


2014-03-02 | 日本 近畿地方

I went to Osaka castle to see Plum brossom with my dog her name Hana before my work.

I went to there with Hana last spring too.twice time.

It was clowdy.same last  year.

I want to took a blue sky photo.

But I can not because it was clowdy day.

I said hana `Sit down` to take a phot.

Hana sat down soon.Hana is very smart dog.

I can take a photo easy and first.

Osaka castle and plum brossom.

Hana worked long way.

She is 15 yeras old. But she is very fine!

I want to come again with Hana after 2 years.


2014-02-20 | 習い事

Camera lesson vol.11

We will go to Meme Pasture.

But snow was too much.Car used nomal tires. 

We can not go to snow way. 

We enjoyed snow play.

We have to go to another place.

We used doll to take a picture.

It is doll s story.

Doll sit down on tree.

Stand in grass land.

hide in tree.

Carry three acorn.

rest on stump.

go down the stairs. 

on the flower.

Down down down ...

hung on rope.

Hide... Search for me!

Like Amanohashidate.

At last arrive in the lake.

I find my dad.

The end.

Next camera lesson will be last lesson.

After camera lesson, We went tp cafe to lunch.

This caffe is Imamura`s recoment resturant.

It was so nice.

I want to go to again.









2014-02-16 | 日本 北陸信越地方

Secound day.


Nigata traditional food buffet.

This days root was Nagaoka→Muikamati→Tokamati

Waiting time We went to Out side of station.

Snow view.

Today s snack is every burger.

It was very nostalgic snack I ate when I was child.

Today We went around the venue far from tokamati. 


Mouse of Totoro had Fallen down.

It was better than mouse is on.

Snow man. 

Kindergarten students have made this snowman. It was very qute.

Eye, nose and mouse of the snowman made from plastic bottle caps.

Big stutue.

The north wind and the sun.

The snowman had cutten someone head.

It is local gourmet food Saba sand.

 Sled was very fun.

It was listed in the Guinness book.

We find local gourmet.

Soba in Tofu fried.


Meat sauce is applied on top of the noodles.


The yogult like rare cheese.


curry noodles.


It name is Obake.

Made from jelly fish.

It was alot of snow day.



2014-02-15 | 日本 北陸信越地方

We went to Tokamamati to see Snow Festival.

when I watch TVshow I see about Tokamati SnowFestival.

I want to go to the festival.

We took Friday night bus.

We arrived at 7am on Saturday in Sanjoutubame Niigata.

By train window.White view.

First time We went to Nagaoka station by train.The middle We transfer Higashisanjou station.

I forgot camera bag in Higashisanjou station.

I noticed this We arrived in Nagaoka station.

We had to return Sanjoustation.

We have loss time.

We will arrive at 9:30am in Tokamati Snow Festival.

But we arrived at about 1 PM.

We have many happening example train stopped at a lot of snow,lost bag,and go to Tokamati station train is not many time a hour a chance.

We waited in Nagaoka station city mall.

Nagaoka city favorite food is Tare KAtu. We ate it and Fufood.

The tare like Temtuyu.

Long Freight train.

Long long time finaly We arrived at Snow festival.

First place was Sukkiri collaboration aria.

We walked around the Tokamati station.

There were many kind of snow statue.


Anpanman was favorit in the festival.

We can see many Anpanman.


Frog and Gold medal.




Terry Ito.


Zoom the face.

It was still many snowing the day. 

The car was bureid in snow.

We were tried to make snow statue.

Thema is Anpanman.

This is the Anpanman. 
It was dificult for us.

body is flat.because we ware very tired to make the statue.

Main aria.

around many kind of food shop.

We ate Salt chanko.

in square museum of art.

The main ivent of the day was canceled to many snow.

The train from Tokyou was stop.

Musitian can not went to Tokamati.

We can see fire works in Tokamati station waiting for a train.

It was very lucky for us.




2014-02-06 | 習い事

Cooking basic class.

Today`s menu is chinise dishes.

Point is fry quickly and preliminary seasoning.

Prepring is important.


2014-02-04 | その他日常

We went to Tofu izakaya with my special school friend.

The izakaya has many kind of Tofu menu. name is Guriguri.

It is probabuly hearthy.We think..Because We ate many food .

She is working same kind of job and near age.

We consult the troble to each other.

We had enjoy time. We were in long time.Date had changed by time.



2014-01-30 | 習い事

Today`s cooking lessom is Tomato olive bread.

This bread is very delicious.

It is the best in the lesson }I have learns until now. 

Becons and olives are entered in. 

The bread is pink because Tomato is inside the dough.


2014-01-26 | 日本 近畿地方

We went to Outlet mall in Sanda.

Because we found travelgoods to around the world.

It was very cold day.

Sometimes it was snowing.

Sanda outlet mall conect at Ion mall.

It is too useful.

Outletmall is outside because too cold but Ionmall is inside because warm.

We found folding shoes.

Usually it is about 4000yen.

this place sell it 2500yen.It is very cheep.

I was very lucky.

Slant cliff bag.

I need stong security bag to around world trip. I will shoulder bag in front side. 

It was little cheeper than netshop.It was 4200yen.

Other I bought long skit,worm under shirt,under wear and glasses.

I bought a pair of glasses for the first time.

Today`s dinner.Udon in all topping.It was huge.

I share my huseben.Enough!

I had enjoy time.


2014-01-23 | その他日常

In the morning I went to postoffice to change postoffice card name.

and changed pass port name.

and I went to book off in near camera lesson place.

This day`s camera lesson point is light.

angle at which the light hits,kind of light,The intensity of the light.

I will finish the class more two lessons.

In the evening I have cooking lesson.

Today`s t is hopoic is how to use vegetables.

How to cut the many kind of vegetables.

This menu was Japanese traditional.

It was very healthy.



2014-01-19 | 世界一周 出発前

We went to many bookoff in Osaka city.

We found 「how to work around the earth」(地球の歩き方)

We want to collect all kind of the world this.

I bought one day free pass ticket to take train.

It is very useful ticket.We can take subway and bus in Osakacity a day.

It is very cheep weekend is 600yen a ticket.

But I losted ticket.because I had to buy a ticket again.

We can found many books.

Todays Dinner was traditional Okinawa food in Taisyou.

Okinawa noodle.



It was all verry derisious.

After dinner,We think go to light up in Osakajou.

But We did not fo to there.

Because today was very cold day.