

【英語放送】Abe preparing Coup d'Etat安倍が憲法破壊クーデター準備中!

2016年02月14日 20時23分46秒 | 政治・社会
Hello! Everyone!

Thank you very mauch for your attention to my english broadcast form Japan.

Today is Sunday the 14th Feburary 2016 at 07 pm at local time.

My name is Ysuhiko Yamazaki.

I am an independent journalist on media-internet.

I am also a political and social activist.

I am boradcasting in Japansese every day except Saturday and Wednesday by TwitCasting at about 6:30 p.m for more than 3 years and 8 months.

At each broadcast I have about 1,000-1,5000 spectators.

I am also broadcasting in French every Wednesday since the 7th October 2015 for the purpose to talk directly to 220 million Franco-phone people in the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths about Japan and the world.

And I started English broadcast last Sunday the 7 Feburary 2016 for the purposeto talk directly to 1.4 billions of English speaking people in the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths about Japan and the world.

So please read below-after the article in English edited from the scinario of todays 's broadcast.

No1 46m36s http://twitcasting.tv/chateaux1000/movie/242180276


■Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Jiko facsist regime are now preparing "the constitutional destruction Coup d'Etat" under a false name of "the constitutional amendment".


The Jiko facsist regime is the coalition government followed by 17 years and composed by the Liberal-Democrate Parti of Shinzo Abe and the Komei Party controlled at 100% by the religious cult "Soka-Gakkai".


Their objectif of "the constitutional destruction Coup d'Etat" under the false name of "the constitutional amendment" is to revive "the emperor military dictatorship" that has forced Japan in 1890-1945 to the national oppression and to the aggression war to the other countries.

彼らが主張する【憲法改正】という偽の名称で行う【憲法破壊クーデター】の目的は、1890年から1945年にかけて国民弾圧とアジア・太平洋侵 略戦争に日本を駆り立てた【天皇制軍事独裁体制】の復活である。

They are now preparatiing the ottal destruction of the current Constitution by replacing it by the constitutional draft prepared in 2012 by Shinzo AbeMe and hisparty LDP having the same nature of contents of Meiji Constitution.

彼らは今、安倍晋三と自民党が2012年に作成し発表した明治憲法と同じ内容の憲法改正草案を現憲法に差し替えて現憲法の完全な破壊を準備してい るのだ。

The following five basic principles that the current Constitution guarantee to the nationa japasese people are not to be mofified nor ammended like as the "permanent provisions".


The 5 fundamental principles of the Current Constitution


① sovereignty belonging to the nationalpeople


② democracy


③anti-war for peace


④respect of individual freedom and fundamental human rights


⑤peaceful coexistence with neighboring countries


But Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Jiko facsist regime want to chang the 5 basic principles of the current Constitution to the 5 principes of the Meiji Constitution.

しかし安倍晋三ファシスト首相と自公ファシスト政権は、日本国憲法の基本理念をすべて破壊して、自民党憲法改正草案=大日本帝国憲法に差しかえ て、以下のような【天皇制軍事独裁体制】を復活させたいのだ!

The Current Constitutin →

the constitutional draft prepared in 2012 by Shinzo AbeMe and hisparty LDP having the same nature of contents of Meiji Constitution.

日本国憲法 → 自民党憲法改正草案=明治憲法

①sovereignty rests with the people → emperor sovereignty

主権在民 → 天皇主権

②democracy → dictatorship

民主主義 → 独裁

③anti-war for peace → aggression war to other countries

反戦平和 → 他国への侵略戦争

④respect of individual freedom and fundamental human rights → negation of individuality and totalisme and fascisme

個人の自由と基本的人権の尊重 → 個を認めない国家・全体主義

⑤ peaceful coexistence with neighboring countries → military conflict and aggression war to other countrie

隣国との平和共存 → 隣国との敵対から戦争へ

We revolutionary citizens begin to get up to fignt in accordance with the proviions of the Constitution the Article 15 garanteeing to national people "the dismissalrights of public officials". to dismiss all politicians and officials who violated the constitutional the Article 99 obligating them to respect and defendethe current Cosnstitution.

我々戦う【革命派】の市民は、憲法第15条【公務員の選定罷免権】の規定に従い、憲法第99条【憲法順守義務】に違反し憲法破壊を強行するべての 政治家と公務員に対して【選定罷免権】を行使して罷免する闘いに決起するのだ!

We revolutionary citizens begin to stand up to fight in forming the Anti-FascistUnited Front with the 10 million citizens who fought last year against the draftof legislation enabling Japan to join the United States in the war.

我々戦う【革命派】の市民は、昨年日本を米国の戦争に参加できる戦争法案の阻止の闘いに決起した1000万人の市民と共に、【反ファシスト統一戦 線】を結成して闘いに決起するのだ!

【Related article】  【関連記事】

■【Poetry】Who is Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan?


written and published in Japanese by Yasuhiko Yamazaki May 28, 2015


Shinzo Abe is an imbecile.


Shinzo Abe is crazy.


Shinzo Abe is an antisocial personality (psychopath).


Shinzo Abe is addicted to lying.


Shinzo Abe is ignorance of the emperor.


Shinzo Abe is a historical revisionist who bends screws the truth and the fact of history.


Shinzo Abe is a fascist of the extreme right to deny democracy.


Shinzo Abe is a destroyer of the Constitution by the change of interpretation.


Shinzo Abe is trying to replace the Constitution with actualle the old prewar Constitution for the revival of the Imperialle
dictatorship and military in Japan.

安倍晋三は、【憲法改正】の美名のもと日本国憲法を亡きものにして戦前の【大日本帝国憲法】に差し替えて【天皇制軍事独裁体制】復活を夢想する愚 か者である。

Shinzo Abe is an outlaw of law ignored.


Shinzo Abe is a great criminal of National asset misappropriation.


Shinzo Abe is a puppet of the Japan Handlers of United States. He is a traitor to sell the country.


Shinzo Abe is an american agent of Zionist Neocons working to oittberak the Third World Warl.He is a military destructior of world peace.


Shinzo Abe is an agent of the international financial mafia Rothschild working for inducing the financial crisis to destroy the national life.


Shinzo Abe is a paranoia of illusion with a dream of rebirth of the great Empire of Japan like befor War.


Shinzo Abe is a person of discrimination and xenophobia.


Shinzo Abe is a parasite living in 100% on national taxes.


Shinzo Abe is a ruthless and cruel sadist rejoicing our in bullying the weak.


Shinzo Abe is a demon of vengeance.


Shinzo Abe is an obsessed mind behind the grandfather Nobusuke Kishi,


Shinzo Abe is a motner complex.


Shinzo Abe is a kid who desn't know the hardship and the real world.


Shinzo Abe is a mass complex.


Shinzo Abe is a naked king who misunderstands a great personality.




【 Information in Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
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