

Mount Ngauruhoe, Gods Homeland+Secret of Sakahune-ishi Rock

2014-03-01 16:37:27 | 日記
712+276(Sakafune-ishi Rock)
Gods’ Homeland, Mt. Ngauruhoe, New Zealand + Secrets of Sakafune-ishi Rock, Japan
Now I get more and more convinced that there musr be Something in Mount Nguruhow, which we may call “Gods Homeland”. I show you here why I do so through these videos.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/mosAAkUD4Z0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


(Kinki Area of Japan, which includes Kyoto, Nara and Osaka is the area, planned by Aliens. This is the story about it.)



Mystery of Sakafuneishi Rock (Supplementary)補足、+重大事実



正確に距離、長さ、角度を測定し、皆さんに、その謎と答を、お伝えします。それでもあなたは、酒船石が、ゾロアスター教の儀式のためであったとか、何かの占いやまじないのためであったという説を、信じますか? このビデオでの中で、そうした今までのおかしな常識をくつがえすだけの「事実」をお伝えします。どうか注意深く、ご覧下さい。


This video is a supplementary video about Sakafuneishi, Nara, Japan.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++はやし浩司

There is a very strange rock in Nara, Japan, called "Sakafune-ishi Rock", since it has got a very strange-shaped carvings in its surface.What it is used for and why did Someone carved such and such carvings on it and what does the rock mean?Here is a short story about the rock, but I hope you would watch previous videos I made about the rock.I have already solved all mysteries about this rock and in this video I present you more mysteries about the rock.One is the information about the years when tit was carved i and another one is that the Rock itself was a kind of "Master Planning" for the cities of Nara.Nara is full of ancient mysteries and we have been enchanted so much and so long with this city.And please keep it in your mind that Nara is the oldest city in Japan, and it is no exaggerations to say that the whole history of Japan started here and oldest cultures were born here.The Sakafune-ishi Rock is only one of them, though it is a rather small rock.




The last mysteries of Sakafuneishi have been solved in this Video No 99.
Here in thes Video I have all the mysteries about Sakafune-ishi, Nara, Japan.
Whole copyrights are reserved by Hiroshi Hayashi and I hereby allow anyone of you to use my ideas and copies in any case.

March o1st,2014
Hiroshi Hayashi
Hamamatsu, Japan

ナガルホエ山,Ngauruhoe,Mount Ngauruhoe,酒船石,酒船石の謎,謎の酒船石,はやし浩司,育,教育,林 浩司,林浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,幼児教育、教育評論,幼児教育評論,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,浜松,浜松市,幼児教室,幼児教育,教育評論,謎の点と線,酒船石の謎とその答,謎の解答,酒船石,遺跡の謎の答, answer to the mystery of Sakafune-ishi, Nara, Japa,n酒船石の答,酒船石の解答, hiroshi hayashi ,Hiroshi Hayashi, 謎の点と線, Mystery of Sakafuneishi 酒船石, ミステリー, その答, answer, 酒船石, 謎, 解決, 謎の酒船石, 明日香村岡, 酒船石の謎,はやし浩司 ,Hiroshi Hayashi, 明日香村, 北極から見た地図, 方向指示, 酒船石, 方向指示盤説, 古代, 日本, 文明, 古代文明, 謎, 酒船石の答, 謎の解明酒船石,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******March. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Commandments of Moses' and Buddha’s

2014-03-01 11:21:47 | 日記
Mose and Buddha’s Commandments

Where is Buddha from. This is the first step to solve the mystery.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/sOjr1rM8k9I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

These are facts that I have found by me, Hiroshi Hayashi and no one can use my ideas in any case without my permission, or you shall be accused legally in case you steal my ideas.

March o1st,2014
Hiroshi Hayashi

ブッダ,モーゼ,戒律,十戒,五戒,mose,Buddha,commandments, はやし浩司,Hamamatsu,Japan,Mystery of Japan,Mystery of Tomb Mounds in Japan,謎の古代文明,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Cahokia,Blythe Intaglios,Serpent Mound,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******March. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】