

【英日語ブログ記事】■How to achieve "a society ・・・?「支配と搾取のない社会」「テロと戦争のない社会」「貧困と失業と差別のない社会」を実現するにはどうしたらよいのか?

2017年11月30日 11時41分03秒 | 政治・社会



【Video】 31分12秒



【English-Japanese Blog】


■How to achieve "a society without domination without exploitation","a society without terrorism without war","a society without poverty,without unemployment without discrimination" ?


The society in which we live now is the same in the whole world,"a society with domination and exploitation","a society with terrorism and war","a society with poverty and unemployment and discrimination".


The root cause of such the society is hidden and invisible.


The first thing we should do is find the root cause.


The root cause is "the four privileges of credit creation" that "the world ruling class" and its agent "the ruling class each country monopolize and the enormous wealth they produce.


▲ What are "the four privileges of credit creation"?


1."The Right to Issue Currencies" monopolize by the Central Bank.


2."The Right to Issue Government Bonds" monopolises by the government.


3."The Great Fraud System to create money from nothing = Reserve requirement system " monopolized by the private banks


4."The System of production of money with money = interest rate system" which is always fattening and thickening the banks, the big companies and the rich people.


▲ Those who monopolise "the four privileges of credit creation" dominates all the power of the world and each country!


"The world ruling class" and "the national ruling class of each country" dominate and exploit the people, provoke the terrorism and the war and create poverty, unemployment and discrimination by using the enormous wealth created by the monopolisation of "the four privileges of credit creation" and by using all powers,such as politics, legislation, justice, military, police,finance, economics, masscommunication,education, religion, science and technology.


▲ "The fundamental solution" would be to eliminate "the root cause"


In other words, we should get up to fight to eliminate "the four privileges of credit creation" monopolized by "the worl rulong class"and "the national rulingclass of each country in order to use this wealth for us.

In this way, the society in which we live now will be able to change radically and we will be able to achieve "a society without domination without exploitation","a society without terrorism without war","a society without poverty without unemployment without discrimination".




【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
情報発信者 山崎康彦

