7J3AOZ's Hamlife



2004年09月19日 09時38分27秒 | アマチュア無線
現在、米国などのアマチュア無線家の有志が、ソマリアにアマチュア無線を定着させようと活動をしているようですが、その件を伝えたQRZ.COMの記事(SOMALIA HAM RADIO FRIENDSHIP AND EMERGENCY NETWORK)に対して愚かなコメントを付けた米国人がいます。

Mark A. Holman氏(AB8RU)の発言ですが、腹が立つので全文引用します。

I may have mention this before and I will mention again, since this country Somalia has murdered US Soldiers and did inappropiate things etc.

I will not communicate nor will I want to be associated with this country !

As a American Patriot I will abide by my decision and I hope others will post their comments here in suppourt of what I believe.

Somilia I would rather forget it's existance, will not render aid to this country , nor engage in any aid or assistance or abet for its sole purpose.

to me it's an Enemy of the United States of America, and I hope that the ARRL will post a Ban on Communications forever.

このコメントに同調する愚かな米国アマチュアもかなりいたのですが、ベルギーのBen Deschacht氏(ON7BS)の反論が痛快でした。

So if I understand well, then US hams will not make QSO with Germany, Italy, Iraq, Pakistan, Vietnam, Korea, Japan... I tell you guys, it will be hard to work DXCC with such an attitude. Really, does any one think that these hams have anything to do with that bad behaviour of some of their compatriots You can't accuse every Somalian citizen for the actions done by some maybe 500 citizens. I think the posts above are quite narrow minded.


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