

【英日語放送】■I've argued so far that "The New Coronavirus"・・・,私はこれまで『新型コロナウイルス』は自然発生ではなく『生物兵器』であると主張してきた。

2020年04月08日 22時15分10秒 | 政治・社会
Hello Everyone! 
みなさん こんばんは!

Thank you very much for your kind attention to my English-Japanese broadcast from Japan.


Today si Wednesday the 08th April 2020 at 9.00 PM in local time.


My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.


I am a japanese independent journalist based on internet media.


I am also a political and social activist.


I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in local time for more than 7 years.


Approximately 1000 persons are watching each time.

I started English-Japanese broadcast by-weekly on Wednesday night from the 7th February 2016 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of
English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.




【the principal subject of today】【今日のメインテーマ】

■I've argued so far that "The New Coronavirus" is not a naturally occurring but a "biological weapon."


I have argued that "the New Coronavirus" was a "biological weapon" developed andmanufactured by "the Illuminati" for the purpose of attacking China and World population reduction by "the World Ruling Class = Rothschild International Financial Mafia".


But here comes another new powerful testimony!


This is "shocking revelations" made by Abdullah Hussein Haroon, a former ForeignMinister and former UN Ambassador of Pakistan to the United Nations (September 2008-October 2012) in his video message on March 26 this year (2020).


【image】Mr.Abdullah Hussain Haroon アブドラ・フセイン・ハルーン氏


▲【YouTube】Abdullah Hussain Haroon shocking revelations on Corona virus (Urdu/Hindi)

【YouTube映像】アブドラ・フセイン・ハルーンのコロナウイルスに関する衝撃的な暴露 (ウルドゥー語/ヒンドゥー語)



Mr. Haroon's video message was spoken in Pakistan's official language "Urdu" andwas subtitled "Hindu" and did not have an English translation, so I could not understand the content, but I found an English news article explaining the contentwhose full text below.


▲Pakistan's former U.N Ambassador‘Exposes" how Coronavirus was created and who is behind


2020.04.02 Maza Inside


(Aricle start)


Abdullah Hussain Haroon, 70, is a Pakistani politician, who served as Foreign Minister of Pakistan. He previously served as the Pakistan Ambassador to the United Nations from September 2008 to October 2012.


As YouTube videos spread information about the spread of the coronavirus in the world, Abdullah Hussain Haroon has shared some wild theories regarding how the coronavirus was created and who is ‘behind’ a pandemic which has killed thousands worldwide.


According to Abdullah Hussain Haroon, Pakistan’s former ambassador to the United Nations, the virus is not natural and was created in a laboratory.


He said the virus was created as a step up to chemical warfare allegedly waged by the United States in Syria. The aim was to create a disease that would spark panic and fear among the people of the world.


The patent for the virus was obtained by an American company Chiron from the US government in 2006. The second aspect of this is that in 2014, they sought a patent in Europe for its vaccine.


The patent would have been granted in a few years, but it wasn’t granted till November 2019, he claimed.

The former ambassador further claimed that the vaccine for the virus was being manufactured in Israel. “Israel has said it would share its patent only with those countries that recognize it as a country,” he alleged.

元国連大使はさらに、ウイルスに対するワクチンはイスラエルで製造されていたと主張した。 「イスラエルは、それを国として認める国とのみ特許を共有すると述べた」と彼は語った。

The former ambassador further said that the reason behind creating the virus was that the US had for many years been worried about China getting ahead and had tried many things to stop it but couldn’t, until now.


Israel is the biggest beneficiary in the mega scheme considering it’s preparing the vaccine for the COVID-19.


The coronavirus was created in a lab in the UK and whose registry was in the US. From there it was sent to a lab in Wuhan via Air Canada. The lab in the UK was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation while the John Hopkins and the Bloomberg School of Public Health in the US had made preparations to dispatch the virus to Wuhan, he said.


The former ambassador also shared his belief that the reason behind the virus being named COVID-19 was because the virus was made with the permission of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the US.


(Article end)




【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
情報発信者 山崎康彦

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