

これからの世界変革の流れについて(Nesara Canada9/28)

2008-09-30 20:50:37 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
In response to correspondents' asking about seemingly conflicting reports on the internet concerning "deliveries being blocked by Bush" who is also reported to be under House Arrest in the WhiteHouse, by Tom Heneghan today.
ONLY Lady Master Nada can authorize deliveries, on TV, within 72 hours of NESARA's Announcement. She is our Postal Lady in charge of deliveries...and, also Special Prosecutor, appointed by the International Court of Justice, with extraordinary powers to over ride any nation's court decisions and even has authority to dissolve our Supreme Court and order arrests of corrupt judges and others. She has said that no deliveries would take place until it is safe to do so. The banksters & criminal associates in most of the world's inteligence services would otherwise seize the funds and probably eliminate the beneficiaries. That is why that aspect has been placed in the sequence after Announcement and regime changes are made.
In the coming days massive numbers of galactic peaceful family, who have been protecting the planet from the dark renegades' technologies, will be decloaking and will become local communications stations over every city on the planet. You will know who they are by the joy and upliftment you will feel in your heart and core. You already know that feeling and will find yourself remembering it directly. Captain Ashtar and Admiral Sananda will be speaking to all of us at that time, as will others, including Lady Master Nada and St Germain, who are already on the earth awaiting the opportunity to address us over TV & Radio.
Nesara Canada
