mac Obara, P.O. Box 59, Tama, Tokyo, 206-8691 JAPAN