Swiss makes good wine, not only Chasselas but also other varieties. Followings are the one I focused.
Chasslas: Valais is one of the high quality wine producing region in Swiss located east from Lake Leman. Fendant is the synonim of chasselas. Fendant made by Jean Rene Germanier is high quality.
シャスラー:ヴァレーはスイスの高品質ワイン産地の一つ、レマン湖の東に位置する。ファンダンは、この地でのシャスラー種の呼び名、Jean Rene Germanierのものはレベルが高い、
Arvine: There are three Arvine (Grande Arvine, Petit Arvine and Brown Arvine), and it is said brought by Romans to Valais. Is this the same variety slightly used in Champagne? Petit Arvine is the best among all. Jean Rene Germanier is making two types "Arvine" and "Petit Arvine".
アルヴィン:3種類のアルヴィン(Grande Arvine, Petit Arvine and Brown Arvine)が確認できていて、ローマ人がヴァレに持ってきたと言われている。シャンパーニュ地方で少し造られているアルヴァンヌと同一品種であろうか。プティ・アルヴァンヌが3種類の中では一番の高品質。日本未輸入だたJean Rene Germanierはアルヴァンヌとプティ・アルヴァンヌ両方を造る。
Chardonnay: There are surprising Chardonnay bottle. It's not round shape! Bernard Ravet is using this only for Chardonnay, which is good rich chardonnay.
シャルドネ:ボトルの形状が丸ではない、驚くべき瓶の外観。Bernard Ravetの造るシャルドネはリッチで美味。
Pinot / Gamay (Dole): Dole has to be made from 85% of Pinot Noir and/or Gamay. Quite similar to Cru Bojolais.
Gamaret: Gamaret is crossed from Gamay and Reichensteiner B13, by Changins in at La Cote district of Vaud, besides the Lake Leman. Taste is quite close to Gamay.
Syrah: The best from Swiss pavillion. Spicy and fruity aromas with strong atack and length. CAYAS made by Jean Rene Germanier. It is understandable that Syrah can grow well as Valais has some similarity with Northan Rhone.
シラー:スイスパヴィリオンの中で最高のワイン。スパイシーで果実の香りがあふれ出ている。アタックも強く、余韻も長い。Jean Rene Germanierの造るワイン。フランスのローヌからそれほど離れていないのでよいシラーができるのも納得。
Cornalin: Unique rate variety, from Valais.
Merlot: from Geneve, not so strong but well balance.