DX TransPacific in Saitama


TransPacific DXとは太平洋を越えてくる電波をつかまえることです。

Loggings on Nov 14, 2006

2006-11-14 | Loggings 2006-07

All Times in UTC(JST-9)


(_ _,)/~~白旗~
1400から1430くらいにかけて、強めの1680, 1660, 1630, 1580(音楽), 1560, 1540(英語と韓国語?), 1510(英語), 1470kHzなどを聞いてみましたがとても厳しい状態でした。空電の日って、割と信号が強いように思えるのは気のせい、でしょうか。

KNBR will be off the air for 1.5 hrs on Nov 29 ?!

2006-11-14 | Information
KNBR 680khz, San Francisco, CA will be off the air on Tuesday night/Wednesday night around 1AM West Coast for about 1.5 hours on November 29th.
It should be noted that this off air period is tentative, and may be rescheduled without notice...but KNBR is almost never off the air opening up some real DX opportunities for those in the West/Southwest.
(source Les Rayburn ,IRCA Digest, Vol 31, Issue 71)

Re: DX'er Mike Hawkins of ABDX/IRCA spoke with engineers at KNBR and found out some juicy information. KTCT 1050khz, San Francisco, CA will be off the air on Tuesday night at 11PM West Coast Time for about 1.5 hours, on November 29th.

[PST = 0700-0830 UT, but Nov 29 is a Wednesday, so why is Tuesday referred to as 29th? --- gh]
KNBR 680khz, San Francisco, CA will be off the air on Tuesday night/Wednesday night around 1AM West Coast for about 1.5 hours on November 29th.
[PST = 0900-1030 UT; does this mean two consecutive nights, or did you mean /Wednesday morning, which is the 29th?]
Well, at least we have two weeks to sort this out...
(source Glenn Hauser, IRCA Digest, Vol 31, Issue 72)

*2300PST = 0700UTC = 1600JST
*0100PST = 0900UTC = 1800JST