

The music of ancient Sumeri and Japanese Gagaku were the same

2017-09-27 12:39:56 | 真地球史

Listen to the Oldest Song in the World: A Sumerian Hymn Written 3,400 Years Ago


In the early 1950s, archaeologists unearthed several clay tablets from the 14th century B.C.E.. Found, WFMU tells us, “in the ancient Syrian city of Ugarit,” these tablets “contained cuneiform signs in the hurrian language,” which turned out to be the oldest known piece of music ever discovered, a 3,400 year-old cult hymn. Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, professor of Assyriology at the University of California, produced the interpretation above in 1972. (She describes how she arrived at the musical notation—in some technical detail—in this interview.) Since her initial publications in the 60s on the ancient Sumerian tablets and the musical theory found within, other scholars of the ancient world have published their own versions.

The piece, writes Richard Fink in a 1988 Archeologia Musicalis article, confirms a theory that “the 7-note diatonic scale as well as harmony existed 3,400 years ago.” This, Fink tells us, “flies in the face of most musicologist’s views that ancient harmony was virtually non-existent (or even impossible) and the scale only about as old as the Ancient Greeks.” Kilmer’s colleague Richard Crocker claims that the discovery “revolutionized the whole concept of the origin of western music.” So, academic debates aside, what does the oldest song in the world sound like? Listen to a midi version below and hear it for yourself. Doubtless, the midi keyboard was not the Sumerians instrument of choice, but it suffices to give us a sense of this strange composition, though the rhythm of the piece is only a guess.

Kilmer and Crocker published an audio book on vinyl (now on CD) called Sounds From Silence in which they narrate information about ancient Near Eastern music, and, in an accompanying booklet, present photographs and translations of the tablets from which the song above comes. They also give listeners an interpretation of the song, titled “A Hurrian Cult Song from Ancient Ugarit,” performed on a lyre, an instrument likely much closer to what the song’s first audiences heard. Unfortunately, for that version, you’ll have to make a purchase, but you can hear a different lyre interpretation of the song by Michael Levy below, as transcribed by its original discoverer Dr. Richard Dumbrill.

Sumerian slumber ethnicity [Hinano This study]

(Google tlanslation)

I will post as a document.
If so, we are not declaring.


Sumerian slumber
Relationship between Omoto and Sumer

The oldest civilization in human history is said to be Mesopotamiya civilization, but the ethnic Sumeri who built that civilization seems to pronounce English pronunciation (Sumer is pronounced in English, in Latin it is pronounced "smel") It is different from the skeleton of the inhabitants, which is regarded as ethnic misconception, but suddenly disappeared after suddenly appearing, building various civilizations such as school, architecture, agriculture, industry and law, why is it?

Also, in the record, it seems that Sumeri people used the name "Ki En · Gi" to express themselves. This ki · en · gi seems to mean "the land of the Lord of the reed". It seems to have been called from such things as reefed areas, such as Tibaşh in Iraq etc.

That is the feeling that I do not understand the phrase "the mesosphere of Mesopotamiya, Mizuho country of Toyonobashira ..." in the spiritual story. Normally, "Moho country of Toyonobashihara" is the name of Japan described in mythology, so it is irresponsible that Mesopotamia is Mizuho country of Toyonobe, maybe it was called like that once Even if you do not know, I feel. However, the expression seems to be calling not only Mesopotamiya but also the whole world.

In the ancient history of Mr. Wang Nisaburo 's "Ancient World Tales", "Although the dynasty of the country stereotypes Ogami was originally Elllem in Turkey, Yamada Orochi, a fox of Kimo Nine Tails possessed by the Gods, It was also disturbed, finally being pushed into Japan north-east of the earth "is depicted.

The music of ancient Sumeri and Gagaku were the same

As can be seen from the anecdotes that Kuinui is deeply related to Omoto and Ms. Naoko to Mr. Wang Nisaburo every day, it seems that there is a deep link between Otomoto and the Kumiki family. It is said that the character "Kyunpei" which is the crest of the Kuki family is a roots with an ancient Sumerian character "Dingiru". I found an interesting story about that Kuinui family.

In 1960, ancient scores were discovered from clay versions discovered from Mesopotamia's capital city of Um, the capital city of Sumerian civilization, but Ms. Anne, D. Kilmer of the University of California, in a contemporary staff score Successful to reproduce, there was opportunity for critic Mr. Akira Iwata to dub the reproduced music to tape.
When I heard this ancient melody, I felt strangely nostalgic for the first time to listen.

... ... (...) ...
Perhaps it has something to do with Japanese old music. I thought so, I brought this tape and asked Kumon Munetaka, Kuma Mamiya Shinto shrine of Kii Peninsula. As soon as I thought that he began to listen to the tape, Kumaki Koji, who pleasantly greeted me, stopped, "I want you to let the priests listen to them," he said.

When listening to the melody of the tape for about 5 minutes, people of Kukii Shoji and Yuanyi were dissatisfied with the exclamation voice as "differently like traditional gagaku done at our company" differently.

- "Japan's Ancient Dynasty and the Mystery of Sumerian" / Akira Iwata: From the Japanese Literary Companies -
With the circumstances as described above, we will be waiting for a bit more research on the relationship between the Kumiki family and the exit house or the Sumerian people. Because it is thought that Kuinui family is from the military and is an alien group (Amamoto), it is considered to be a transgenic line. In addition, there are also many relics and the like that are thought to have lived in the Tamba and Tango neighborhoods where Taisho originated, as well as religious groups.

Moreover, in "Fuji Literature", it is said that the country Tsutenko came to Japan from Takateno, but since the ancient Takamagahara was in the vicinity of modern Iran and Iraq, if the "Sumerian people If it is true that it is coming to ", I think that this sign is surprised how Mr. Wang Xuzaburo is a big monster.

Sixteen chrysanthemum blossoms appearing in ancient Sumerian

Also, it is often said that "the sun-young ancestor theory", but the symbol of the Emperor "16 chrysanthemum pattern" is used as the emblem of Judea, but in fact other than related to Judea It is found everywhere in the former site of the ancient Sumerian civilization. In other words, regarding the 16th chrysanthemum pattern itself, the scheme of Judea = Japan is somewhat short-circuited.

According to the above Ira-Ira warfare, President Saddam Hussein made a press conference on the battle situation at the official residence of Baghdad, according to the above-mentioned Japanese super ancient dynasty and the mystery of Sumerian, It seems there was an episode.

A reporter in Europe saw that the design of the bracelet of the president is a sixteen chrysanthemum pattern "The emblem of the bracelet worn by the president, Excellency, is very similar to that of the Imperial family in Japan Is there anything related to Japan? "
Then, President Saddam Hussein seems to have answered like this.
"You should study more about the history of ancient Mesopotamia, this emblem is the emblem of the royal family that our ancestors used in the Sumerian dynasty when they built the world's oldest civilization"

Can you see the relationship between ancient Sumerian and Japanese customs?

If the Sumerian people had differentiated into the later Jewish people, Japan, there should be something in common.
1 Fishing method The fishing method carried out in the ancient Persian Gulf includes a ceremony (pentacle star mark: meaning of self-defense) and Dorman (meaning of a lattice mark of 4 rows and 3 sides: meaning of the goddess of the sea) in a headband or a spatula There is a custom to add a pattern, customs only seen in the Persian Gulf and Japan.

2 Stone statue In the early Sumerian dynasty, there is a stone statue that the king's left hand holds the queen's right hand on the ruins and the king's right hand is on the right shoulder of the queen, a statue with exactly the same motif (Dogenojin) seen in Japan .

3 Crest Crest Most of the crests used in Japan are identical to the patterns found from the ruins of Sumer.

4 16 chrysanthemum flower crest In Japan, there are many also seen from the ruins of Sumer (such as the bull's statue of Persepolis), which is used as a symbol of the emperor's family.
As mentioned above, you can list similarities between ancient Sumerian and Japanese from various places. In these designs etc. I think that it is possible to be a product of chance. If you are told that "Designing a chrysanthemum flower or a sun as a motif", it seems that it is not even wonderful that multiple people will coincidentally create similar designs.

However, in the categories related to myths, there is similarity, too, and I think that it is close to mere merely by accident. In ancient times, I think that it is more natural to see that some of the tribes of the Sumerians are transgenic lines that came to Japan, whether or not there was such an event.

Re: Sumerian slumber
Poster Golden Cross Date and Time 04 April 2004 21: 02: 43: mfAWtS4GF8MpY

(Answer to: Re: What is civilization? Poster Golden Cross Date and Time April 05, 2004 16:21:19)

I had an interesting title on the Sumerians in the book I caught at a bit today and I picked it up.
A book published by Gakken, the author is Akira Iwata.
When reading Sumerian Latin, it seems to be called "smell", and it seems to be a slumber (Emperor (Sumeragi (wood = man)) Sumerami (real = female))). It seems that the chrysanthemum pattern of 16 valves is the key.
It was only nodding. interesting.

Related URL

~ Akira Iwata's book



"Hurrian Hymn No. 6" (c.1400 B.C.E.) Ancient Mesopotamian Music Fragment





CARAL, the legacy of Ancient Advanced Civilization

2017-09-27 08:25:42 | 真地球史



June 23, 2010 2:04 am

The following is the first of a series of articles on Peru’s history, incorporating stories from the Peruvian Times archives, as well as links to videos, audio and other external sources to provide a rich background of information. The first section of this series includes 20 articles, to be published in the coming weeks, beginning with the early history of Lima.  

By Paul Goulder

Special to the Peruvian Times

Together with China, India, Egypt, Iraq and Mesoamerica, Peru forged the “cradles of civilization”, the first recognizably urban areas in world history. The photo below (which, although in colour, seems mainly grey reflecting the desert materials of the site in the early morning light) shows the main pyramid and amphitheater, just one part of the complex of constructions (including six truncated, terraced, pyramid platforms) at Caral in the Norte Chico area some 180 kilometers to the north of Lima.

In this part of the special History of Peru series for the Peruvian Times we ask why, when and where did humans first settle in towns and cities in what is now Peru? Was it for security in war or to specialize in trade? Was it mainly all happening around 3000 BC? And why did this take place in the Norte Chico area?

In short, how did early-Peruvians move from a simple nomadic life to forming more complex societies, congregating into urban or semi-urban areas?

Caral stood out as a clear candidate for inclusion in our series not least because it forms part of a greater “complex of formative towns and archaeological sites” (the whole Norte Chico zone) but also because of its current high-standing in the popular imagination.

At the site (see also Part 2, next week) with the competent guide provided by the Caral-Supe project – which trains locals to be amiable, interested as well as interesting commentators as they walk you round – an hour or so is enough to provide an intelligent understanding of Caral’s history. (Bring a wide brimmed sun-hat and comfortable shoes.) Manuel, our guide, was immensely proud of his ancient ancestral heritage and did come from the nearby village of Caral.

Taken as a whole, the zone provides dateable materials stretching even further back than 5,000 years ago. Caral has produced little evidence that people at that stage formed towns or extended settlements as protection against attack, but plenty of evidence of economic specialization and hence exchange and trade (for example making fishing-nets in exchange for fish) associated with unusually long periods of peace.

They had “early khipus”  (well, at least one – the khipu or quipu was a pre-hispanic knotted-string recording device) which could have provided the basis for an accounting system. In Sumeria about the same time the world’s first writing was, indeed, coming on stream using clay tablets but ceramics was not a technique available in Peru until about 1,800 BC thus impeding the easy development of writing. On the other hand writing in Sumeria seems to have been used mainly for “book-keeping”.

Some of these questions are further explored in the BBC Horizon film on the topic. This film is in English though sub-titles are available. In Spanish, some of the most informative videos are from the TV Peru series Sucedió en el Perú (It Happened in Peru). The TV Peru video on Caral includes an interview with the director of the Caral-Supe archaeological project.  The video may also be accessed from the the TV Peru website where, as an added bonus, you can watch TVPeru programs anywhere in the world.

The website of the official excavation and development team under the leadership of Dr Ruth Shady Solis is to be found at http://www.caralperu.gob.pe .  Also, an extended version of this article with footnotes will appear on the http://academia.wikia.com/wiki/History_of_Peru website in approximately ten days following its publication in the Peruvian Times. There is also now a museum at Végueta and organized tours to the “three economically-linked cities” of Caral, Aspero and Vichama, all in the same zone. Again, updated information is available from the Caral website.

Next Week: Part 2 – A Time Tour of five sites – starting at Caral – covering the “foundations” period of Peru’s history from 3000 BC (the first urban areas) to 700 AD (beginnings of the first empires) during which humans invented, discovered, borrowed, created, imported or otherwise dreamt up the knowledge, technologies and arts necessary for the development of advanced complex societies and the first “states” in the Americas.

CARAL, el legado






TOCANA4/23,2017:ピラミッドは“1万2500年前”に“複数の宇宙人”が建造した!? 「3つの新証拠」が考古学の常識を覆す!

2017-09-27 02:22:16 | 真地球史

TOCANA4/23,2017:ピラミッドは“1万2500年前”に“複数の宇宙人”が建造した!? 「3つの新証拠」が考古学の常識を覆す!




ピラミッドは1万2500年前に複数の宇宙人が建造した!? 「3つの新証拠」が考古学の常識を覆す!の画像1


 考古学者にとっては噴飯ものの珍説であるが、UFOコ ミュニティではもはや“常識”となっている。また宇宙考古学の観点からすれば、宇宙人の介入なくしてピラミッドの建設は不可能とさえ言われている。たとえ ば、世界的宇宙考古学者であるジョルジョ・ツォカロス氏は、UFO研究サイト「Legendary Times.com」のインタビューで、古代エジプト文明について次のように語っている。



ピラミッドは1万2500年前に複数の宇宙人が建造した!? 「3つの新証拠」が考古学の常識を覆す!の画像2



 もし、この時代にピラミッドが存在したとすれば、人類ではない高度な知的生命体が建設したと考える他ないだろう。英タブロイド紙「Express」(4月19日付)の記事と、記事内で引用されているUFO研究サイト「The outerworlds」の解説を参考に詳細を見ていこう。


ピラミッドは1万2500年前に複数の宇宙人が建造した!? 「3つの新証拠」が考古学の常識を覆す!の画像3



ピラミッドは1万2500年前に複数の宇宙人が建造した!? 「3つの新証拠」が考古学の常識を覆す!の画像4

画像は「The Outerworlds」より引用



 3つ目は、「3大ピラミッド」の配置である。ちょうど3つのピラミッドの真上に、オリオンのベルト(オリオン座の3つの星、アルニタク・アルニラ ム、ミンタカ)があったのは紀元前1万500年のことだという。これを偶然とみることもできるが、日本神話においても、オリオンのベルトはそれぞれ表筒男 命、中筒男命、底筒男命という神と見られており、極めて重要な星とされてきたことから、超自然的な意図が働いたと考えることもできるだろう。

 如何だっただろうか? トンデモのように感じた読者もいるかもしれないが、以前トカナでもご紹介したように、スフィンクスに至っては80万年前に建造されたとする学説もある。ピラミッドが人類でない何者かにより1万2500年前に建造された可能性も一概には否定できないだろう。

ピラミッドは1万2500年前に複数の宇宙人が建造した!? 「3つの新証拠」が考古学の常識を覆す!の画像5

画像は「The Outerworlds」より引用


参考:「Express」、「The Outerworlds」、ほか


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