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DX news


2008-08-20 11:40:45 | Weblog
K3GV, George, plans to be QRV from September 1st to 22nd from Prince
Edward Island (NA-029), Canada as K3GV/VY2. Look for him on or near
the usual IOTA frequencies on 15 and 20 meters. QSL via K3GV, direct
or via the bureau.


2008-08-20 11:39:32 | Weblog
Eight Korean operators will be QRV with special call D9D (Delta Nine
Delta) from Tok Island (AS-045) from September 13 to 18. Activity
will be on 3.5 to 28 MHz on CW, SSB, FSK and PSK31. They could have
as many as four signals on the band at the same time. Team members
include HL2CFY, Kim; DS2GOO, Han; DS2GXU, Kweon; DS2HRE, Lim; 6K2ABX,
Jeong; 6K2BWA, Song; 6K2FNN, Cho; 6K2GDT, Seok. The operators may
also operate with their homecall/5. QSL D9D via 6K2BWA and all others
via their home calls.


2008-08-20 08:18:22 | Weblog
XU7YYY will be active, mainly CW/WARC, from 3-8 September 2008, including All Asian DX SSB contest.

QTH: Sihanoukville, Cambodia

QSL via 7K3BKY. Direct preferred, Buro OK.

73, Yu XU7YYY


2008-08-20 08:16:56 | Weblog
The OM0C Contest Crew is pleased to announce a DXpedition to Suriname PZ. The group of 5 operators will be active from Suriname between 21st and 30st October 2008 on all HF bands (160m-10m), and VHF (6m and 2m) with the accent on low bands, especially 160m and EME on 2m. It will be a very first time EME 2m operation from Suriname.

There are four main objectives:

* To provide the possibility for every amateur radio station in the world, even those running QRP or a very simple antenna, to make at least one contact with Suriname.
* To enable all DXers to put Suriname in their log on 160m.
* To enable VHF DXers to put Suriname in their EME log on 2m.
* Make a best result in CQWW SSB contest 2008.

Please keep fingers crossed and stay tuned for any news.

PZ5Z Crew