独断偏見妄言録 China's Threat


China's ambition and American awakening

2015年02月05日 21時31分19秒 | 中国
The ultimate aim of China is to dominate the world.
The first sacrifice to that pass will be Japan, and the next may be the United States.
Chinese basic strategy is to cut off Japan-US alliance for avoiding a situation to fight simultaneously with both.

China will threaten American citizen with nuclear attack for preventing intervention of US to the war with Japan. The war of words with stirring up a sense of fear and heating up an antiwar movement in the US has already begun.
Millions of Chinese got into the United States and developed various sabotages for confusing finances and communications as well as stealing military secrets and industrial technologies.

There is very scaring speech told by a Chinese military executive.
Chi Haotian, leading CCP official, argues for exterminating U.S. population.
The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare it for a future massive Chinese colonization. “The War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century” was published on February 15, 2005.

There are enough reasons why China wants to conquer the world.
China’s land is too small for 1,300 million people, polluted by all the filth, troubled by desertification and shortage of water, and too scarce of natural resources.
China is continuing military buildup that is more rapid than the Nazis.

Japanese know the Chinese ambition, cruelty and violence well.
The brutality of Chinese, for example, was proved by the slaughter of 70 million fellow countrymen by Mao Zedong.
The world is coaxed by Chinese appeal for their peaceful development.

However, American prominent China-watchers seemed to notice that they have been deceived by China.

The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower

[February 8, 2015]

China‘s secret plan to topple the US as the world’s superpower
By Larry Getlen February 8, 2015

******the Chinese consider physical battles just one minor aspect of warfare. China’s main weapon, he says, is deception ― the constant appearance of achieving less than they really have and needing our help more than they actually do.******

******The Warring States strategy advises the underdog to keep its intentions secret until sufficient power against the hegemon is both strong and irreversible. Then, it should show its teeth.******

[February 10, 2015]

Top US analyst: We made 5 dangerously wrong assumptions about China
Michael Pillsbury, "The Hundred-Year Marathon"
Feb. 9, 2015

False assumption #1: 
Engagement brings complete cooperation
False assumption #2: 
China is on the road to democracy
False assumption #3: 
China, the fragile flower
False assumption #4: 
China wants to be ― and is ― just like us
False assumption #5: 
China’s hawks are weak

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