

銀河連邦10/7: ファースト・オープンコンタクトに向けて

2010-10-08 08:09:29 | ファーストコンタクト
We are delighted to impart our love and message to your hearts on this day. What an incredible day it is also for it is another day the divine has gifted us to enjoy and to make the most of. Our hearts go out to you all at this time. We witness so much struggle as we watch your world. We witness so many hearts doing their very best with what they have at this time. We see so many more who wander about still seeking the divine in the best way that they can. It is important to maintain patience with whoever you encounter in your day.

We your friends, brothers, sisters and extended family are ever at the ready to make a more definitive move and contact with your world. Everything is now in readiness. There is no longer need to hold back is the approach we now wish to take. So why are we not on your shores already you may ask? We abide by divine will and are carefully awaiting the final go ahead from the one prior to making open contact with your world. In the meantime we are delighted to be able to impart our message to you on this most glorious of days.

The approaching activation of the 10/10/10 sees your planet automatically graduating into a higher gear of ascension. Many planets and suns are assisting the earth in her great break free of duality and her monumentous cleansing. This is forever ongoing. We cannot change what happens on your world apart from immediate action on anything that provides a real danger to this world or it’s people. This coming Sunday the planet begins a new rite of passage.

Earth is in a final balancing process of male meets female. The divine feminine and the divine masculine are rocking your shores. This brings to the surface all unfinished business of the earth and it’s population. Your world leaders are meeting all the time to discuss how contact is going to be managed in your world. The coming activation of the 10th sees a vast new activation of the planet into the higher dimensions. Earth will be more readily open to heaven’s embrace and the full potential of the divine transforming your world.

Get ready beloved friends for the infinite moving your world and all beings on a constant basis now. Dear ones it is time. Earth is ready to move into a higher gear. This is a very monumentous occasion in the earth’s passage. There is so much attention focused on planet earth at this time. The entirety of creation lends it’s full support to your moving fully into the open land of the heart where there is no more malady or affliction. Goodness knows it is time for you all to experience something new.

We feel that you are ready for this. You have done the majority of the transformational work on your light form to prepare you for the coming new crystal earth where angels and the like openly walk the earth. Before you feel we are taking you into a fairytale let us simply say that likening your new earth to your current growth is that wholeness is beginning to step into the life of this planet and all beings here. This is what is ahead of you and we guide you all never to forget this. Until we speak again. We are your friends and humble servants.

The galactic federation. Blessings, Mark.
Galactic Federation Update. By Mark Stearn.


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地球と人類の融合!! (スカイブルー)
2010-10-12 19:54:50
