


2024-01-25 21:50:41 | ソマリア関連

BBC Ethiopia open to dialogue over Somaliland deal - official 24 Jan 2024

 友人たちの声に耳を傾けようと思う! 緊張は緩和すべきだね! と国家安全保障のアドバイザー氏からコメント。まあ友好的な関係を維持し、相互に利益を得られるようにしましょうよ、という呼びかけ。

Ethiopian national security adviser Redwan Hussien has said that Addis Ababa was "willing to listen to friends” in a bid to de-escalate tensions with Somalia over a controversial port deal with the self-declared republic of Somaliland.

"As part of our commitment, we shall redouble our effort to ensure a better understanding. Will listen to friends for a possible coordination of efforts lowering rhetoric," Mr Redwan posted on X (formerly Twitter).

"Will continue striving to steadily reach at a conclusion with amicable considerations which benefit all," he added.


On Monday, Mr Redwan criticised meddling by “opportunistic external actors” in the row between Somalia and Ethiopia.

The remarks were perceived as aimed at Egypt, which has warned against threats to Somalia's sovereignty.

 さて当のソマリアは、中部でal Shababと戦闘。

BBC Heavy fighting as Somali forces battle al-Shabab attack 24 Jan 2024 By Ibrahim Mohamed Aden


Heavy fighting is underway in central Somalia after al-Shabab militants attacked military bases in Mudug region.

Eyewitnesses have told the BBC they heard heavy gunfire and explosions at dawn on Wednesday.

The attack reportedly began with a suicide bombing, targeting government special forces.

Galmudug Security Minister Mohamed Abdi Aden told the BBC that troops are still battling the militants in Aad village, where the military bases are located.

The Somali National News Agency (Sonna) reports that the army, with the help of locals, thwarted the attack, "inflicting heavy losses on terrorists".

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