


2012-03-02 20:35:26 | 社会 
2/29 update: ウィキリークス、ストラトフォー暴露の衝撃(500万通のメールなので時間はかかるが・・・)
投稿者 888(スリーエイト) 日時 2012 年 3 月 01 日 11:35:46: jwMgwr3A1J/pE

ハートの贈りもの 様ブログ

2/29 update: ウィキリークス、ストラトフォー暴露の衝撃



ニューズウィークは、こんな記事を出しています。ここは、見ると、意外に面白い記事を載せていますね。ニューズウィーク、穴場でした。笑) ここも、闇の支配を逃れたのかな?

http://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/business/2012/02/post-2453.php )

http://blog.goo.ne.jp/narudekon/e/ca107ee2fefec70307d77328446a5c0c )




http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2012/02/29/live-blog-wikileaks-releases-the-stratfor-emails-day-3/ )




どちらが、悪いですか? その判断は、公益性を考える、要するに、どちらがより大きい善を為すか、という視点でしかできないのではないかと、私は思います。






Day 1

―Former Goldman Sachs managing director Shea Morenz to start a hedge fund called StratCap. The idea, which Morenz came up with, was that the company would “trade in a range of geopolitical instruments, particularly government bonds, currencies and the like.” Morenz invested more than $4 million and joined Stratfor’s board of directors. They put together an offshore share structure that went “as far as South Africa” Friedman said the fund will be useful and they would be “working on mock portfolios and trades.” And, the fund was to launch in 2012.

―Bhopal activists and The Yes Men were being spied on by the company. In response to activism against Dow Chemical for their role in the 1984 gas disaster in Bhopal, India (which victims have not been properly compensated for yet), the activists were tracked. The company kept track of the Yes Men’s speaking engagements along with mentions of Bhopal activism in the media.

―Coca Cola contracted Stratfor to spy on PETA. The organization, which engages in animal rights activism, was monitored. The soda company feared protests from PETA during the Vancouver Olympics. And so, they sent a list of questions to Stratfor and sought answers. Fred Burton, a former State Department official, responded in one email, “The FBI has a classified investigation on PETA operatives. I’ll see what I can uncover.”

―Vice President Fred Burton, former State Department official, has clear ties to Israel. As Al-Akhbar English’s Yazan al-Saadi details Burton was ”a special agent with the US Diplomatic Security Service and was appointed by Washington to investigate the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane, and a number of bomb plots by al-Qaeda prior to 9/11.” In the emails, his “pro-Israeli sentiments and links to Israeli military and intelligence sectors” are apparent as he argues the Gaza Freedom Flotilla was “funded by questionable sources.” There’s a level of racism in the company toward Palestinians or, in general, Arabs, not to mention the fact that the organization appears to be privy to information on the Mossad’s covert program to assassinate Iranian physicists.

Day 2

―Stratfor VP of Intelligence Fred Burton claimed to have access to a US government “sealed indictment” against Julian Assange. The email read, “We have a sealed indictment on Assange.” The revelation prompted WikiLeaks to respond strongly with a press statement calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to consider resigning if it is true charges against Assange have already been drawn up.

―Stratfor research director believed WikiLeaks’ IP address was being spoofed by someone to get it blocked. In December 2010, days after WikiLeaks had suffered major cyber attacks following the beginning of the Cablegate release, Kevin Stech, release director noticed that someone with the IP address associated with WikiLeaks was “security scanning” Stratfor and looking for “unauthorized web content.” No one in Stratfor thought it could be WikiLeaks because that would be stupid. Stech believed someone was ”spoofing attacks from Wikileaks in order to get their IP address blocked.”

―Israel helped ground drones or UAVs Georgia was using before the 2008 Russia-Georgia conflict. They did this for Russia because, in return, Russia provided codes for Iran’s Tor-M1 air-defense SAMs―missiles. (Full summary of this revelation here.)

―Homeland Security monitored the Occupy movement. Attached in a Stratfor email was a report from Homeland Security on the “risks” and “threats” that the Occupy movement “potentially” posed to “critical infrastructure.” They found there was a “growing threat of violence” because of the large numbers of supporters and the fact that members of Anonymous supported the movement.
