

災害に耐えられるような作物を作ろう! ―どうやって?

2024-05-11 23:19:14 | Newsメモ

BBC How crops are being disaster-proofed 17 hours ago
Christine Ro


Late blight is an old foe of humans. This disease catalysed the devastating Irish potato famine that began in 1845.

They searched for this trait among so-called crop wild relatives – undomesticated plants that are distantly related to the ones now grown for food.

After finding the disease resistance in potato wild relatives, they crossed the wild plants with cultivated ones. Local farmers then tested the newly developed varieties, voting for the ones they preferred to grow, sell and eat.

 2021の数字の付く新品種は防カビ剤を必要としない! 素晴らしい。

The result is CIP-Matilde, a potato variety released in 2021 that doesn’t require fungicides to stand up to late blight.


For instance, “sometimes women and men, even within the same family, prefer different traits.” Women might be more concerned about taste and nutrition, while men are often more focused on yield.


Traditional crop breeding can be time-consuming and laborious. Brad Ringeisen, the executive director of the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) at the University of California (Berkeley and San Francisco), believes that gene editing using tools like Crispr-Cas9 is the most impactful way of ensuring that crops can withstand disasters.

 しかし遺伝子操作といっても、多くの場合は遺伝子いっことかa geneをknock outするに過ぎなかったりする、別に他の生き物の遺伝子を入れるってわけじゃないんだがねえ、と言うコメントも付される。

“In many cases they’re just knocking out a gene,” Mr Ringeisen says of gene editors. “There’s no foreign DNA.”

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