


2019-10-11 15:38:22 | Newsメモ
BBC Tashpolat Tiyip: The Uighur leading geographer who vanished in China 11 October 2019 By Andreas Illmer


Until 2017, Tashpolat Tiyip was a model academic, head of Xinjiang University, globally connected, and with an honorary degree from a prestigious Paris university.

But that year, without warning, he disappeared, with no word from officials. His friends believe that after a secret trial, Prof Tiyip was convicted of separatism and sentenced to death.


Until his disappearance, Tashpolat Tiyip was an esteemed professor of geography at Xinjiang University, which like all Chinese universities is an official state institution.

A member of the local Uighur community in Xinjiang, he had studied geography in his home province, and after a stint in Japan, returned home to his alma mater to teach.

He was also a member of the Chinese Communist Party and in 2010, he became president of Xinjiang University, a position he held until his disappearance.


He never returned home and his friends and relatives were soon questioned over corruption allegations around him.

Eventually, the family heard news he had been convicted of separatism and had received the death penalty, the former colleague explains - but China has never confirmed anything about his case.


Prof Tiyip's friends say contacting loved ones in Xinjiang is difficult and only possible with code words to avoid alerting the authorities, who monitor communications. There are reports of people being detained for even having WhatsApp on their phone.

"When we talk to them, we can't use his name," the former colleague explains. "For instance we have to ask how the patient is, whether the doctors already gave a diagnosis, or whether he's been released from hospital."


Another example is anthropologist Rahile Dawut, also of Xinjiang University.

Like Mr Tiyip, she'd long been praised by Chinese authorities as a model academic, applauded for their integration within the Chinese and global academic context.

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