オリジナル「107ソングブック」  Original  natarsher seven


ディー川の粉屋  There was a jolly miller    踊りましょう おとうさんDance to your daddy

2013-06-11 | natarsher seven

ディー川の粉屋   There was a jolly miller

There was a jolly miller
Lived on the river Dee:
He worked and sang from morn till night,
No lark so blithe as he,
And this the burden of his song
For ever used to be-
“ I jump mejerrime jee!
I care for nobody- no! not I,
Since nobody cares for me.”


踊りましょう おとうさん   Dance to your daddy

Dance to your daddy,
My little laddie,
Dance to your daddy,
My little man.
Thou shalt have a fish,
Thou shalt have a fin,
Thou shalt have a haddock
When the boat comes in;
Thou shalt have a codling
Boiled in a pan -
Dance to your daddy,
My little man.

Dance to your daddy,
My little laddie,
Dance to your daddy,
My little lamb.
When thou art a man
And fit to take a wife,
Thou shalt wed a maid
And love her all your life;
She shall be your lassie,
Thou shalt be her man
Dance to your daddy,
My little lamb.



There was a jolly millerは最初ジョリーミラーと言う人の名前かと思ったら「陽気な粉屋さん」という普通名詞。

Dee riverはスコットランドとウエールズ境界の川。





Dance to your daddyは「お父さんに踊って見せる」歌。


