今日、何する? What will I do today?


I never worry about action, but only inaction.

2016年03月29日 08時08分24秒 | 語学
242日/366日 242日目 残り日数 124日

今日の名言・格言・諺(a saying ; a famous saying ; a well-known saying ; a proverb)
[I never worry about action, but only inaction]
Winston Churchill

日常会話・一般会話レベルだけをやっていてもいいのですが、1年後の目標が、ビジネスシーンでも普通に自分の意思を表現できること、相手の言っていることを理解できることであるため、専門用語は不可欠です。従い、P/L、B/Sに関しする専門用語は殆ど習得しておく必要があります。しかし、専門分野(a specialized field (area))の専門語(technical terms)terminologyは覚えやすいのはどうしてなんだろう? 皆さんは、どうですか? 
PwC(PricewaterhouseCoopers)のaudit reportに記載されている専門用語を一週間徹底的に調べて記憶するようにしよう。今日から一週間の課題です。期日は、4月3日日曜日とする。

But I almost had an accident yesterday。
lie (自動詞)lei lay lain ライ
そこが難しいところだ There lies the difficulty.
The greatest charm of traveling lies in its new experiences.
The problem lay heavily upon me.
あなたの人生はこれからだ。 Life (The world) lies before you.
営業外収益  non-operating income (revenue)
営業許可  a business license
営業権 trade rights (droit de pas-de-porte)
営業時間 business hours (heures d'ouverture)
営業実績 business performance : business turnover
営業収入 operating revenue
営業主任 a business manager
営業所 an office, a sales office, a place of business
営業スタッフ a sales staff
営業停止 suspension of a business license
営業費 business expenses, operating costs
営業品目 a business line
営業部 a sales department
営業妨害 obstruction of business
営業報告 a business report
営業方針 business policy (politique commerciale)
営業利益 operating profit
営業不振 mauvaise marche des affaires
固定費 fixed cost
変動費 variable cost
損益分岐点 break-even-point
限界利益 marginal point
限界利益率 contribution margin ratio
勘定科目 items of an account
科目 an item
損益計算書 (P/L) Profit and loss statement, Income statement
キャッシュフロー計算書 cash flow statement
貸借対照表 (B/S) balance sheet
財務活動によるキャッシュフロー cash flow from financing activities
営業活動によるキャッシュフロー cash flow from operating activities
原価計算 cost accounting
直接費 direct cost
間接費 indirect cost
直接原価計算 variable costing
製品原価 product cost
売上原価 product cost
期間原価 period cost
一般管理費 general and administrative expense
売上高当期純利益率 net income
売上高営業利益率 operation profit ratio
売上高経常利益率 ordinary profit ratio, current profit ratio
売上高純利益率 gross income on sales, gross profit ratio
営業外費用 non-operating expenses
特別利益 extraordinary gain
特別損益 extraordinary loss
売上高 sales revenue
会計方針 accounting policy
経常利益 pretax profit, current profit
固定資産 fixed assets
流動資産 current assets
管理会計 managerial accounting
税務会計 tax accounting
財務会計 financial accounting
資本(資本コスト) cost of capital
定額法 straight line method
耐用年数 useful life
残存価格 residual value
会計監査 auditing, auditexamine (audit) accounts (the books)
会計基準 accounting standards
財務諸表 financial statements
enhance the transparency of finacial statements
会社法 company (corporation) law
資本金 capital stock
損益予算 profit&loss budgeting
我慢しなさい Deal with it.
我慢してください。Please deal with it.
それはたいしたことない。 That's no big deal.
たいしたことないよ。 No big deal.
私が対応します。 I'll deal with it.
優先的に処理をする deal with it as priority
難問を処理する deal with a difficult problem
取引する (at, with) deal with
Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
その匂いにはうんざりだ The smell put me off.
次の停留所で下してください。 Please put me off the next stop.
その騒音で勉強に集中できなかった。The noise put me off my studies.
思い立ったが吉日 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
問題の解決を一時保留する to put off the settlement of a problem
嵐の為出発を延期した We put off our departure owing to the storm.
彼女の行動に私たちはドン引きした。 We were put off by her action.(behavior)
Because of his illness, he has forced to put off the meeting.
負けるが勝ち Sometimes defeat means victory.
勝ち負け victory or defeat
当選と落選 a success and a defeat (of an election)
死因 the cause of death
根本原因 the bottom cause, the root cause, an original cause
第一原因 the ultimate cause
それが原因で with that as a cause
何らかの原因で with some cause
直接の原因 an immediate cause
因果関係 the relation between cause and effect
副作用を起こす cause a side effect
病は気から Worry is often the cause of illness
主な原因 the primary cause of something
物事の誘因 the cause of an affair
間接的な原因 an indirect cause
原因は何? What was the cause?
tide  潮
上げ潮  the flowing tide, the incoming tide, the rising tide
引き潮  the outgoing tide
大潮 a flood tide
潮の流れ the drift of the tide
満潮時に(で) at high tide
干潮時に  at low tide
上げ潮だ The tide is at the flood.
潮は引いている The tide is out.
潮がさしてきた The tide is rising.
時勢に従う go (swim) with the tide
時勢に逆らう go (swim) against the tide
潮の干満 the ebb and flow of the tide
潮が引いていた The tide was on (at) the ebb.
潮が上げていた The tide was on (at) the flow.
潮が引き始めていた The tide was receding.
形成が一変する The tide turns.
潮が変わりかけている The tide in on the turn.
harsh : 耳障りな、不快な、どぎつい、ざらざらした、荒い、厳しい、過酷な、残酷な、無情な、とげとげしい、
耳障りな声 a harsh voice
彼女は従業員たちに厳しい She's harsh with (to) her employees.
厳しい訓練 harsh training
あなたは少し厳しいね You're a bit harsh.
耳障りに聞こえる to sound harsh
私の会社の経営は厳しい My company is managerially harsh.
それは彼には厳しすぎる That is too harsh for him.
瞬時に in the blink of an eye
彼は彼女の過失を見逃してやった He blinked at her mistake.
彼女は彼の激しい非難に驚いた She blinked at his sharp rebuke.
rebuke:リビュック V:けん責する、非難する(for) (n)非難
The president rebuked his secretary for misplacing important papers.
非の打ちどころのない、欠点のない without rebuke
The police frustrated their attempt to rob the bank.
A mugger robbed me of my wallet.
強盗 mugger robber(泥棒、強盗) thief (泥棒) burglar(不法目的侵入者、侵入盗犯、押し入り強盗、押し込み)housebreaker 家宅侵入者
当然の昇進  a deserved promotion
当然の deserved
日米関係 the relationship between Japan and the U.S
besides; yet まだ - •besides you あなた以外に -
•Besides, I hurt my waist.
•There's really nothing else besides that.
•No one knows it besides me.
•There was another visitor besides [as well as] me.
•Three others were late besides me.
私のほかにも 3 名遅刻した.
•Moreover [Besides], he is my benefactor.
•a small desk that is placed besides a large desk
•All of us went besides him.
•He has no friends besides me.
•Besides the rain, we experienced heavy winds.
•Besides, it's starting to rain.
•Besides, you lead a charmed life.
•Is anyone coming besides your friends?
•What do you do besides work?
•Besides this, they sell other fire resistant goods and fuel.
•Where do you want to go besides Japan?
•Besides, they gave a fake explanation to the investor.
•What kind of vehicles do you have besides cars?
•Besides, the English class id scheduled for you too.
•Besides, it is necessary that you take the English class.
•Everyone in my family besides me is living in Gunma.
•Who else is going there besides us?
•I watch a lot of other movies besides horror.
•Which languages are you interested in besides English?
•Why kind of languages can you use besides English?
•Do you do any other work besides this?
•Besides this Saturday, when are you free?
•Besides here, there is no place for me to go.
•There are a lot of other stores besides that one.
•There was nothing special today besides school.
•Who besides her would say that?
•He has a wife, and five children besides.
彼は奥さんのほかに 5 人の子供をかかえている.
•I don't want to go; (and) besides, it's raining.
行きたくないし, おまけに雨も降ってるじゃないか.

