

ディスクロージャーのためのアジェンダ2008 (2)

2008-11-17 08:34:38 | NESARA:真の豊かさを求めて
The low-vibration AntiChrist energies of lies, deceit and personal greed, as channelled by the American political establishment (Republican and Democrat), will cease to be sustainable. Undetectable manipulation of the Bush-Cheney-Clinton kind will become increasingly impossible on Earth as the energetic environment of planetary cleansing and ascension raises the dominant vibrations of light throughout the planet. More information about the disintegration of the Bush White House can be found here.
In 2008, there will be a brief, but decisive, worldwide financial collapse starting in Japan as property valuations are revised downwards, and as the yen carry trade unwinds out of control. Corrupt or incompetent banks will cease to trade under their present boards and major shareholders. Particularly vulnerable in this regard are banks and other financial institutions such as Northern Rock (now dead), Paragon, Bradford & Bingley (now dead), Alliance & Leicester (now dead), Barclays Capital, HBOS (now dead), Royal Bank of Scotland, Friends Provident, Moneysupermarket, Peloton Partners LLP, BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Fortis (now dead), Dexia (now dead), ING, Bankgesellschaft Berlin, BayernLB, Deutsche Bank (terminal), Deutsche Postbank, Dresdner, HSH Nordbank, Hypo Real Estate (terminal), IKB Deutsche Industriebank, KfW, SachsenLB (now dead), WestLB, UBS, Glitnir (now dead), Landsbanki (now dead), IceSave (now dead), Kaupthing Edge (now dead), Heritable (now dead), Bank of America, Citibank, JPMorganChase, CSO Partners, Morgan Stanley (terminal), Bear Stearns (now dead), New York Mellon, Blackstone, Carlyle Capital Corporation, Credit Suisse, Bank Julius Baer, LTG Liechtenstein, LLB Liechtenstein, FDIC, KKR Financial Holdings, Lehman Brothers (now dead), Merrill Lynch (now dead), Wachovia (now dead), Wells Fargo, American Express, Moneygram, BankAtlantic Bancorp, Downey Financial, Corus Bankshares, Doral Financial, Oriental Financial, National City, BankUnited Financial, First Horizon National, Colonial Bancgroup, Synovus Financial, Washington Mutual (now dead), Countrywide (now dead), Fannie Mae (now dead), Freddie Mac (now dead), Financial Security Assurance, Istar Financial (terminal), Alesco Financial, First Marblehead, Gramercy Capital, East West Bancorp, Health Net, MF Global, ACA Capital, Ambac Financial, MBIA, FGIC, XL Capital (terminal), AIG (now dead), Allstate, Hartford Financial (terminal), MetLife (terminal), MGIC, PMI Group, FirstFed Financial, Indymac Bancorp (now dead), Regions Financial, Triad Guaranty, Capstead Mortgage, Thornburg Mortgage (terminal), Genworth Financial, National City (terminal), XLCA, Nuveen, SunTrust, Westpac, Al Rajhi, Banque Saudi Fransi, Bank of Israel, Leumi, Hapoalim, Bank of China, ICBC, Japan Post and Sumitomo Mitsui. More about corrupt banking practices in the USA can be found here.
2008 Agenda for Disclosure
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ NESARAへ


2 コメント

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意図的な(以下略)ですか? (justXing)
2008-11-17 16:27:32
影響を受けると予測される金融機関の最後のほうに、 Japan Post and Sumitomo Mitsui.という重要と思われるものがありますが。
意図はありません (flatheat)
2008-11-17 18:22:53