


2024-07-24 22:13:12 | Newsメモ

BBC Pilot only survivor of Nepal plane crash 2 hours ago

Annabelle Liang and BBC Nepali


Eighteen people were killed after a plane crashed and caught fire while it was taking off from Nepal's capital, Kathmandu.

The pilot, who is currently receiving treatment in hospital, is the only survivor of Wednesday's fatal accident after being rescued from the burning wreckage.

The Saurya Airlines test flight was carrying 17 company employees, including technical staff, as well as two crew members. It was bound for the Himalayan tourism hub of Pokhara in the country's west.


Seventeen of those who died were Nepali, while one was a Yemeni national, who was working as an engineer.

Nepal's aviation industry has a poor safety record that has been attributed to multiple factors over the years, from unpredictable weather to lax regulations.


However, the head of Tribhuvan International Airport said that an initial assessment showed that the plane had flown in the wrong direction.
"As soon as it took off, it turned right, [when it] should have turned left," Mr Niraula told BBC Nepali.

Footage of the incident showed the plane tilting above the runway before crashing into the ground, into flames. It quickly became enveloped in fire and smoke.

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